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Everything posted by Boozek

  1. You do realize it's been more than a week since allyson made her original post. In the real world people need to be updated on progress or even failure. We live in the information age where progress can be updated real-time. basically let us know how you're doing with these issues please, a week is far too long to go without any type of response to the community.
  2. any response would be appreciated...it's only been a week after all
  3. fix it or roll it back, enough people are affected by the issues to warrant a fix of this nature.
  4. Very simple solution, roll back to 1.3 and release 1.4 once you've tested it thoroughly. We shouldn't be paying for beta. It's great that you have made some headway for sli users, but how about us folks that use AMD? If you cant fix the issue after a week, a rollback to an older client will at least allow us to play the game as intended.
  5. First off Fatman is not the only server with a population. You must be playing on a barren server yourself to make that comment. They opened far too many servers at launch and the population is spread thin. They're trying to rectify this. I re-rolled and left 4 50's on an underpopulated server myself..and no..not on Fatman. Jedi covenant has a healthy population with omg decent balance between pub and imp sides. Server xfers will be soon. As for your fps issues what kind of system are you running? How much vram/ram do you have. processor speed? I actually had to disable 2 cores (6 core processor) to achieve stability. Look at your own hardware first. google tor and your vid card/processor and you'll find tips on maximising the game performance for your setup.
  6. Mornings are generally slow on my server, but early afternoon things pick up. Prime time queues are almost instant. I left 4 50's on a dead server, re-rolled on jedi covenant and havent been happier. yes there is the hassle of re-leveling but it was almost fun because there were people to do so with.
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