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10 Good
  1. Just logged into the forums for the first time. Thiniking of quitting the game altogether, really dont care what anyone thinks except bio and ea. First off pve is great, hands down great gaming in this aspect. Like I said probabaly has been said 1000 times. Pvp, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a game that puts all levels together in pvp, what where you thinking, yes im flaming and I am probably going to be flamed. Ok you sperated the 50's, too late, most have already exploited to no end and achieved the highest rank possible in valor. Now you still keep the rest of the levels together. Why why why why? If a level anything below 30 beats anyone above 40 you as a 40 or up suck real bad. Why didnt you seperate by levels of 10 or wait till higher levels to pvp, I mean really. Btw I have played 12 mmos in the past 15 years so I have experience about my complaints. Dont tell me the sides are mirrored. I have a level 50 commando with the bset gear he can have and the imps wipe him out. I get hit for 3-7k damage sometimes aoe damage from sorcerers of 12-14k damage. I hit people for 300-2000 max, I mean come on. I crit for 2500 once in a blue moon. I litereally get wiped out 1 on any number. Healers on both side are so strong ive seen 440k damage and 350k healing in one round.....I mean come on *** is wrong with that picture. The numbers of imps vs pubs, I play pubs btw is .....oh I dont know .......not balanced in the least. I mean really. Ive been 50 for a month. Dailies on illum and what not, starts out even maybe 10 on 10, we kill the imps 20 come back, then 30 then 40. OMG I wish you devs could see this. Every freaking day 16 pubs vs 30-60 imps at the republic base. yes at the base. Oh btw good one on putting the armanents at central base, brainstorm there. On our server which i wont mention the pubs never and i mean never get armaments for dailys. Why you ask? cause there are so many freaking imps at central 24/7. We have to get our dailies and weeklys at our main base outnumbered 5/1 grappling one or two imps in to kill th em. If your pubs you know im not kidding. I have probably played 1000 pvp warzones, it takes me on average 8 hours to win 3 of them for the daily, ***, oh wait i should join a clan who doesnt have jobs or join a premade which btw puts you in huttball if you are premade with 4 peeps every single time. Seriously 3 warzones? And illum broke? Wow I should try to do ops at 50 to get the best gear. Wait, thats right, the exploits on illum have let people get from 35-65 valor in 4 hours but since i didnt exploit im still at 56 for fking ever cause I dont cheat. But thats ok, i love dying 50 times in pvp to guys who chain stun continously and i can only break it every 2mins cause resolve, though great in thought, horrible in implementation, does not work. I dont care what anyone says. I get stunned with full bars of resolve all the time, back to back to back to back. Most of the time in warzones i just sit at a point and do n othing just not worth it, my time that is. What is up with these players that cant be stunned, knocked back or take no damage for like it seems for ever. Oh wait they are in clan that has healers that are gods and bubble them cause we all know the healers cant be killed, I have litereally seena nd particpated in 4 players on a imp healer and cannot kill him. That is just way too much on both sides sorry, healers in any game need protected except star wars they are gods and most healers even on pubs spec damage cause they can pull offf 300-500k damage per round. Every leader in warzones isbounty hunters and sith inquisisitors. Just look at them. when you win 1 in 20 matches as republic something is wrong pug or not. When you are outnumbered in open pvp each and every day for a month something is wrong. And until I read the forums I ddint know people cheated. I didnt know people exploited but they dont get banned, Reallly? You catch them and warn them? ***. Any game on the planet is instban on cheaiting, ok lets rephrase that, if you find a bug and exploit it that is cheating, you are suppose to report it not abuse it. I am just so fed up with pvp, which btw I joined this game and subbed for 6 months right from the getgo cause of the pvp and I am so dissapppointed , having played so much pvp already, Im sorry, I will calm down, Just had to vent, i was really trying to be respectful. I have given up on fps's cause of all the hackers and exploiters and have switched to mmos but omg it is so unbalanced it is not funny. I quess, after I get flammed for having a opinion, btw im 45, not some litte kid with no patience, and have my share of gaming over the past 15 years. Im not saying this is the worst but why cant it just be even. The lag on illum is so bad with only 50 players and it still isnt tweaked. NO ITS NOT MY COMPUTER!!!!!! I have a state of the art computer , top of the line components 100mb connection internet and I get 5fps in pvp on illum. Warhammer let 200 people fight with minimal lag. Darkfall had 1500 yes 1500 in battle with more particles then this game could ever have , yes it lagged a little but 1500? This game has 50 and almost shuts done. I love and was anticipating this game, if you dont fix thing soon, IE pvp, balance, brackets for warzones, resolve , this game will die and end up free to play like every other game that couldnt handle the mmo. Sorry bio, EA is not having a great record after their fiasco with battlefield 3, which our clan quit 2 months later, and we are a fps clan. Just giving my opinion. Flame away.
  2. im not even going to read the op, resolve does not work, never worked, will never work. All we all do is get chain stunned, no one can tell me different. I have mulitple toons who get chain stunned constantly by imps. Fk it. Its a joke. Needs fixed. First mmo in history that allows this.
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