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Everything posted by Naethion

  1. Funny how people are complaining about your Mirror class, but not much has been said about Scoundrel. Q_Q I hope I see you once I get my Operative to 50. Bolster isn't really my thing. Keep up the good work.
  2. The fish are biting like crazy today. Troll-bait must be too hard to resist lol.
  3. To be honest I rolled an Operative before this "OP" stuff came out. When they get nerfed I will still be here with the people who like the style of the class and are good at it, while the FOTM'ers have moved on. /shrug
  4. A 50 only bracket will be here soon. I suspect more brackets in the future. For now, man up and deal with it. Or unsub. either way, people need to be patient, game just came out.
  5. So it really doesn't? Huh, Guess my friend was wrong then, he said it worked. Sorry for the bad info.
  6. Scratch that, Don't Use Debilitate. Its not an Incapacitate. Use Sleep Dart, or Flash Bang if you intend to use Eviscerate. Or anything similar to those two. Ugh, I always have problems categorizing the different CC's
  7. Its only Requirement is that a target is incapacitated. So why wouldn't it?
  8. Acid Blade. Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Lacerate, Corrosive Dart(Culling makes targets take more damage when poisoned), Debilitate, Eviscerate, Adrenaline Probe and stim boost if I have any Tactical advantage. And then just spam whatever. least that works for me.
  9. True, but we are still Rogue-type AC, and I agree the Vibroknife should have precedence over the rifle.
  10. This is neat. Exceptionally useful for Rp'ers. I won't use very much. I have enough trouble with real life languages
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