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Everything posted by Zindel-

  1. Hey, just looking for some advice. I've been playing as a darkness assassin for awhile, but have been using a lot of stalker battlemaster equipment to boost my dps. Right now I'm in all battlemaster with both my ranked and non ranked coms maxed out. I'm excited to buy my war hero gear when the patch comes out but, as it stands now, I'm wearing almost exactly a fifty fifty split between survivor gear and stalker gear. I'm torn between going pure tank or if there is a viable way to remain defensively orientated while doing moderate amounts of damage. Just wondering, do you guys think it is more practical to go all tank for PvP, or if you think I should try the hybrid, how should I go about gearing myself up? Thanks for any advice in advance!
  2. /signed I did Thana's entire story arch while playing with a buddy of mine. His stone cold, sociopathic SW was determined to kill Thana the first chance he had (he does that with every character that is killable, it can get old quick). My glib tongued, flirtatious SI on the other hand went out of his way to try and keep Thana alive, while all the while attempting to be as snarky as possible to her. The dialogue between her, my friend's SW, and my SI was priceless. Thana hates both of us, but has no clue that one is totally out for her blood while the other is trying to save her. Even though my buddy managed to trap her in the cell, I saved her in the end. The entire thing was one of the most amusing aspects of the game. I'd love to get into more shenanigans with that insane girl!
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