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Everything posted by royhe

  1. the Skill Tree youtube Vid doesnt work
  2. Well in PVP i just tried out PT @ lv 21 a change from my lv 49 sorc, since sorc is kinda boring , not as boring as spamming Tracer Missle, but only real skill is force Lightning. I was fightning most classes and doing fine, but every time i get the jump on a Consular Sage, always does the rock throwing skill , outdoing all advatange i had like 40% hp over him, cant seem to out DPS that with any my range skills. Any advice on who PT are good/ kinda try to stay away from. Im speced Shield Build atm. Also, can i get a bit of explanation of how PT works for PVP damage wise. Went on my sorc and pulled of way higher DMG ratio with an ease compared to PT were i gotta actually try to get anywere near 100k+ and on sorc getting to 200k fooling around. Are PT suppose to outlast the enemy just kiting them or suppose to stick on them seeing we got heavy armor.
  3. thx, also for lving wise, will going shield build be more viable instead of going DPS build for the tanking purposes? if so, how much DPS is lost and would my armor have to be proced diff then just dps armor?
  4. Well basically gonna try jug, atm got a lv 48 sorc been pking alot and few of my buddies are PT and man, they fking own always doing the same if not more dmg then me, not even including how fking they are to kill, like trying to punch a wall >.> Anyways, gonna try out PT cuz seems real nice. Been looking around and cant find a topic so hopefully someone can answer it for me Can someone explain the 3 trees in perspective to which they favor, like which for lving etc etc. Gonna be lving from scratch will do some pvping in the low lvs, i will always have best armour money can buy every 4 lvs ^_^, also was wondering, if i go full DPS how much of a tank loss is that, cuz preffer to be more DPS then just be full tank mode with low DPS, if thats how a PT works
  5. Well coming back to sorc and atm been healer since lv 1 , but after playing my sniper and doing dmg i said fk healing and restated atm to full L rest in M but been reading around and for the most part, the best builds i seen were 23/18 18/23 With i think like 2 outcomes one does more DPS but the other one does less but is no problem keeping your force. Can someone tell me the proz/conz of both builds. ATM will be using for PVP but kinda dont want to go into Raids/instances having to worry that much about being @ 0 Force kinda read alot into this one but , literally evey other person says its ****, then the next person says the person who said is **** is **** so getting kinda confused, hopefully someone can clear it up n just list the proz/conz to the builds or extra builds if u got any in mind http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=192566
  6. Well been a healer since lv 1 atm lv 45 . I always have above average gear almost @ 12k hp @ lv 45. After playing my side sniper really liked actually doing damage asides from the just CC/heal repeat. Been reading up alot but yet to actually decide what build to go for. I liked sniper DPS but without much CC or even any heals to help kinda get wrecked. What would be a good PVP build. I will prob PVP to 50 once i get like 47 to enjoy 49- players while i can. ATM restated my skill tree awaiting for tips. Some plp keep saying fll madness, but i would have thought full DPS would have been Lightning, unless get bonuses. Also if madness would need to be more crit % to support it?
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