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Everything posted by PeruvianPariah

  1. little bit of both actually, for one it is really bothersome to look at a piece of your body sticking out like that; and second it's just a little weird......
  2. when I put certain robes it looks flatter though, it is only a few robes that have this problem even though they are almost the same.
  3. Ok, soooo my character looked good just chilling being a Jedi Sentinel leveling and what not. I put on a certain chest piece and suddenly my butt went from flat, to phat. What the hell is going on here? It only happens on certain chest pieces on robes, it is REALLYYYY annoying after a while. I wouldn't have a problem with it if i was playing a girl character but its a male! http://i.imgur.com/a0Dys.jpg http://i.imgur.com/f8nAz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dIgjY.jpg feels awkward as hell sometimes.....
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