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Posts posted by xHPx

  1. How is my asking for a simple kill score going to be "abused" ???


    Perhaps you are confused ? What I consider abuse is a system that allows players to enter an instance at lvl 50 and get credit for killing lvl 20's


    What I consider abuse is a system where you can enter, go sit in a corner and still get rewarded


    What I consider abuse is a system that limits pvp to small skirmishes by less players than I have fingers.


    I dont get this hostility seriously. Im not asking for anything that will HURT anyone else's gameplay. Im not asking for special pvp gear for open world kills. Im not asking for credits for a kill. Im not asking to loot the player I kill (all wonderful ideas really).




    To start off, go to school kid. You obviously don't know what the word "abuse" means. Anyways, you were talking about achievements etc. not a killcount. If you want a killcount, you already have the valor system that grows on world pvp afaik.


    You get bolstered stats to match the level 50s. Obviously you're going to have a disadvantage due to talent points and slight gear disadvantage but it's NOTHING compared to twinking in WoW so don't talk.


    Enter, sit in a corner- if anybody kills you, you have 1min to not be afk. If you don't respond during this time, you get teleported to a starting area which is a huge punishment. Let's compare this to WoW. Go on arenajunkies and watch multi glads openly admit they're botting in battlegrounds, comparing and recommending bots. Blizzard doesn't give a ****.


    No clue what you're talking about. 8v8 in a small area? That's too few for you? WoW's most popular bracket while it mattered was 2v2, now 3v3. I understand if you're not good, you wanna melt in a 40v40 where what you do has minimal impact and it doesn't matter how bad you are, you're just one in 40. But I think BioWare is making the right decision in making you matter, forcing you to be skilled to claim wins. Idk, we'll have to agree to disagree I guess. I like skillbased play, you like derpy zerging ^^

  2. Im frankly sick and tired of being told by warzone pvpers to either


    1. go grind warzones if i want "rewards"

    2. enjoy open world for the "fun" factor

    3. cancel my sub


    I do enjoy open world pvp. I also like getting some acknowledgement for my accomplishments. There is a reason why mmos for a long long time have allowed you to examine another player.


    Open world pvp is a playstyle no different than raiders, explorers, battleground - instanced type pvpers, and pve soloists. and with one exception, all playstyles get rewards.


    Bioware, I get it. you want to please the world of warcraft crowd. so I get the emphasis on warzones and their mousewheel gear grind followers. I am however not one of them. I dont care about gear thats obsolete the very next patch. I dont care about the problems with lack of brackets or the flavor of the month class-build.


    I simply want acknowledgement for the hundreds and hundreds of imperials I have killed. a simple credit for kills in OPEN WORLD PVP. make no mistake, this should be seperate from warzone kills.


    However if Bioware and the player base believes that I should receive no acknowledgement for my achievements, then I would suggest all loot drops are removed from all raids. also remove all valor and pvp gear from vendors. after all, "fun" is the reward right ?


    If you don't think so, then DON'T DO IT. I haven't had so much fun leveling since Isle of Quel'Danas back in TBC. So much world PvP. If you do world PvP for rewards, then stop doing it. If you don't find it fun you shouldn't do it. There has never been rewards for it. And if they implemented rewards, it would get hyper abused. 2 friends could abuse this and get every achievement in the book by just spawn killing each other for an hour 5000times over. Go back to whatever game you played where the game baby sit you where they felt the need to tell you "good job! who's a big boy? You are! ohh yes you are!!!" every time you killed someone.

  3. bump ~ and if the colorless version helps people read/understand it ... great.


    Yeah kind of a weird decision making the text green..? just makes it more annoying to read.

  4. I wish these forums were moderated like teamliquid. All you want to do is bond with everyone else tired of huttball. There's ~200 threads that are the exact same as yours. Yet you make another one so that you can fit in. Were you bullied in school or where does this desperation come from? This thread filled absolutely no purpose, please don't ever make a thread again.
  5. Sith Marauders is always a close fight : They can do so much ****in burst dmg but they dont have many tools,. Force Choke is pretty annoying but thats pretty much the only thing they have. I don't think they need a stun since their burst dmg is so high.

    I play a marauder and you're 100% wrong, couldn't be more wrong. Force choke, lots of immobalizers (if you're carnage atleast), 4sec Vanish, 5sec 99% dmg reduction, AoE fear, AoE party 50% speed increase & 10% dmg reduction, force cloak etc.. I feel like you're completely wrong, if anything burst is what we don't have. We can't be kited, we have a ton of interrupts but the damage feels soo weak for melee. Sorcs are ranged and they still do more damage than Mara's does on a target. I'm soon 50 and I can't break the 2,5k medal in Warzones no matter what I do. Still a really fun class to play tho because you can lock down healers forever, survive for a really long time and get away from almost any situation.

  6. The fact that there's a debate around the lack of bracketing is mind numbing. This is common sense. For as much expertise and time it takes to craft a massive game like this, lacking common sense to the extent that they'll allow new level 12s to make an attempt at a warzone and be instantly converged on by level 40s and 50s is astounding.


    It reminds me of some of the things I saw in Star Wars Galaxy back when it first came out. I was a seasoned MMORPGer at the time, having spent a great deal of time pvping in Dark Age of Camelot.


    People in Beta were training in creature handling and taming multiple rancors, which, individually, could kill any player. I thought this was some kind of beta oversight that would never make it live, and it did. The thought that a company was able to make a complex game but lack common sense to that level made my jaw drop. I just couldn't believe it. Everyone in port was running around with two mountainous beasts following them.


    Brackets in WOW always seemed like common sense to me. It was just assumed. "Oh, level 15s can queue for battlegrounds too?" It was just assumed that they'd be against people in their own level range because that was common sense. You never even considered the possiblity that you'd be fighting level 50s.


    It speaks to not just bad judgement by bioware that level 12s are queueing against level 50s, but it speaks to sort of a perversion of common sense, that's now pervading the playerbase. The fact that this is even a discussion is amazing to this old hound, but I suspect I'm not alone.


    We all know that brackets will go in sooner or later. It's a fact. Why? Because, as a rational human being, I recognize it as common sense. Whether the developers and community see it now is irrelevant. Brackets will be coming and one day people will look back at this and facepalm.


    So just do it sooner rather than later to keep the embarrassment (and damage to the culture of PVP in this game) to a minimum.


    Level 15 vs lvl 19 twink & Level 30 vs lvl 50 with bolster. And why do you make an entire new thread about this? Why not just post your opinion in one of the other threads with baddies who doesn't know how to play? Whine there instead and bond with the other noobs and you can discuss how hard you're going to cancel your subscription... eventually ;)

  7. Here is why I think pvp is bad. And what really need improvement. :rolleyes:


    1. Assassin is WAY 2 good. I mean comeon, last 3 bgs, nr1 and 2 have been assassin.

    2. Healing is sucks, Way to much LoS.

    3. Hard to see ss. I mean comeon, give it a big shiny animation, not just a small dot some random place on me.

    4. Hutball is dum, assassin can just push you off all the time, and you have to walk all the way up agian.

    5. ss lineup. Is there even a "safetime" offen I find myself full hp. and then a ss chain and im dead.:confused:


    Im not hateing, I really like the Questing and gameplay, I just really really dislike the pvp, and thats why i unsub´ed 2day. :(


    Im the only1 who feels this way?:(


    Here is why I think you are bad. And I think your badness is beyond improvement :rolleyes:


    1. I've had all classes get r1-2 in bgs 3times in a row. All classes are OP=Balance yea?

    2. Healing does anything but suck. If your targets runs LoS, that's just bad communication.

    3. Get glasses.

    4. Huttball isn't dumb, you are. If you knew how to pass you'd realize that getting knocked off the bridge isn't an issue. Unless your entire team is standing in one clump, you're all not going to get knocked off. Learn to pass the ball instead of going ego-mode "i wanna score i wanna be famous" ;)

    5. Didn't understand that ;/ Work on your english.

  8. They are NOT 100% mirrored. Every single ability on imperial sorc and shadow are INSTANT hit. IE when I am on my shadow and use project it takes a FULL 2 seconds for my ability to animate and hit the enemy, the sith verison of me hit instantly with his force lighting, no wait what so ever. THUS, major advantage in any game that require capping. This is just one ability example if you would like more I'll spend the time.


    2 full seconds? Go to school.

  9. More fair poll: Which game better after 2weeks: WoW or TOR?

    And don't bring release year into it. 2004 vs 2011 is nothing. Starcraft:BroodWar was released 1998 and it's still played as a huge e-sport in Korea and is probably the best made game of all time. Considering how young SW:TOR is, you'd have to be plain dumb to call WoW better.

  10. /signed


    We are republic and win most of our team speak pre made matches


    But the lopsided balance in animations is ridiculous

    I feel sorry for republic players without premade


    You can't overcome the animations most times in pickup group


    I guarantee that the statistics are showing bioware this now

    I'd bet my entire net worth on it


    lol obviously. You should win every one of them even without teamspeak if you're lvl50.

  11. While pvping in swtor there is nothing more frustrating than being kicked from a WZ right when you join because of the stupid damn 'deserter detection'. Unless you are lucky enough to have the barrier go down just in time you are going to get kicked from the WZ, and to add insult to injury they port you to hutta departures?!


    honestly bw how does this **** make it through beta?


    You have 1 entire minute on you to get out of the starters area lol. Even if the barrier juuust got up, you still got enough time. Stop afk-ing in BGs and it won't be a problem, slacker.

  12. I know for a fact you can have 2 champ bags.. because completing the weekly gives you 2 with the option of selecting a 3rd. but the champ bags will be significantly better then your other gear but minor upgrade from champ to battlemaster.


    No, you can't. They are 2 different kind. The ones you buy from the vendor are "http://www.torhead.com/item/eMw3Nj9#suggest-video". The ones you get from the quests are "http://www.torhead.com/item/53TNj6H". Notice any difference? One has [unique] after its name. The ones you buy from the vendor you can only have 1 off. It's the exact same bag except you can't stack the vendor ones. So you can't buy more than 1 while leveling.

  13. You ever stop to think if enough people quit there wont be anyone for you to harass? Or heck a game for you to play?


    If there isn't enough money coming in guess what champ...no funding for new content either...


    You should think before you post.

    Calm down, I'm not harassing anybody. If you think this is harassing then you're pretty out of touch with reality. "I'm constantly whining about how im going to quit this game and this boy called me a whiner, I feel harassed". Nobody's harassing you so calm down.


    ~a few hundreads quitting won't make any difference. There's equal threads on the WoW forums aswell. "If you don't nerf this class I quit ;(" - but in reality; 99% of the people saying they're quitting aren't. Reality is it's less than 0,01% of the total playerbase that's quitting. You only hear the whining stinking nerds who's angry they got killed screaming. Only a loud minority. If you're having fun with the game and isn't bad enough to get farmed in warzones, you won't be on these forums whining about how you hate to get killed, right? Trust me, you 20 who says you cancelled your subscription, you accomplished nothing and you will not be missed. Nor by any player, nor by BioWare


    So yeah, perhaps you should think before you post, kid ;)

  14. I have 1 champions bag and I'm constantly 1000/1000 warzone/mercenary. I've bought 1 full level 20 set and 2 full level 40 sets including all off-sets (accidently bought the wrong one and sold it for credits) and like 5 lightsabers. I can't buy any more gear now so I'm only pumping in the extra wz commendations on potions and I've literally bought like 300 of them, no joke. I'm only leveling thru Warzones tho except for the class quest line. And I'm level39 atm... Is there anything else I can buy as preparation for level 50? I'm 39 Valor aswell btw and I think my valor is bugged. It's been stuck on the very end of 39 for the last 10 warzones.
  15. Good. Keep cancelling guys, would love if you guys keep filtering yourself out so that all the bad awful unskilled whiners are gone ;) "waah 50s kill me icant level in bgs" ever tried wow before cataclysm? There was no bolster buff there, u literally got 1shot by twinks and you didn't even get XP. Took WoW 6 years to fix that. If you've waited 2weeks and already wanna quit because of a minor issue that only occurs while you're leveling, go quit. You're the kind of person that shouldn't be in the game to begin with.
  16. So im a Level 50 Merc and I've being PvPing the last 3 hours, and its come to my attention how incredibly OP Sorcs/Assasins are

    So im a Level 39 Mara and I've being reading this post the last 3 seconds, and it's come to my attention how incredibly bad You are

  17. PvP in this game is like pulling teeth.


    Unresponsive combat, uninspired warzones, wintrading, partial premades going against pugs, lag, unbalanced classes, random pvp gear drops from bags, empty worlds due to sharding.


    I could go on.


    Unresponsive combat: People say that, I don't notice it because I spam every ability as a habbit.


    Uninspired warzones: The warzones are amazing and well thougt out. You're just a boring person, sorry.


    Wintrading: Yeah, so much wintrading going on in order to reach the top ranks. Owait. There's no wintrading in this game like there is in a game like WoW.


    Partial premades going against pugs: Max 4 players premade. In WoW, that could be 40player AV.


    Lag: Yeah, clearly BioWare's fault you can't afford a proper internet there poorboiii ;) Blame your parents instead, kid.


    Unbalanced classes: Demanding flawless balance in a game that's been out for 2 weeks seems horribly dumb. I dare you to find a game that had been out for 2 weeks with better balance.


    Random pvp gear drops from bags: Kind of like VoA/BH if you played WoW.

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