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Everything posted by xHPx

  1. I used to agree until I realized BT HM is piss-easy and so is ninjaing. I have never ninja'd in my 4years of wow but **** this lol. When they make an item only obtainable by PvE and it's BoP and it's needed to craft my permanent consumables, I dont give a ****. I just made a BT HM group 3 days in a row and got 3 crystal alloys. Hated by half the server? Yes. Ever going to PvE again? No.
  2. I take it you never played WoW. There is an ability that does the exact same, except it's even better and you have 2 of them not sharing cd. Same range Same cd Adds a stun that doesn't share DR with anything else Kick Gives you rage You have 2 of them. And it's just hillarious that you're calling warriors/knights OP. If they were to nerf this, they'd have to buff the damage by x2 to make up for it, would you rather have that yea? And if they nerfed this, they'd have to nerf sorcs shootdown ability aswell even harder to make up for it.
  3. Let me guess, you're horribly dumb? Nvm, not much of a guess, more of a calculation after a retarded comment like that. Put your glasses on, nerd and read again
  4. MVP voting is a strong contender for the worst idea I've ever seen in any game ever. Atleast f***ing make it impossible to vote MVP for someone you joined with. They disable voting for self, but when 2 friends join together and agree to MVP each other, *** is the difference. They're both just voting for themself indirectly. Not enough of an advantage to have communication and more 50's when you join as a group, also need extra rewards. So f***ing dumb.
  5. ye ur right f***ing buff operatives, plz. I wonder what class u play.
  6. Dumbest post I've ever seen. 1. You have no back-up what so ever. Could aswell be 50 scoundrels and you're lieing. 2. Even tho I'm 99,9% sure you're lieing, if you were speaking truth it would be 100% irrelevant. What the race distribution was on 1 server at 1 point in time is your argument for balance? Get in touch with reality and learn proper statistical-measurements please. Now, I'm not saying I find scoundrels OP, I play a carnage marauder and I personally don't mind them. But if I were you I'd edit out your "data" LOL.
  7. *** are u talking about, yes they do. And if u want a balanced game, don't play an mmorpg. go play starcraft2 or an fps.
  8. THANK YOU lol i never realized I could use the pieces when I get double of something (except relics) from battlemaster bags!
  9. xHPx

    I am God, name me.

    Hehe. I guess the funny part about this post is that you do not play Operative. When you do tho, I'd love to hear your opinion!
  10. xHPx

    I am God, name me.

    I dislike when people make "operatives are op"-threads. Why not make "operatives and sorcs are op"? Both classes are just as redicilous.
  11. xHPx

    I am God, name me.

    Are you talking about the marauders? What heals does marauders have, name one. edit: nvm scoundrels.
  12. You need to get 3 or more medals for it to count as a win. Are you afking? just get a killing blow, use a medpac and hit/heal for 2,5k and you're done.
  13. Dear all lowbies. Tomorow, you'll have to fight for your own rewards, no longer will you get carried by level50s without contributing for **** to your team. Enjoy your final day of undeserved wins while you can, for tomorow you die.
  14. Except no, I am 10x better than you. If you truly thougt you could dominate ANYONE, you would be able to do it with equal gear. I still don't know if you're trolling or if it's possible to be this bad with the time spent But what you're basically saying is: "Me and my team plays football all days, we sacrifice a lot of our social lives just to practice constantly. Therefor, our team should always have a 3-0 lead at the start of each game. Come on FIFA, reward us for playing!".
  15. Wow lol. That is so *********** sad. "i already get the practice for playing all days, but I still need a bigger advantage. Gear. The people who plays less than me should not be able to beat me even if they're actually better, more talented than me." If you wanna be competetive, go play sc2 and we'll see how you do there you f***ing scrub.
  16. Just do the dailys and weeklys while u wait for march patch and do something else than swtor.
  17. We're not getting anywhere here, you're simply too biased. I'll show you an argument that in your logic: "With operatives, you shoot them off and they're gone. With sorcs, you shoot them off and... they still kill you." See what I did there? Name one guy's weakness and the other guys strenght. The only reason you're denying your class is OP is because you play it. It's called bias and it's a natrual thing, don't argue against me.
  18. No, I'm a carnage marauder. What made you think I was an operative when I said in my previous post that operatives and sorcs were OP? Lol. Also, yeah operatives do insane burst. Sorcs on the other hand does insane sustained damage and they don't have to be at their target to do it, they can do it 30meters away from their target so they aren't meant to have the burst of an operative, they're just as OP without because of their other strenghts. Next time you check a scoreboard, compare what generally has the highest damage between the Operatives and the Sorcs.
  19. xHPx

    Sith Sorcerers

    Wait what... You must be the worst most biased noob I've ever seen xD Nerf Warriors(LOL), nerf bounty hunters, nerf operatives, nerf healers and... buff Sorcs? Not sure if trolling or really this bad, hehe
  20. There's 2 classes in general agreed as OP. Operatives/Scoundrels and Sorcerers/Sages. Google the word bias. "Operatives are OP, but Sages are fine"- you say that because you play Sage. If you played operative, you'd be saying the exact opposit, trust me.
  21. Answer: Neither. Bolster takes care of that, you only have the disadvantage of having less talent points spent and less abilities learned.
  22. If you're EU, roll on tomb of freedom nadd. I don't get more than 1/3 huttball, no joke. When I play republic, I don't get more than 1/3 huttball either. Anyways, overall huttball takes up 39% of the total played warzones so it's not like you play it nearly every game, not even half the game unless your server is really bad ^^
  23. Who? Healers themselves? I've seen sorcs/operatives calling themselves underpowered, doesn't make it true lol.
  24. I didn't watch the video yet but I don't understand the name of the video? Healers are amazing in this game.
  25. err, yes it is. When you pick up the ball, it starts a 90second timer (i think). When that timer ends, the ballkeeper gets destroyed and it's neutral ball. It's happened to me once and baron deathmark went something like "well this is boring, lets get some action going" (not that, but something alone those lines).
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