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Everything posted by PerinnAybara

  1. So you're fine with the interrupt immunity, 20% ranged defences, immunity to ranged attacks after half a second if doing nothing, immunity to leaps and pulls and the only non interruptable abilities to take a sniper out of cover at range being only owned by snipers?
  2. Yeah, after standing next to him for quite a bit. Probably doesn't scroll out that far. Felt like he wasted his force speed afterwards too.
  3. Watching Eric Musco, and the backpeddling devs chosen to represent the developers on the PTS, it's quite apparent that they intend the classes to play as backpeddling noobs who don't know what a White bar is. Which effectively means, the one person who manages all class balance, I think is Austen Peckerpeck or whatever, is a backpeddling noob who only plays FOTM classes and plays them so poorly thus insulates them from any nerfs while causing more nerfs to classes like the Powertech. So honestly we should look at this with a glass half full sort of situation, thank god they don't balance regularly or at all, otherwise the overpowered classes would be even more powerful and the nerfed ones even more nerfed.
  4. They should've knocked you into the pit, and you should've knocked like three of them into the pit. I feel you didn't use your knockback nearly enough. Also you could've finished off the sorc on the move with an explosive round while moving. Could've used the hilt strike (root) knockback combo more than that second match on the powertech. Just saying. Otherwise goodwork beating the developers
  5. Add a Valor rank requirment to do rateds, Say 50 so we know it's not the people's first Warzone. There's no need for a bunch of people who have never stepped into a warzone to do ranked. They should be a bare bones minimum valor requirement. Require either a valor ranking of 50, or legacy level 30 or something.
  6. It's quite apparent we would have better support if they outsourced the developers to India when out comes to PvP. Less bugs, actual results and something better than terrible everyday.
  7. They also created expertise to seperate pve gear from pvp gear. Then they created bolster to rejoin pve gear to pvp gear. Great work developers, keep it up.
  8. Actually it doesn't matter what your first one is. So it's actually .2*.2 = .04 = 4% chance of getting a warzone 3 times in a row. Which is the equivalent of .008 * 5 = .04 where 5 is the number of different warzones you have.
  9. Too bad he still is probably better than the developers.
  10. It's another sign of their failure like Ilum.
  11. Don't worry about it anymore. No more ranked warzones, because they never could balance for an 8 man group so instead of balancing us, they'll get rid of 8 v 8's. Wonder how long 4 v 4's last.
  12. If you're going to get rid of ranked warzones, why not make an option to que for 8 v 8's and choose your oponents with no coms or rewards. That way people can still do 8 v 8 warzones and not have to deal with pugs in 8 v 8's. MIght prevent all the pvp guilds from breaking up. Or of course, you can just screw us over yet again.
  13. My behind hurts, stupid bioware, wish they would use lube.
  14. You just told me you were a clicker and were wondering why you do so much better on a two button aoe damage class or a stationary autofacing sniper. You're going to have trouble multitasking on a melee class with carnage or vengeance being a keyboard Turner. I can walk behind you and your damage immediately stops. That's why you think ranged is op you are literally gimping yourself by playing as a clicker as melee. Poorly informed opinions on balance stem from poor play like this with the delusional idea that they are not learn to play issue. You are not good. Sooner you humble yourself the sooner you can start learning with an open mind.
  15. I'm not the first in this thread to call you out, nor will I be the last. Baddy baddy baddy.
  16. Rated warzones require we compare against the lead. If you're not the leader of the pack by class balance, you're automatically set back on the quality of team that people are willing to take you on. And you'll be used as a backup, which means if they get more of the first tier class you'll just be pushed off into obscurity. I speak from experience. Really really really sucks for merc healers.
  17. How about they make hydraulic overrides stack on sprint like transcendance and roll do. I'd complain less about operatives that way. Make it also stack on transcedance too please!
  18. I curse the developers with every second post I do. Obviously I'm pretty jaded.
  19. For instance, for combat medic there is a lot of bloat and useless abilities. Trade the ones no-one uses for ones which will increase or utility. Like peace keeper.
  20. I meant like horse trading. Give up the ability missile blast for a thirty second CD on tech override. Or trade rain of bolts for a 30 second cd on death from above. My point suggest changes that gain us a lot but in a way The developers don't realize it. They over value some skills so we cash them in fir skills actually practically worth what they value it as. While keeping the skills they under value. Point is, if they obviously over value a skill we can trade it for a good skill.
  21. Your guild won't survive the transition. Just move to the bastion or better yet prophecy of the five and try finding a new guild.
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