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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. How can a Sniper SNIPE without using an actual functional sniper rifle though?


    The same way that gunslingers have the exact same range using two pistols, I assume. :rolleyes:


    Honestly, sniper is the only class it makes sense for (functionally speaking.) Shadows/Assassins may equip a single blade, but they lose access to some abilities. Commandos may equip a blaster rifle, but they lose access to some abilities.


    Last I checked, snipers don't lose abilities when they equip a blaster rifle. They just lose damage. There are certainly no sniper rifle/blaster rifle animation conflicts.


    Fix the issue with default color crystals, and I'll be fairly happy with outfitter as it exists on PTS.

    Right, I wouldn't really expect it in other areas. For snipers though it simply allows more cosmetic options without messing anything else up. A few days ago I had made a similar post on the PTS announcement thread for weapon outfitter about snipers specifically. So I'm happy to see it turned out how I was hoping.

  2. as a Sniper can use a Blaster Rifle in the outfitter even with a Sniper Equipped.


    I don't have PTS downloaded, but this is wonderful if this is how it's working. Exactly what I was hoping for since there's a lot of blaster rifles in the game I prefer the look of to the sniper rifles. Please keep it this way.

  3. One thing I'd really love to see, if it's technically feasible, is to be able to cosmetically equip blaster rifles over top of (actually equipped) sniper rifles. Unlike other weapon types, these two weapons share the exact same holding positions, animations, etc, and equipping a blaster rifle doesn't prevent any sniper abilities from being used. It does however lead to a small damage decrease which is unfortunate. I quite like a lot of the blaster rifles in game better than a lot of sniper rifles, but I don't like having to give up that small bit of extra damage for it. It would be great if this could be a remedy for that. Don't see it working with any other weapon types, but with blaster rifles and sniper rifles being near identical, and snipers already being able to freely equip both, it made me wonder of this possibility as an exception.
  4. The worst part about Vanguard compared to PT is high impact bolt...


    Rail shot on a PT is quite possibly one of the most satisfying abilities in the game to use. The strong animation, equally strong sound effect, it just feels powerful every time you use it.


    High impact bolt on the other hand...looks and sounds terribly weak in comparison. Despite being the exact same ability numbers wise, it's just such a pitiful ability in comparison to rail shot. Not at all satisfying to use. Terribly designed animation/sound wise.


    Though PT definitely loses with deadly onslaught. Trading Death From Above for that was the worst trade deal in the history of trades, maybe ever. I'm still mad about that and the fact that magnetic blast even exists.

  5. I've had some fun being able to add sniper as a combat style to my old PT, and I have been enjoying the convenience of loadouts. Aside from that though I'm certainly having less fun overall, and besides being able to mix and match combat styles with origin stories, most classes/specs are less fun than they were before. So many of the removed skills/abilities just feel nonsensical. My PT was more fun like a year after launch than it is after 10 years of work done to it. Same for my Shadow.


    Leveling is just a terrible experience. I made a new Agent as a Scoundrel/Commando, just got to level 50 the other day and the whole thing just felt so slow. Like I was being drip fed a skill or ability here and there, but was mostly being starved. The earlier levels saw that I basically had no resources and had to spam the basic attack at times. Even at 50 my toolkit feels so incomplete. Some characters I was in the process of leveling before 7.0 just lost stuff that they won't get back for 15-20 levels. I can't think of any positive change to the leveling experience.


    I feel no incentive to get gear right now either. It's not fun, feels as if it's going to take forever, and I'm still sitting here wondering what I'm even supposed to do with it when I get it? It doesn't feel like there is anything to do except get gear for the sake of getting it.


    I want to play the game, but I feel like I'm having to look for things to do so that I can keep playing rather than having a lot on my plate, which is the opposite of how it should be so soon after the release of an "expansion".

  6. I think Sniper/Slinger definitely at least need more survivability than they've got right now. Low survivability was particularly noticeable today just doing the Zakuul arena for the Seasons weekly. Granted some of those fights are a lot more melee friendly, and I'm still improving as a sniper, but even so it was like a night and day difference switching back to PT to get that done. Barely even had to watch my health as PT, but as a sniper some fights were just a total struggle because I barely had anything to help keep me alive. There needs to be some form of self healing at least.
  7. More than anything else I'd just like to see some class skills/abilities restored. Even if it's not 100% of them (though I'd prefer that) I'd like to get some things back. I feel as if a lot of the abilities removed didn't really "reduce the bloat" anything, as they were unique skills not really covered by other ones. Besides some ability loss making classes less effective, some just straight up make the class less fun to play, and have less flavor. Sometimes it's ok to have less useful abilities if they still offer fun, particularly around landscape and story mode content which is where the majority of play time takes place for many players.


    Some other things removed, like some passives, really just...seem as if they were removed for no reason. What immediately comes to mind the most is healing in cover/for rolling on Sniper/GS. We now have absolutely no way to heal ourselves at all, and combined with the loss of some other skills, survivability has taken too much of a hit. Please reconsider on these heals especially.

  8. For me the ability pruning is by far and away the worst part about this update. Even more so when you consider that some classes got hit by it much worse than others. But even for classes that are still fairly well off, they aren't as fun to play anymore. Out of all the things that they could have spent time on, making classes less fun, less engaging and simpler was about the last thing we should have gotten.


    Being able to have two combat styles, and mix and match them with any story is such a fun feature, but it's just really been dampened and dulled by having classes lose so much.


    It seems like over time they just want to make classes as boring and plain as can be. Why not just have three skills on our toolbar labeled "attack" "defend" and "heal" at this point? Or for some classes just "attack" and "defend" since you decided to take all their healing away......... :wea_09: ........ :csw_blaster::csw_blaster:

  9. I just want to say I miss project. It was one of my favorite abilities in the game, especially when it double procced, and its replacement in infiltration is so lame in comparison. It was always so much fun to see what you were going to pull out from the ground. A rock? A holocron? How about a whole droid? But nope, now it just gets replaced with a generic, boring lightsaber spin. How original...
  10. Been kinda bored with PVP given the state of it. Haven't done it in about a week but decided hey let's do a few matches on my Shadow I'm leveling.


    First experience was an arena match with my team all being sub level 60, one healer, vs a full team of lvl 70+ with two healers.


    Very next match was again another arena, team 1, lower level all DPS vs team 2, higher level 3 DPS and a Commando healer.


    Didn't even bother trying to do a third match.


    Really fun stuff. The matchmaking in this game is just top tier, especially in the low and mid level ranges. Definitely don't do anything to change it, it's perfect as it is to help people both learn the ropes when they're new, and give exciting and competitive matches for people just leveling new characters.

  11. When it comes to sound design the weapons in this game are often very lacking, and pistols get the worst end of it in my opinion. I honestly can't think of a pistol I really like the sound of. There's only a couple of blaster rifles that I like the sound of too. Lightsabers are easier because there's a handful that have the same or similar sounds to the films, though even then there's a lot of bad ones in the bunch, or ones with nice appearances and bad sound.


    Why not just let us choose our sound in the same way we can choose color crystals? Like a drop down menu or something with various choices. At the very least, sound in the preview window. For some of us the sound is even more important than how the weapon looks. Yet we can't preview that, and often find ourselves with weapons we like the look of, but not the sound of.


    At least the DT-11 doesn't have this sound though....https://youtu.be/2df3kuTXSCE

    Boggles my mind on how that sound made it into the game.

  12. I want Powertech to feel more like a bounty hunter, especially AP. Over the years all the changes have added up to the point where honestly the class doesn't feel like much of a BH to me, and has lost much of its iconic status. Pyro is only slightly better in this regard, but not by much.


    Magnetic blast and energy burst are not interesting or iconic in any way. The animations are boring and look more like a generic sci-fi attack than something from Star Wars. Deadly onslaught feels more like a heavy infantry than a BH. Death from above was the coolest ability in the whole game, and highly iconic, in comparison.


    There is no more channeled flamethrower, and searing wave, quick and boring as it is, isn't even really utilized in AP, and neither is flame sweep. I guess you can use a flamethrower in Pyro, but the channeled one was really what sold it. Not to mention typically BHs tend to use the flamethrower sparingly when it's useful, not as a main weapon.


    Our oh so useful single pistol is used for exactly one standard attack, and otherwise forgotten. The wrist mounted attacks are way overdone. Just how many gadgets can you fit in one bracer? The only two abilities that make me feel like a BH at all are jet charge and grapple. Otherwise I honestly feel like just as much of a BH dressing up a vanguard as one. Using a rifle is at least more iconic than 90% of PT abilities.


    Also the leveling experience as a PT/Vanguard is awful. For a good while you have no way to manage resources, no good gap closer, very little survivability, and mediocre damage. They take a lot longer to bloom and come into their own than many other classes. That needs to be looked into.

  13. When I made a new character recently I was so amused by the fact that you can't even complete the "Intro to warzones" quest unless you win the warzone.


    If you pick that quest up as soon as you get to the fleet you're probably around level 11-15 or so. You have no ear, implant, or relics slotted. So not only do you have almost no skills or abilities, you also aren't going to get a full bolster either because you have missing slots. The intro quest gives you those pieces, but you can't just participate in a warzone to complete the quest.


    Imagine you're a new player who just wants to try a warzone, you get put into a badly matchmade arena, stomped in about 10 seconds, twice, and you have to keep doing that until you get a team that can carry you to a win so you can complete an intro quest. That's really going to convince new players to get into PVP.


    The matchmaking system isn't nearly good enough to justify the required win for dailies. It's especially bad in low and mid level brackets. I'm sure we've all had the experience at some point, maybe frequently, where no matter how many WZs we que for we continuously get put on "that team", that just can't win no matter what, over and over, making the daily take ages.

  14. I submitted a ticket to restore a character and was told the character was found and asked to confirm if it was the right one. I replied via email, confirming it was, but going in game I didn't see the character there, and the ticket was closed. Is that normal? Shouldn't the ticket be open still if I was told the character could be, but he hasn't yet? Do I need to submit another one? Unsure how this process works.
  15. Had a hypergate today where the opposing team had 3 operatives and 1 Scoundrel. Our team had zero. That was a whole lot of fun.


    Also the roll in huttball is just....:rolleyes:


    The roll is what needs to be looked at. It's that, in combination with everything else they have, in where the problem lies in my opinion.

  16. The claim that the developers can easily remove weapon restrictions is an assumption we don’t have much evidence for. We have, basically, no idea what the underlying code behind class weapon restrictions looks like and what spaghetti code it might be tied to.


    I mean, I wouldn’t mind relaxing the weapon restrictions, but I also just don’t really get why people mind so much.


    I never made a claim that developers could easily remove weapon restrictions. I did say that it may be easier on certain classes, and that those are the ones that they should start with to see how it would go. I said Operatives could be adapted to pistols easily- meaning from an animation and ability standpoint having a rifle isn't an integral part of their skills in the same way that two sabers are for a sentinel.


    It's fine if you don't get it, different people enjoy the game for different reasons. For a lot of us though, character customization is a big reason we enjoy it, and the type of weapon you can use is a big part of that.

  17. I really do wish they'd finally let some classes use alternative weapons. It may not work with all of them, but it would with some of them. That would at least be a start. Powertech, as an example, literally only uses its blaster with the basic attack. It's mostly just cosmetic. There wouldn't even need to be any new animations. Just give them blaster rifle certification. Commando can already use blaster rifles, they just need to remove the cannon requirement on a few skills. Operative could very easily be adapted to carrying a pistol, etc.


    At this point with all cartel armor being adaptive and any class being able to use any piece, the idea that a certain class uses certain equipment, or looks a certain way, is long since dead anyway. They realized early on they'd sell more armor if any class could use any set, and the same would be true if more classes could use certain weapons. Again just start with the few easy ones, and go from there based on what's feasible. It is a shame that such a nice rifle was put in game but essentially only two classes can really make good use of it.

  18. PT use to be my favorite class. I find it to be a pretty meh class after the changes. Hate the replacement for flamethrower, and despise the replacement for death from above. Both animations are terrible, and don't function as well in my opinion. Also, rail shot 30m needs to be restored. Can't fathom how they thought these changes would make the class more fun.
  19. Indeed. Weapons/abilities is the only thing left distinguishing the classes. In terms of the much acclaimed and praised story, class identity has been dying since 3.0 and dead since 4.0.


    Without weapons/abilities being class-specific, the whole idea of classes dies completely.


    In any MMO, the abilities and roles of a class are what define it. In other games, if my paladin can equip either a sword or an axe, but a warrior can also equip a sword or an axe, that doesn't mean they are the same. It would be no different here. Shadows/Sins would still be sneaking and stabbing, bounty hunters would still be using rockets and flamethrowers, sorcs and sages would still be using the force from afar, Troopers would still be using plasma and grenades, scoundrels still shotguns and operatives still knives. All of these things would still keep the classes defined because many abilities are not tied directly to the weapon. There would still be a point to classes. My BH using a rifle doesn't make him more like a trooper, and an operative with a pistol doesn't become like a smuggler.


    I totally agree that class identity is dead, from an aesthetic point of view that's one of my points here. If they are going to do what they did with armor, and emphasize personal customization over making your class identity strong, then they should polish that as much as they can so you can personalize your experience.


    It really wouldn't be that hard to be able to tell what class somebody is. We've all seen Commandos and Snipers using normal rifles before, even if it's not common, it's there. I never once confused one for an operative or a vanguard in combat, and I doubt anybody else has either.

  20. I don't think opening up weapon types is necessary at all and it may actually do more harm than good. The ability for specific classes to only use specific weapons is quite common in MMOs for a reason. Specific weapons are a fundamental part of class fantasy and this connection between class and weapon type arguably creates a fantasy for the specific weapon type as well. When you see a double bladed saber you immediately know what class that is and subsequently you associate the saber with that class. A double bladed saber isn't just a lightsaber, its a lightsaber specifically for a stealthy assassin. You can say the same for other weapons as well, two 1h sabers, assault cannons, etc. Allowing classes to use weapons that were previously exclusive to other classes does in fact take something away from the fantasy of those previous classes.


    Also, many class abilities were designed with specific weapons in mind. Everything from certain ability names to the animations of those abilities are either thematically dependent on specific weapons or outright require them in order to use the ability. A decent amount of development time would have to be spent on dealing with these issues. This is development time that could be spent on creating new content and other more constructive projects for the game.


    Regardless of how anyone feels about this issue, I think we should all admit that it is very controversial and if something like this were to be implemented there would be a lot of unhappy people. The question is, are you ok with the devs spending development time on something that isn't necessary at all and that you know a lot of people will be unhappy with? Why not just add more weapons of existing types but with more unique looks to them?






    I want to point out that just because we have the ability to use armor that looks like it belongs to another class doesn't mean we should go all the way and do the same for weapons. This is a slippery slope fallacy. And armor doesn't even have the same animation requirements as weapons or affect ability usage in any way.


    And you have to realize that even though we have this ability to use all this fancy armor, the majority of the time you still see people using armor that fits the fantasy for their class. You rarely see Troopers or Agents running around in full Jedi robes. The exceptions are when people use combinations of armor from different "themes" and/or dye them to look like it fits the class they're playing. If you want the class you're playing to legitimately look like a different class then why not just play a different class?


    Class symbols are available as an option above nameplates. If you enable them you can immediately tell what class it is without even seeing their weapon. Weapon restrictions are common in MMO's, but it's not common to literally be able to use 1 thing and nothing else. Usually you can at least choose between a couple of different things, just not everything. That's exactly what I proposed in my OP. There would still be restrictions, you would just have 2, or in a couple of cases 3, options instead of only 1. Did you read what I originally posted about that and the animation problem?


    EDIT: Also I'm not sure where you're playing, but I feel as if on Ebon Hawk it's very common to see people dressed like another class. I think when it comes to class identity armor is just as important, if not even more important, to distinction. Like I pointed out before, what's more sith like? A juggernaut in black armor with a double bladed lightsaber, or a juggernaut in a pink bikini with a single bladed? One is possible in game, the other is not :p

  21. weapon make class unique , because weapon has special abilitie for said weapon . You can't backstab with one Lightsaber or go stealthy . Can you now ?


    They would have to change stuff around .


    while I agree with you for armor . It isn't true though . Every damn Trooper I see look like a real Trooper lol


    Adaptive armor doesn't take away what you are supposed to be . Then you also forgot the cutscene issue . Would a Jugg holding 2 blades would appear proprely in cutscene ? I heard that if you change Lana crystal , it won't show up .


    But I stand by my point . One things I hate in others MMO (Like Guild Wars 2) is that any specie can be ANY CLASS . it's sooo Boring . That's one thing I loved about baldur's Gates 2 SOA . I could be this class and be restricted . A thief won't throwing around spell just to look good . A Druid won't start wearing a Paladin Shield just cose it look awesome .


    well you get the idea...


    Actually one lightsaber would be technically more convenient for sneaking around because it's less weight and size to carry. You only stab with one end of the lightsaber, so there's no reason you couldn't stab somebody with a single blade. The riposte animation would actually fit perfect as an example of how it would work just fine.


    Any species can be any class in this game though. How would a bounty hunter with a rifle not look good, or not make sense? A sith Juggernaut with a double bladed saber and black armor looks a lot more like a Sith than one who has 1 lightsaber and a pink bikini on.


    I'm not sure if you read my whole post though since I never suggested Juggs being able to use 2 sabers, nor all classes being able to use all weapons. I still had restrictions, just 1 or 2 extra options (that still made sense mostly). Most cutscenes only utilize one lightsaber, even on Marauders, but if they did happen to use both then the animation for both is already in the game for Marauder. So that animation would just need to be applied to Jugg for the cutscene. But even then classes like Agent and Trooper just pull a pistol out often rather than their normal weapon, so that's not a big deal anyway.


    I understand your opinion, and I appreciate it being presented in a reasonable way and not a flame way. But I still can't help to think that it would only make characters more unique since you can personalize them your own way even more so than you already can.

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