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Posts posted by xHPx

  1. My opinion: Provide options! The UI is uncustomizable by add-ons. The least you could do is prove as many options as possible for your own UI. Why should the minority not get to keep these new flashy ones? I ask this even tho I voted that I dislike them.


    PS. PLEASE implement the option to disable smart cam >_> It's soo frustrating not being able to cast area spells on someone behind you while running...

  2. I will maintain this thread as the definitive PvP Bug list.


    Someone may say there is already such a thread, but its not, its full of QQ stuff and game design whines, not actual bugs.



    Any Warzone

    - Winning the warzone does not count towards your Daily PvP Mission goal (intermittant bug, Imp + Rep) (not fixed in 1.1.2)

    Was fixed. If you think it wasn't bring proof.


    - Players can get locked in combat longer than intended

    No? Bring proof


    - Targeting by mouse clicking is very non-responsive

    No, it's not.


    - Targeting by Tab key is very random/buggy

    No, it's not.


    - "Deserter" counter begins when you're still on the loading screen

    No, it does not.


    - more than 8 people can be added to the warzone, triggering "Shutdown" warning

    Yes, this is a bug.


    - Warzones can start 5v8, 6v8 or 7v8

    Not a bug, I'm starting to doubt that you know what a bug means. Ever played any other game, ever? The warzones only needs 6 players per team to get created. So if one team has 8 and one team has 6 and it goes 2mins without anybody joining, you get to play 6v8. If you don't want this to happen at all, don't queue 05:00 on a low-pop server.


    - Teams which are formed before joining a warzone are not maintained after the warzone ends

    This is a minor bug.


    - you do not get to vote for MVP unless you were present before the start of the match

    Don't know, never heard of. Bring proof.


    - Resolve seems buggy (doesn't always prevent additional CC)

    Not buggy at all. Once the resolve bar is full, you become immune to all CC. If you were stunned before it got full tho, the current stun/CC lasts until the CC is over. As intended.


    - random crash to character select after warzone completion (may/may not be related to the auto-requeue checkbox)

    Never had this happen to me. Perhaps you need a better computer?


    - players randomly do not appear in the party frame (you have 8 people, but only 7 or 6 appear in the party list)

    Never had this happen to me. Bring proof.


    - being CC'd as you die can intermittently cause you to appear dead in the re-spawn area, which means the deserter debuff will kick you out since you can't leave the area

    Never had this happen to me. Bring proof.


    - After a warzone ends, intermittently the scoreboard shows only a partial list of players, with the value "0" for every stat

    This is a minor bug.



    - When joining a game in progress, if you miss the first gateway, you will be kicked out due to inactivity before the next one opens

    Press run/walk (default /) because you have walk on if this happens to you. You get 1 full minute to get out of the starting area, the spawning force field lasts for 15 seconds. If the force field shuts you off just as you're about to get past it, you still had 45 seconds to get there. You're just really slow. This is not a bug, it's on your part. Saying this is a bug is like me saying "I die all the time and I never kill anybody. Fix this bug plz". You're bad- fact.


    - Player can be untargettable by standing in a certain location

    Bug fixed. Naming bugs from the past seems really werid, how is it relevant at all?



    - ability to be untargettable while planting/disarming bomb (Imp + Rep)

    Never heard of it, bring proof.


    - When joining a new game as defense first, the long flight travel time will cause you to miss the first barrier, locking you in the respawn room until it opens again

    What? It will not cause you to miss the barrier. Once again, this is just another case of you personally, being bad and slow.


    Civil War

    - Imperial-controlled guns begin registering attacks on Republic Ship earlier than Republic-controlled guns

    No, they don't. It's the gun-battery on the western side that starts earlier. Both republics and imperials can go for any battery. Is this a bug? No. Is it stupid? Yes. Another case of you not knowing what the word "bug" means.


    - Players can stand in spots which make them untargetable by attacks (Imp + Rep)

    Yes. This is a bug, but to fix it for you; you can get untargetable by ranged attacks if you stand on a certain spot and it only works on the first door. This is the only really critical bug on your list, lol.



    - Not all class skills are mirrored properly. Example: Dirty Kick roots player, Debilitate does not.

    This is not a bug.


    Special Ilum Issue (I will not cover all Ilum issues, just ones I feel are special)

    - Patch 1.1.2 broke the daily/weekly quests, as legitimate players are not getting any credit for VALID kills.

    Never happened to me, bring proof.

  3. I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


    What is your excuse?


    Wow. Horrible life quality? :S "I hate doing this but I do it anyways cause I payed for it". If you bought "My Little pony: The game" when you were 5, do you feel obligated to still play it just cause you payed for it?

  4. Well, for afk -500 valor to


    When he said afking, he meant afking OUTSIDE of the starting zone meaning you won't get kicked for it. If you press num lock and auto-run into a wall, nothing will spot that you're afk.

  5. From deserters should be taken 500 valor for each deserted bg.


    Oh you disconnected? Got stuck in something and were forced to leave? Not only do you lose every reward from that WarZone. You also get a -500 penalty because... you should avoid being close to anything that could potentially knock you into a bugged spot and you need to make sure you never disconnect from our servers!!1

  6. Arena has inflated rewards that force people into the arena mini-game, even if they don't want to. If arena only offered titles and mounts etc., I would not have a problem with it, but if they give arena players gear advantages, it should never see the light of day.


    Operations has inflated rewards that force people into the operation mini-game, even if they don't want to. If operations only offered titles and mounts etc., I would not have a problem with it, but if they give operation players gear advantages, it should never see the light of day.


    Just replaced arena with operations to make you see how you sound.

  7. Zzz, I even preffered it the way it was. On my server, there's always ~5> full Ilum instances and as melee, you can't do **** other than spam buffs to get in combat with everyone. I'm not contributing what so ever other than the Warrior buff. This isn't world PvP, this is just a huge derpy farmy neverending warzone. You might aswell make it instanced so that people don't have to waste their time flying there.
  8. humans also have free will too, you can easily say "no I wont exploit" an do the right thing.... it is ALWAYS your fault when you do wrong, without a single doubt. If I leave my car keys in the ignition an you steal the car overnight, it is YOUR FAULT..... :)


    haha, so out of touch with reality.

  9. The only thing I find retarded is how that grip that every fcking... thingy (i dont even know what class does it) at the beginning of every huttball. Place yourself behind the acid pool, grip someone and abuse the fact that for some RP-reason, the grip doesn't get you all the way to the target. And then chained with a stun, done. So dumb.
  10. I've learned the hard way that this will never work. It is incredibly easy to keep an enemy in front of you.


    Then I'm afraid you've only played really really ****** assasins.

    edit: And I think alot of people (including myself) do it as a wow habbit. In wow, casters doesn't auto aim unless it's a channel ability so you'll want try do anything in your power to get behind whoever is casting. That + that it makes you feel in the zone, warmed up. If you ever played sc2, it's the same as boxing your workers constantly at the start of the game or constantly cycle thru your production-facilities.


    ....aaand then ontop of that, it bothers you. You made a thread about it ;)

  11. Hello all you sorcs/Ops/Mercs out there.


    I know you value your DPS. I know you can get 200k+ damage in a WZ. I know you are awesome at DPS.


    But you know what isn't awesome?


    Going into a WZ with no healers and losing because of it.


    Time after time Empire loses on my server for one simple reason. We have no healers.


    Even the people that can do 200+ damage can't stay up for long without a healer.


    So please. Choose healing over DPS.


    The Empire needs your green goodness.


    Why don't you roll a healer yourself you hypocritical *****?


    Its in almost every MMO that has open world pvp with rewards.. In War, DAOC, and Aion people were severely punished for it in Aion there was a lot of QQ over people receiving perma Bans for it.. TOR should be no different.


    Punish them and make an example.


    Nice video, for a first try I guess. Tips for next time:


    * Add more music. The ingame sound gets boring too quickly.

    * Edit out the waiting. The waiting before each battle could be edited out. The movie could become 1/3 the size, but more fun for viewers!

    * Opponents. Try to fight better opponents and maybe in smaller fights. It isn't that impressive to watch your group of 30 imperials killing ~15 republicans. Try to make 1v1 fights etc ^^


    just my 5c!

  13. Bioware doesn't have the best bug fix team so they have to make clumbsy fixes to get around problems like this. Not an issue for me tho, all you gotta do is unstealth yourself and cap. press your stealth button and start capping. It's even more annoying for warriors tho because I have to rightclick the stealth buff to cap.
  14. On peut discuter en francais toute la journee si sa t'aide a me croire lol mais bon jpense c toi qui est desesperer. Dommage pour toi. La prochaine fois au lieu de dire n'importe koi sur les forums tu devrais utiliser ton temps pour ecrire un thread pour te plaindre comme moi sa aiderait plus la communaute probablement.


    le google translatuer moi bien tutti frutti motha****ah

  15. Our marvelous nation is known worldwide for losing its wars with finesse and style. This Patch 1.1 one would be considered a monstruosity even here. How can you make republic lose so much?


    When we french complain of losing too much you know someone failed hard.



    Bon bon pour les devs qui parlent pas francais anyways meme si le quebec est en amerique du nord...vous avez fail big time. Genre...wow..comment vous avez reussi ce coup la depasse ma comprehension.





    Chobosyk from Bondar Crystal


    Yeah, when people are so desperate they come to the forums with google translate ready to pretend to be french, it's just gone too far.

  16. Well sith warriors have "undying rage" which makes us almost invincible for 5 seconds. That's the only way I go through them, and force charge lets us jump through them. Jumping through is less crazier than walking through them.


    But basically you are asking the devs to Nerf every class that has an ability to go through them. If your class doesn't have an ability to bypass Huttball fire then.... reroll or learn to deal


    Except undying rage burns the cooldown of the ability and takes away HALF of your health. So say you're at full health wanting to go thru the flames, it's not even worth it. Better to just wait and save the cooldown til you're near dieing.

    edit: unless you're already like below 50% health. Then I'll pop UR aswell to get thru, especially if I have other players damaging me on the same time.

  17. "Say you screwed up instead of "things didn't work as intended" - You're really dumb. It didn't work as intended, right? Not enough players went on the test servers for them to be able to test illum with 200players on the planet. They had no idea valor would be raining with such amount. They had no idea it would cause such lag. And they did intend to make entering the opponent's base auto kill you. Which didn't work when they put it on live for whatever reason. I think your english is lacking if you don't understand what "not working as intended means" ;)
  18. Yeah I bet this was a serious problem on all those Republic-dominated servers.


    Err... Not on Tomb of Freedom Nadd EU. Here's basically how the day went:

    Ilum (3), the Empire was camping in the Republic Base

    Ilum (1), the Republic was camping in the Empire Base

    Who said anything about republic dominated servers?

  19. Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


    What?!... Are you going to start banning players for playing Ilum? And took advantage of what situation? And what would the consequences be? I just want to know who's in the safe zone and who's not. Is this about camping the opponents base? Spending your day doing illum to get tons of Valor? And if so, how much valor would be the limit? Would the punishment be bann or just reverted Valor?

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