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  1. Hi All, Old player coming back after several year hiatus...seeking guild that is active in PvP. I play evenings in the Eastern time zone and prefer to heal. Thanks for any suggestions !
  2. We've noticed some people asking about an older adult guild, so we decided to form one. <AdAstra> (Latin for "to the stars") is recruiting the Baby Boomers and Generation Xers. Do you like PvPing with a guild team? How about cron hunting? Tired of pugging the heroic FPs? Do you have so many alts you don't remember all their names? Enjoy spending time with dependable, fun guildies? New player to the game? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, <AdAstra> may be the place for you. All experience levels are welcome. Contact Bronsen, Quasaar, Pere'skye, or Jaye'skye in-game for an invite or additional information.
  3. 43 yr old female veterinarian....it all started with Pong. Graduated up to Atari (Adventure,Pitfall & Chopper Command,) then moved on to the C-64 (the Ultima series and Bards Tale) then got my first real PC and started with Baldur's Gate. I love reading that many of my "old-timer" peers play MMORPGs----no one seems to understand my fascination with the virtual world. As a self-admitting sufferer of MTPD (multi-toon personality disorder,) I have 6 Imperial toons that I'm attempting to level simultaneously I too would love to create an older adult guild --anyone interested can contact me in-game on "Owel" or "Tigrina" on the Karth Hound server.
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