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Everything posted by Symptomatic

  1. It's annoying. This how bad it would be if the world was split into instances when population gets high.
  2. This may be true. I never played EQ. I'd say the days of UO and EQ are gone though. I also so it in DAoC quite a bit too I guess but that game didn't have instanced ANYTHING.
  3. I've played at least 4 MMO's since release and it's no different. People act like in so many other MMO's you saw people running around zones all the time. This is just bs. Total and absolute BS. It is rarely like that. UO was the only game that I saw people in on a normal basis in open world. That's because it was the only option.
  4. I'll bite. 1: Often but not always. 2: It takes more than 4 people to keep a warzone going though so this point is kind of off base. More people are required for PvP and it is more difficult to find 6-7 other players than 3. Also, the game relies on the opposing for also wrangling the same amount of people. So in essence. 12-16 players would have to be coordinated, not just 4. Significantly more difficult. 3: No. Here's why: there are more repercussions to LFD that LF Warzone. This includes ninjaing, guild group kicks, etc. On my server reputation already has mattered. I have people that I won't group with or won't heal in WZ because they are total tools and the server knows. They generally have a bad time and reroll an unknown alt and keep their mouth shut in the future. This may be more effective on my server because it's small but it does show that reputation matters.
  5. Well my biggest issue is that the enormous amount of stuns really shine in this game. When 5/8 players are sorcs and the second you get the ball you are in a instant series of chain stun of some sort the fun goes out the window. 2: Way too long 3: one more button for me to screw with.
  6. You do realize that WoW is backing away from that system because they realized that it frustrates the 95% of playerbase that doesn't get to see it right?
  7. Effortless and easily to you. I haven't done any heroics yet, ops, nothing on nightmare, etc. I think this is coming down to "special snowflake" complex. No one here will convince you that elitist and hardcores deserve something special for playing alot. So I'm outy.
  8. I'm just saying your expectations may be a little higher than they out to be for a game released less than a month ago. It took WoW years to develop their system of progression.
  9. maybe little progression to you. 3 tiers for release is pretty good progression imo. BW basically stated that they didn't think there was going to be such an interest in PvP. They are pleasantly surprised that there is and are shifting gears to make it more focal. I'd imagine that they will have further progression at 100, then similar to seasons after that. I doubt that expected many people to be there already. They are kind of right, there aren't very many people there....
  10. I mean, that's still progression man. I understand that you play a lot and may be good at playing but I'd wager your speed and intensity of playing isn't the speed the game was meant to be played. Like I said, it is less than a month out of release. They are already doing a content patch with FP's and Ops, 50's PvP bracket, and a few other things. I think they are understanding that they need to keep end game interesting but I think they are doing a pretty damn good job by already releasing a content patch less than a month in.
  11. You are probably a very small minority that has made it to battlemaster. I imagine that you play ALOT. I know you will claim that you don't but I don't buy it since the games PvP rankign system is all about time invested not skill. Isn't there progression already in PvE? Rank 1: Daily mods. Rank 2: Normal mode FP Rank 3: Hard mode FP Rank 4: Ops? Maybe Im wrong....the game is a month old dude. Not even that. Quit being dramatic.
  12. I question your supposed great experience in MMO's if you still don't grasp how this is set up. It's also clear that you will word twist, while ignoring 50 different rebuttals and examples where ingame and out they define the differences. I copy and pasted several times. I'm not doing again because your debate tactic is to ignore, close your ears and eyes, and scream your broken down argument over and over until people give up. Reminds me a lot of my daughter. Anyway, it's irrelevant in the end. Instead of trying to play word games you should attempt to create an argument, that will be an opinion, on why you believe it will enhance the overall gameplay of the game. BW and others are much more likely to listen and be receptive to that than your attempt at the "gotcha" game.
  13. It's clear that the only thing we will agree on is that BW fails at consistent wordage. Since I also found a place where they go in depth (not just 1 word like in your exampled) to explain the definition of class, advanced class, and spec and you still don't grasp it I will go ahead and realize that that amazing IQ of yours gives you and amazing sense of tunnel vision. Interesting you have failed to respond to any other arguments against it like they say its irreversible 3 times in game. Or that simply the set up of how you develop your character is innately different than WoW.
  14. Dude, you keep harping this argument. Check this out: Game info>Game system>advanced class. Advanced Classes are ... Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc. It's crystal clear bud.
  15. Actually, I didn't say pick something that isn't a caster. I said WoW is not set up in the same way as SWTOR and is not an equal comparison. Once again. If they were the set up the same. You would pick some starter class, say "hybrid" at level 1 when you rolled. Then at 10 you would pick between a paladin, druid, etc. Then, choose your spec from there. How come you can't grasp that the two are not set up the same. In SWTOR: Level 1: starter class Level 10: Advanced class Level 10, after choosing advanced class: Specialization In WoW: Level 1: Class Level 10: Spec.
  16. Well lets get this clear. Wow: Does not have a concept of Advanced class. You pick your class at level one and your Specialization at level 10. If this was an equal comparison you would have to do something like make a "caster" character at level 1. Choose between an advanced class of mage, warlock, or priest at level 10. Then, choose your spec from there. That's not what happens in WoW. It's not a valid comparison so you should stop.
  17. I'm glad you stopped responding to me, Gunryu. Your *cough* 132 IQ at least makes you smart enough to avoid your superiors.
  18. It's a silly concept that they have indeed. Vangaurd and Commando are two very different classes with two very different specs and two very different play styles indeed.
  19. "Advanced Classes are ... Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc." Game Info>Game System>Advanced class Seems pretty clear that they are differentiating between Starter class, advanced class, and trees withing advanced class here. Anything other thing you wanna spew as fact while ignore things that don't back up your argument?
  20. I'm glad to see caps coming out. It shows the maturity of yourself and your argument. Though you have still failed to source your primary argument I will act is if it is true. In a world where there are two things: Classes, advanced classes. BW said. You know every class will have their unique story line. Which they did. Every class. But did they say the defining feature of a class is its unique story line? No. Is that a failed conclusion you drew? yes. However, there is advanced class. Which is indeed a class as the name permits. Advanced class and classed; two different but sequential options. What I know for a fact they said about 3 times in game is that choosing your advanced class is irreversible. That's crystal clear. You made a bad choice. Rolled a class you didn't enjoy. Live and learn. Take it as experience and do more research next time. I played a shadow to level 20 before I rerolled him.
  21. Like I said, you are just trying to play silly word games and ignoring details because they are not convenient to your argument. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced CLASS. No really....advanced class. Sorry, the defining feature of a class is not having a unique storyline since following that logic every game in mmo history has had 1 class.
  22. If this is an attempt to play word games you have failed. You know what else they call "class." Your advanced class. Something that they say at least 3 times is irreversible in game. Not our fault you press space bar through the dialogue. I'm sure they had bad enough PR people that they misspoke at sometime saying each class would have a unique story, however, since you are stating it as fact you are obligated to source it or your argument lacks validity. I especially hope you enjoy finding a quote that says each advanced class will have a unique storyline. You can't ignore things just because they aren't convenient to your argument. Most games in MMO history have had this set up where you pick a generic class and at level 10 you pick your specialized class. I believe that swtor has brought in a new genre of first time gamers that can't grasp this concept and chose to whine about it.
  23. I'm unsure of your point, is it because they dont have completely unique storylines then they aren't classes. That's something you are stating as fact when it's an opinion and one I don't share. Maybe I didn't find your post you were talking about that you seemed to be great enough to make it an "end of discussion post."
  24. You are allowed to respec within your class right now. Trooper, Jedi Knight, etc is not your class. Commando, Vangaurd, Gaurdian, etc is your class. Respecing stops being respecing when you can change your class and starts being reclassing. Simple as that.
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