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Posts posted by FarVision

  1. Haters gonna hate. The music at beginning was less then a minute long...and relevant to the theme of the show. This has how we've always done our shows and it's successful.



    It's a great interview. I don't know if I would use the word 'show'.


    Somewhat overproduced but I do appreciate the information.


    I found myself hitting Pause after I realized I was in for three minutes of music intro and sound effects. When it was 12 percent loaded I started clicking along the slider until I heard voices, then started listening.


    NPR does interviews great. Intros should be 10 to 15 seconds. Just some feedback.

  2. 100 pages? Why do I think that most of you guys would always find something to complain about?


    There has to be a lengthening of the perception of the world. Most of the planets are very small areas. There has to be some filler so you feel like you're not in a very small box. Remember, they don't have an open world like Warcraft.


    Think of these things, as you are running through the airlock to the space dock to the elevator to the ship - that this was done on purpose.

  3. With underworld trading I've found that the fabrics are kind of a waste of time. In part because they are under the wrong category in GTN so people dont find them as easy and because of that the price for them is much lower then the metals. At least this is true on the servers I play on. Another reason fabrics are lower is demand. The metals are just used by so many more crew skills compared to the fabrics.



    Yep. Stopped listing my blue fabrics after I did a search on some type of material and saw one guy with two listings of fabrics totally in the wrong spot.


    I'm stockpiling for now.


    Also it seems that the Biochem Rush as caused a glut of supplies on our GTN.


    I'm using an alt to list my Treasure Hunting and Underworld items. The metals are selling better than the Bio stuff, as people are undercutting each other, and I don't play those games. I'll either buy them out and re-list, or craft into med-packs and list.


    It's nice being ahead of the curve on some of these things, if you are smart and pay attention. GTN does need some work, though. I'd like a Memorized Sell Price, or Last Sold For.. or something.


    I'm not getting into spreadsheets or writing anything down. I usually mark up a little bit from the auto-price, and do OK.

  4. My gaming system runs using a raid of 4 OCZ Vertex 2s in RAID-0 for tremendous speed. I also have the aforementioned 8GB of DDR3 and loading screens also annoy me.


    Loading from PvP to a planet can take quite a long time. =(



    Maybe it's a memory issue. I don't use SSD in this rig, just a normal SATA drive, which is not a 'green' drive.


    Rig has one proc, quad core, and 16 gigs DDR3 ram. I use it for video editing. It's no slouch, but not the greatest thing out there.


    Never thought of loading screens much. I'll have to time it. Most take 10 to 15 seconds.


    HD doesn't churn very much. I do keep the resolution on Low due to my graphics card not being very new. Low lets me play very quickly. Medium has just a little bit too much chop.


    I suppose it depends on how much data you're loading - if everything is on High maybe it takes longer.

  5. Appealing to the lowest common denominator makes more money for investors. That's the most basic explanation for the trend you describe. There are more people who like the kind of games that WoW and TOR and fewer who like the game that SWG was. And since the name of the game has become more about making money than spurring innovation, they target the largest audience.


    As an alternative, a developer could come along and make a game specifically to appeal to their niche audience--investing only the money they need to appeal to this group. Games like TOR have to be expensive in order to be broad (yet shallow) enough to draw in more players. Niche games, like SWG, only have to appeal to their target.


    Make sense?



    Yep. Remember that Egyptian style freeplay MMO where you built things like farm and wells. Got points for helping each other out? How's that doing these days?


    Guild Wars 2 will do awesome.


    Modern Warfare Shooty Mc Shooterville will do awesome.


    Diablo 3 will do awesome.


    Smart games where you have to think an work together? Good luck with that!

  6. You are right pretty much except for your statement about Devs not paying attention to the forums. Evey game Dev alive peruses the forums incessantly. That is where they get their most valuble feedback on their games.



    God I hope not. 100 or so whining kids out of how many thousands of players per server? The dissatisfaction rate for the product is probably in the low fractions of single digits.


    If it were my game, i'd be looking at the hard stats of which players with professions over 300 were dumping them and going Biochem. I probably wouldn't be spending my time reading all this. But that's just me. I like the hard numbers.


    I guess we'll see Jan 21st!

  7. I feel sorry for the FOTM kids.


    Sorry to be an oldster on this stuff, but after a dozen runs of this type of thing, we all know how this pans out.


    Developers run through the real numbers from their product and make adjustments. I hope someone somewhere isn't making development calls based on forum crying.


    Devs will drop in some good things for the other professions, and probably reduce bio a little, if the numbers pan out from their end.


    Hyperbole probably isn't helping the bio case, but Bioware isn't paying that much attention to the forums.

  8. Take the time and figure how much time the missions take and how much the raw components actually cost if you are gathering all your own materials. Then guage the base cost of items. This is a good figure to use for the guild. For the gtn you should just place them at a cost more then you would expect them to sell for and then bring it down a bit each day until they start selling.


    Or JOIN A BETTER GUILD. My guild works together, I give free purple ship upgrades, or droid parts and in return get stims, or items I need. We actually give crafting missions to guildies instead of selling them, the same with recipes. If someone can't afford their speeder skills, one of use pitch's in to get them it. That's the reason it is called a Guild, it is people working TOGETHER.



    Tell me about it. We have guild mates that COD and haggle for things in /g and it's really annoying. This new batch of MMO kids really need some teamwork training.

  9. Nope. Here's why:


    This game is fun.


    You have to think, and pay attention to what's going on around you.


    You have to watch the boss for his Specials, and block them.


    You have to pay attention to the battle, and watch for adds.


    You have to heal your player and NPC companions.


    You have to communicate with your team, and decide who's going to CC what, and use the Mark system.


    In short, situation awareness.



    I do NOT want to see the words HEAL NOW or DO THIS, or LOOK HERE and have the game on auto-play. That ruins for experience for everyone. I want smart people playing my game with me. If that means half the subscriber base, then so be it.


    I'm greedy and demanding with my entertainment time. I dumped the CoD series and went with BF2/3 because of this. "You much be this smart to play with me" (like the sign on the roller coaster)


    Our guild uses Ventrillo, and we are mostly smart people.


    I don't want dumb people coming into my house.


    Any addons or combat logging for the purpose of created an out-of-band analyzer is working towards the end of making my entertainment dumber, and I do not care for that.


    If the battle is won, congrats. You did it right. If you lost, then try something different. You don't need five megs of text files per fight.

  10. I simply compare the in game chars of SWTOR vs WoW. On Corosunt and the FLeet, General chat is 50% helpful, 40% hillarious and 10% complaints / bashing


    On WoW, it's 90% complaints / bashing, and 10% helpful / hillarious


    To me, that tells me that IN GAME, the community of Star Wars is better so far.



    In game 35 players per zone is still 35 players per zone :jawa_frown:

  11. Not a big fan of the Khem.


    Gets in the way of looting and gathering. I've been twisting away at the last second so he'll fark off over to the side and not get in my way.


    Normally he gets in the way of the camera, and I have to pan way out to see what I'm doing. Wouldn't mind a Companion Follow Radius setting in the prefs.


    And that false spoken language is just sooo annoying. I would like an option into the prefs to turn off companion spoken dialogue.


    USS MAN VAK KEL UHN VUHN ECK UN shutupshutupshutupshutup GOD SHUT UP

  12. I wish I could read through all 63 pages, but I came here because I was bored after quitting out of the game for the night :)


    It helps me to think of this less of a twitch game, and more of a slower paced tactical planning game, where you are somewhat slowly watching the game/movie unfolding before me as I select which skills to kick off next.


    You can add ability queue time in the Preferences, but if things are cancelling completely, I'm not sure that will help. It's like the skills are failing at the server. And on IceBreaker, we have maybe 500 people on. If it's a server lag issue with 500 people on it - this thing is done.


    I don't notice it on my Inquisitor, because it runs a little slower, but on my Marauder I have a tougher time. The entire thing just feels very sluggish and non-responsive.


    It's not enough to get me to back to WoW, but I played at release for three years, and the game-play was flawless.


    If we had the 'cartoony' look and feel of WoW only with all Star Wars IP, it would be a mega hit.

  13. This discussion is really about Pugs not guild groups, I don't tank the same in a guild group because I know my healers and dps are all capable I'll pull 2-3 groups together and let the dps handle all the light mobs while they're trying to chase me. I wouldn't even consider doing this in a pug.


    Likewise If I mark targets in a guild group there is no discussion about what to do. We already know fire is the burn target, bullseye is the cc and 2nd target, shield is my taunt target and last to be killed.



    I am the only one that I have played with, on my server, who has ever used the Mark system, out of my 17 levels of Smuggler, 18 levels of Inquisitor, and 12 levels of Warrior. Guild and Pug, since release on the 20th.


    I don't think anyone except you and I have ever right-clicked on a portrait to see what's all in there.


    It's kind of disheartening. I have ran into TONS of kids for whom this is their first MMO. Has there seriously not been anything out since WoW release? It's been something like six years, right?


    NO one knows how to play!


    This tank / DPS agro management stuff is really basic 101 stuff.


    No one pans the camera. No one pays attention to what's going on. Warriors just mash buttons no matter what else is going on, and if you have a healer in the group, it's open season to run to the next enemy the millisecond you get out of combat.


    On my Inq, who does have some healing specced - in a pug, I will tell them exactly what I want them to do. If the non-guild newb starts running off - I just stand there and watch. Lessons do have to be taught to these kids! (sorry for being bossy)

  14. The crit increase does apply to force lightning and since its your highest base damage ability it gives you the most out of those 2 charges



    Yes but it burns a charge for FL even if you don't crit. I only burn a Reckless when I need to emergency heal big.

  15. I don't see how anyone could say the story isn't that good. Go ahead and bash other aspects of the game, but to say the story isn't any good is just pure hogwash.



    There are SO many awesome dialogue and morality choices that I just can't imagine anyone being unhappy with this title. Even if you consider it as a single player game. I can't even remember being this delighted and awed at some of the dialogue on my Smuggler and Inquisitor characters - and I'm still under 20 on both.


    This is Bioware 'Mass Effect' style awesome. Where you sit there at the final menu choice of a quest and think ... 'oh crap how do I answer this one'


    And, of course, the game-play is top notch IMO. Guild stuff, Heroics, crafting... It doesn't feel as hugely open-world as WoW did, and I miss that, but I still can't put this title down.

  16. Yeah its not worth it anymore... They stealth it hard. I used to get a recipe in around 5 de's of blues... I've made about 40 blues without a recipe post patch.


    Way to make it not even worth it to craft anymore. Now I'm just spamming companion gifts to sell because its not worth 400k in mats just for A CHANCE at a decent implant that most people would pay 50k for tops...



    Odd that it's not in the patch notes. I have 100 or so in Arms on a 17 GS, and 80 or so on a 14 Sorc. Those of us here that actually know the crafting system and RE stuff to hit the crit recipes can .. feel a disturbance in the force :)

  17. I think the utter tediousness of putting things on the GTN is influencing prices at lot. I'm sure I'm not alone in having tons of Grade 1-5 mats that I no longer want, but can't be bothered to struggle with the GTN interface, checking prices, and just throw everything up for whatever the default is.



    This. I'm not going to sit there with a calculator.


    I ran the Auctioneer mod on WoW for quite a long time, when I played, retail to 3 years. Made mad bank, and it was fun to run the numbers and think about stuff.


    This GTN system is really difficult. Since there are no client mod options, we have to live with it. If they put in an option to Mark Up Default Price, then I will put in a percentage and be done with it. I don't see hardly anyone on my server (ICE Breaker) even using the system. So I'm certainly not going to sit there and play with math.


    Besides, the only other option is to sell to NPC vendor. Why wouldn't I pay 70c in order to make 1.5k on an item that would vendor for 300c? I list tons of crap just to see if it goes. You get your deposit back anyway so I'm not really caring so much.

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