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Everything posted by Eggsbacon

  1. Psh. I know who YOU are. I'm talking aboot the other dude.
  2. I don't even know who you are.
  3. http://favim.com/orig/201107/02/dark-side-of-the-moon-funny-humor-nachos-pink-floyd-rock-Favim.com-91472.jpg It's the truth.
  4. It's because of ascendency's hacks.
  5. I can't even connect to the server.
  6. I don't even know who Nekron is.
  7. This sounds like fun. Count me in.
  8. leave the poor pubs alone there's so few of them left.
  9. http://www.lolroflmao.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/The-simplest-things-can-make-me-grin-like-a-fool.jpg
  10. Lets put it back on topic and ignore the troll. GeneralZeus is a pretty good pvper. I'd think any of the pvp guilds would want to pick him up.
  11. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ZaVwwfSh9WI/UI2FvOH7e0I/AAAAAAAAAV0/fEI1gxSQESg/w497-h373/antonio%2Bbrown%2Bbackpedal%2Bgif.gif
  12. I just think it's weird that someone is getting more hate than psi.
  13. You're all baG guys! Edit: Nice ninja edit of your typo Altruistic! That being said, don't go in a pvp area and ***** and complain when somebody wants to.....PVP.
  14. As far as PVP goes...I don't think this is going to work as well as we'd like. Adding gut/retractable blades to the rotation is going to slow down the burst and create ammo issues.
  15. http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/
  16. This was awesome and it needs recognition. The end.
  17. If anybody starts making a line on my server...i don't care who it is, I will blow them and their stupid line up.
  18. Even the people I accidently killed, I still enjoyed.
  19. Eggsbacon

    Illum 2.0

    I would not allow that kind of crap on my server.
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