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  1. Help for a bit of confused player please, I just leveled my marauder to 55 and have all the coms etc to start getting my partizan gear. However before reaching 55 I spent a fortune on level 66 gear when he got to Rank 53. Would it be better keeping this gear and forgoing getting all the new 63 (partizan) gear and with it losing a little expertise with it. As at the moment in warzones I seem to get 1850 expertise as part of the bolster system. Thanks for any help help NOmak
  2. Thanks for the help so far, but could you clarify when I hit 50 I will have all the coms maxed out, is it best to get as many war hero pieces straight away or get the EWH pieces, because i will have been converting them in ready to get to 50. If so what pieces of gear should i get first? Also do you get the money or gear choice with the token, for the full recruit gear? I remember with a patch when recruit gear came out you could trade in the token for about 300 000 Once again thanks for any help on this matter Mojoo:rak_02:
  3. Right ill soon be a new 50 and with that comes the grind for the new pvp armour. If I've maxed out all the RWZ and WZ tokens, what is the gear I should buy first with these tokens to make the grind more bearable? Bearing in mind that pre 50s ive only played lethality and eng builds. Also should I get the money with the token or get a complete set of recruit gear? Any help greatly appreciated Mojoo:rak_02:
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