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10 Good
  1. I love SWTOR. Please hurry and save this game! My first lvl 50 was on Krayiss Obelisk server. I hit lvl 50 with nothing to do. Wait in que times. Nothing would happen. I still had hope and went to the server called "Infinite Empire" which would on average had 150+ players on both the imperial & republic fleet back in January. This has been on a steady decline and now on a prime time Friday and Saturday you can maybe see 25 republic players on the fleet, imperial fleet will have 50 but that is on a decline too. I have a lvl 50 sith sorcerer and a lvl 50 jedi shadow on this server with nothing to do. Especially on the republic side. This is very disappointing. My favorite character to play is my jedi shadow and I put a lot of work into both characters and now this server is dying. How many times can some one switch servers and hope that the new server will sustain a population? Have I misunderstood what Massively Multi-player means? At no time should you log in and see only 25 people on the fleets and only 3-4 people per world. I would love to be able to log on this game and have 500 people on both imperial & republic fleet and be able to type LFG(whatever HM FP, OPS, or PvP) and get 3-4 whispers. This has been my favorite game ever; I love the character creation, the way melee combat interacts, a lot of the abilities are cool... The list can go on. The problem is not what bioware has done with the game. The problem is what they are NOT doing; I have 4 requests that I think can save this game; #1 Less servers / server merges #2 Cross server PvP #3 Allow speeders or cars to be flown anywhere (in the sky like the mounts on WOW) and increase the speed. #4 Allow character creation for you to be able to adjust your height to whatever size, not just 4 set sizes. Even SW galaxies a 10 year old game you were able to adjust your height, weight, and muscle tone to make your character how you wanted.
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