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Posts posted by Zergabaath

  1. Looks like I struck a nerve....it's funny how my guild is still relatively new compared to pvp Guilds that have been around for months who have been training players to play ranked...so like I said before what comes out your mouth is nonsense...instead of worring about what me or my guild does you should concentrate on your own weakness


    I can't say much for Underworld Alliance since it's a pve guild but still better pvpers then Titan but my imp side guild void Is newer than Titans and any combination of 4 of our players would destroy your 4 best want me to spawn camp you on Tsarunai like the other day in ancient hyper gate the 5 times you died predictable sentinel

  2. Lemme just say this you are an irrelevant factor.,, I have beaten you many times in dps in war zones and in duels....to the point where I made you switch classes to combat (don't think I haven't noticed) and not to mention I've spanked you in many duels....it would be wise for u to stay out the rant and continue to play as whooter


    Beaten me with bugged sheild relic 3 times I beat you twice and you've never out damaged me sorry man your a piece of **** the whole server knows it. You've never out damaged me plus I play all sentinel specs you don't own any of them who declared you best sentinel anyways? Some random guy lol

  3. Thaeus go duel Ragnak if you wanna claim to be the top sentinel/marauder he's one of the top in my opinion your a decent sentinel but you lack the ability to fight as a team and ultimately lead your pvp groups to a disadvantage you've never once beatin me in dmg in any war zone in any of the specs and I'm capable of being a great team player maybe this is the reason you can't que ranked "Oooooooh" try a different class maybe and if our talking about best sent/marauder in both pve/pvp your not even top 10, and stop running to the off node and getting solo spanked A



  4. I apologize for not actually going through with this like I had said in my post my wifes family planned to celebrate Christmas over this weekend Saturday/Sunday family visiting sorry! I think several people should try organizing groups also if possible.
  5. Starting first weekend of 2014 Saturday / Sunday in the evening around 6PM server I'd like to get a group of 12 to 24 decently geared pvpers exp 1936 to 2018 to solo que get ranked popping we've seen this done slot already on republic side organized by Uliic I say that expertise cause none of us wanna get stick with that 25k 1300exp guy or that 40k and less then 1k exp not that me saying this will stop them from queuing or should hold them back but skilled/geared plates should fight skilled/geared players I cans do this 3 weekends in a row with one off due to work anyone who has additional ideas please post and who knows this may get ranked teams going


    Catheana , Whooter , Tsarunai , Thule , Sabatiani

  6. Us as a guild in underworld alliance has no staple in the pvp world it's nice to be noticed for giving people a good fight and a run for their money thanks a lot man


    The Underworld Alliance

    Catheana - sentinel

    Whooter - scoundrel



    Thule - juggernaut

    Tsarunai - sniper

  7. Actually I was able to get online as of yesterday but if it happens to happen again I'll look into disabling peer blocking to resolve it if nothing else this thread will help others that encounter this problem. I think it basically took time to blow over but damn it was frustrating
  8. Yup I already tried a router reset, but apperantly there's something called " peer blocker " that your able to shut off that can cause these issues but sadly I'm at work I plan to try this when I get home. I have doubts that my router is the cause because I can play with other servers just fine I've actually lvld a sage to 25 since I've had this issues on harbinger
  9. I've done everything I could to get back on nothing is working


    Deleted swtor re installing, and running updates

    Deleted certain files and running fix it's according to customer support

    Running several anti virus scans

    Changing anti virus and firewalls yo allow everything involving swtor through

    Turning off bitraider and changing its settings according to customer support

    ERROR 1003 having to do with servers bring down for maintenance or about to

    Continues to haunt my every attempt to play my characters.


    I come to find out error 1003 has nothing to do with my computer or swtor it's the

    Connection between myself and the bio ware game servers and the problem is on their end

    And only thing I can do they say is " wait it out" I've waited 5 days same error 1003


    Do yup good bye ebon hawk due to this games incompetence 8 yrs of online gaming this is a first


    Catheana - Whooter - Tsarunai - Sabatiani

  10. Please stop with all the complaining about pre-mades and such people do 4/4 pre-made groups with no similar tags just skilled friends just as capable as the next at taking out a 4/4 guild pre-made go complain somewhere else

    I thought this was a shout-out thread, and not a hate thread please move to the channel below and keep this thread civil. thanks!


    Shout out to all my random groupies.


    Catheana - Sentinel

    Whooter - Scoundrel

    Tsarunai - Sniper

  11. I wanna give a shout out to all the players in The Core, Republic, and my fellow guild mates Underworld Alliance for all the good times and successful PVP matches. You all make my healing that much better and dps that much funner!


    Also note welcome back Game Genie.


    Catheana - versitile sentinel

    Whooter - carefree doctor

    Tsarunai - that gun person

  12. I believe they may be using 1 less accuracy augment, leaving their accuracy at 99.9%.


    I noticed this when going over the weirdly crit-high Bossofallbosses logs (before learning he just games the damage casino for brilliant 5 minutes segments), and noticing that he has an odd amount of 'misses' in a few of his parses.


    I suspect that they (Bossofallbosses, Farius, and a few others from our guild) get up to <1% shy of 100%, and the damage gain outweighs the almost nonexistent miss rate.


    I have done the same thing, and I have seen marginal increases in my output. Might account for where he's magically getting more surge.


    I'm at 100.30% accuracy using 2 acc augments

  13. Catheana Watchmen 36/8/2 (12:11:24 - 12:17:09) :)

    4m 59.963s 2930.90 DPS :mad:

    5m 0.549s 2941.04 DPS :)



    Either one beats my old parse, I'd prefer the 5m one but whichever is fine!


    I though I'd try doing accuracy augments and keep a higher critical multiplier I got pretty lucky with my merciless slashes this run. Full minmax 72's kell wrists, and UW SA/BA combo.


    Strength: 2639

    Power: 1813 rating

    Accuracy: 100.30% 459 rating

    Critical: 18.21% 0 rating

    Critical Multiplier: 71.08% 395 rating

  14. I experimented abit and while doing watchmen spec the other night using arkanian SA / underworld SA I managed to get 3-4 procs within a 20 second period since both relics are proccing as well as both proccing on separate CD's heal / damage , but I never managed to get 3 to 4 procs going within a 6 second period for for example a 2,120 power boost. But I guess I never checked to see if my actual (pri) damage changed according in any case thats totally broken right=p. I know for a fact doing FP's on my sorc I'm getting 2 buffs at the same time off 1 SA relic doing damage and healing.
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