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10 Good
  1. REing for all crafts is broken. even though they tell us that the upgrade chance is 20% or 10% doesnt mean that it is. Ive RE'd dozens and dozens of things since the patch and my success rate is more like 3-4%. That may even be being generous.
  2. 10:02 AM? where in the world is this server located? Lemme guess. In Oregon its 2AM
  3. They may have "greatly increased" the "schematic upgrade" chance, but it sure as hell ain't no 10%.
  4. Might wanna give Might hilts a shot. Cant get any from commendation vendors after like level 30 or something. I know my jedi sentinel was always hunting for new might hilts
  5. I don't know about other crafting professions but cybertech is seriously screwed up. I waited patiently to fix in 1.2 what they broke in some previous patch, but even with a supposed 10% success rate i can burn many many times what i should have to get even one pattern and get nothing. Something is seriously wrong with your programming.
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