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  1. Yes, AslaBoga the median. Not the mean or the mode. I am willing to concede to the fact there will be a few guilds that have 100+ million. I even remember a few guilds after GB launch had 300+ million because they had members taking advantage of the vendor that refunded items and credits. Then the members overloaded the banks. I guess I am looking at the totality. If the ships start at 10 mil it is very accessible for pvp only guilds that don't farm money. And what about the small 30 man guild that on a busy night have 5-8 players online. Considering my guild has 500 toons and 240+ paying accts. And most nights there are 30+ people online at any given hour, and it still is a grind to get folks to pitch in for the full ship (140 mil). I also understand that the 35 million we have raised have all come from about the same 10-12 players. If it was Biowares idea to use it as a credit sink, it has already failed. These folks are generating the funds from dailies, so they are making "new money." Remember there are strongholds to buy as well. So I really feel for the smaller guilds with a few tight friends that aren't going to want to dissolve into a larger guild. The benefits of the ship will always be beyond their grasp. For our guild it's just prioritizing time. Do we log in and do pvp dailies or grind money? Right now we we grinding out the money.
  2. 50 million on the PTS for the basic ship. I'm told the full ship with all the bells N whistles is 140 million on the PTS.
  3. Okay, the cost on the PTS is 50 mil for the guild ships and I believe 140 mil for the guild ship with extra rooms etc. This cost was supposed to have been determined by the DEVs monitoring the average balances of guild banks on the servers. I'm in a guild with 280+ active accounts and 500 toons that is two years old. And our average balance for the last year has been shy of 8 million. I have told to other guys other the server and they say their guild have 2-7 million in the bank. Since this is a "average," this tells me most guild have a running daily balance of over 100 million? I doubt it. It will be a struggle to get the 50 million by my guild (a big one), yet it will be possible. But 140 million for a full package? Maybe in 10 years time (since it took one year to naturally appreciate about 4-5 million). I sure hope the DEV's rethink some numbers. I understand they want credit sinks, but having something bought in unity doesn't accomplish it. My guild is actually generating NEW credits to save for the 50 million. Not spending old ones on individual accounts. Now, I do accept that the legacy bank is a great way to suck credits off the few that have 80-100 million in personal funds. Even the casino is a great trick to thin personal credits. The ships are not. As a matter of fact, if a guild running groups for dailiies to save for a ship gives up to half or 75% of their total proceeds to the effort, they still generated more money than they would have personally, creating even more credits for the DEV's to create sinks for. It's rather counter-intuitive and punishing to the folks that earn just enough to pay repair bills and buy a few cool things on the GTN. Can any guilds chime in if they have running balances of over 100 mil? TY
  4. Apparently, now, it is 50 Million on the PTS. If it is based on the average running balance of the guilds banks, I think the number is high. My bank has a running balance of 8 million, and most other guild I talk to are about 6 million. That means grinding a lot of dailies for us to generate new money, not put a dent in old money. I hope the DEVs make a change in price before it goes live. P.S. I hear its 50 million for the basic ship, and around 140 million with the upgrades. If that is the case, we will struggle to just have the ship. And 140 million would never be possible.
  5. It can be done... http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n1aqth&s=6
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