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Posts posted by Jrheel

  1. My best guess would be- darth maul kills her then anakin kills maul. That would tie off ahsoka and maul's character, and explain why- a. Anakin is more dark and down in ep 3, and b. What darth maul's imortant destiny is that talzin spoke of at the end of season 4- be another straw in turning anakin to vader and make anakin even more scared of losing padme in ep 3. And finally c- be cool as ****
  2. Speaking in 1v1 terms (not that it happens much or matters much, but...), my Immortal/Vengeance Juggernaut beats everyone. The order of difficulty in the fights is generally...


    1) Tankassassin

    2) Concealment Operative (with a little healing)

    3) Pyrotech Powertech

    4) Marauder

    5) Sniper

    6) Mercenary

    7) Sorcerer


    The top three are all close. I need to duel some Marauders, but they never really give me problems in war zones (nor do the other classes outside the top 3).


    Agree w this too. My immortal juggernaut has went 32-8 in 1v1 fights-great 1v1 class. Neway in trying to answer the thread and imo wo putting specs too it... 1- marauder, 2-juggernaut, 3- powertech, 4-assassin, 5-operative, 6-sorcerer, 7-sniper, 8-merc. But ne of those classes can be the best if played by the right person. More the player than class imo

  3. I play a jugg, immortal spec and I am insulted by the lack of respect we are receiving in this thread. Pvp is all about dps? Juggs do a lot of things that simply do not show up on the stat sheet. Absorbing tons of damage, staying alive and keeping the other team from capping. Taunt, Aoe taunt and guard are game changing and can turn the tide of battle. Juggs dominate in huttball as well. One on one, immortal juggs who are well played should have no problem beating dps classes while healers give me the most trouble, just because of the limited dps i put out. Per game medals, i average between 6 to 10 depending on the game, total damage around 75-125k and protection ranging from 50k to 100k on average. Juggs are the Rodney Dangerfields of pvp, no respect.


    I couldnt agree more and love the rodney dangerfield reference lol. Outa my 3 classes- immortal jug, arsenal merc, n hybrid sage, the jug is my favorite n the best imo-yet hardest to play. I get between 7-13 medals on average per game, do between 125k-180k per game frm a non damage class in defense spec. Not to mention how effective we r in huttball w all the mobility. But jugs just dont get the respect-even in mvp votes. Ive been top in medals by 3, protection, n top 3 in damage n not gotten an mvp vote b4 a couple times

  4. Well i dont thnk its a great ability, i thnk its a nice addition to the other 3 defensive cooldowns. I thnk it works descent frm an immortal jug standpoint. If ur immortal, ur not that concerned with the dps u lose, n their's 2 abilities in the immortal tree that help out ur rage building. So ive had plenty of times where i had an excess of rage n popped that n it barley affected my dps. So not great but solid- but i dont expect every new ability to come along to blow everyth else outa the water
  5. From the 3 ive tried- merc, sage, n jugger... Imo- the best, funnest, yet most challenging, is the juggernaut. The damage reduction, stuns, n mobility i just love n have success with. Also the damage is decsent if u know how to use the class n rage bar. In warzones, with a non-damage class, in immortal spec i do 120-180k damage. Not great, but solid frm defense-non damag class. Sage n merc r easier, but not as good or fun imo
  6. lol i aree with ur topic. b4 the game came out, i was set on a juggernaut but i second guessed myself bc of all the hate juggers were gettn-thankfully i still ran one. as my jug, i took part in and kept track of 40 1v1 duels against diff classes, n went 32-8. As for pvp, im almost always in the top 1-3 in medals n do solid. Ive since ran a sage n merc, n i dont enjoy them near as much, nor do i have quite the success-tho they are easier to play. So bottom line-play what u want n have fun doing it
  7. I agree w all that, except u forgot my favorite new thing- the new power that takes 4 rage and 1 per second to heal u. When i respecced, i put points in the spot in immortal that lets u generate rage in soresu faster to compensate for trhe rage loss, which has worked beatuifully so far, and the new power is nice and gives u 4 strong defensive powers. I love it, and yes i love the ravage buff too. Ravage is a skill that's hard to pull off in pvp, but if u time it right, and do it after stuns, it can be really devastating
  8. I would get 6-10 medals a game b4 1.2 w a 31-3-7 build.


    After 1.2, i kept the same 31-3-7, tho not exactly the same points in the same spots(put skill points in the spot where u generate more rage in soresu to compensate for the new power), and, i still get 6-10 medals per game so far, and i feel even more durable than before- due probaly to the new fore mentioned power that takes 4 rage, and 1 per second to heal u.


    So to wrap up my experience so far, Post 1.2, so far- I get a little more medals than b4, and feel even more durable. I feel like one of the baddest mothers on the field, but i felt like that b4 too, just a little more so. Maybe not the baddest, but up there

  9. What About-...




    Mandalorian- (More melee focused than Bounty Hunter, Maybe give them some kind of bombs or detonation packs too- would be cool. Picking the names of 2 advanced classes would be easy, so many mandalorian specialities)


    Sith Summoner- Can summon beasts, undead, etc.. This one has been posted a descent amount in this thread already





    Close Combat Specialist- Name may need work, but u get the idea. Of course would be the mirror


    Jedi Summoner- Again, u get the idea



    Love the game, but biggest gripe to me so far, is mirror classes. I wouldn't mind a close cousin to class from opposite faction, but to be the exact same except different names and animations is ridiculous. For ex.- IMO the sorcerer should do more dps with the lightning and such, while the sage should have a little more defense and healing. But that's another topic for another thread :D

  10. Those stats are flawed and completely wrong from a level 50's perspective.


    I can say for sure that you will not beat a well played annihilation marauder. Whatever you say, unless they are just plain bad. Tank assassins / shadows or exploiting operative / scoundrels are also going to pick you apart.


    The game is not at all balanced around 1v1 to say the least.


    Everyone keeps saying comments like these, and im not as experienced at 50 then pre 50, but still not having a lot of trouble here. Still haven't lost to a gunslinger/sniper, or had trouble with an assassin, unless they are more geared then me. Marad/sentinel is more even now, but i know for a fact some of my losses came to better geared people, since i figured out how to inspect player. I currently have 8 centurion pieces, and 6 champion pieces on


    Pvp at 50 is much more gear dependent, than class or player


    And this thread is not about bragging about me, i dont think im a great player, nor do i intend to brag- it's about giving jugs some love which i believe they deserve and giving them a semi detailed thread to back it up. But bring on any buff too

  11. Who really cares what lowbies you stomped over in Tattooine?


    At 50, you'll see those 1v1 stats against decent assassins/shadows and sents/maras flipped.


    Took it a lot further than Tatooine, Tatooine was where I started, and there's only 2 matches outa 40 from there

  12. Who really cares what lowbies you stomped over in Tattooine?


    At 50, you'll see those 1v1 stats against decent assassins/shadows and sents/maras flipped.


    I dont totally disagree, I have experience in 50 1v1 pvp, but not enough to put a long post like this one. And at 50 I still usually win 1v1, but not like I did pre 50. And the thing about 50 is, it's much more gear dependent. If I dont have good pvp gear, and go against someone that has descent pvp gear, it doesn't matter what class they are- its a loss.


    At 50 I havent lost to the gunslinger-sniper class yet, Marauder-Sentinels are 50-50 now, instead of undefeated, but I know that in a couple of my losses that they had better gear, because I figured out how to inspect player recently. And I still do good against Commando-Merc, but have lost once or twice there too


    50 IMO is more about the gear than the class- but not quite experienced enough to post what class trumps what in equal gear. To me shouldn't change that much from pre 50 as it hasn't yet, but maybe I'm wrong. Im open to criticism

  13. Juggs don't have 6 attacks that can stun, first of all. You may want to get your facts straight before laying it out on the forums. I have a level 50 operative, and they cannot resist stuns, unless his resolve was full. He probably used his CC break on one of them as soon as you used it. I'm not sure if evasion can dodge any of them, as I usually save it to use with my combat stealth, but that only lasts 3 seconds.


    I didnt say i have 6 attacks that are stuns, I said I did 6 attacks that stunned. In the immortal tree i put a skill point in the one that gives force charge a 2 second stun, and that was used about 3 times. So dont tell me I need to get my facts straight, if u have a question, just ask, instead of assume and being a little nasty.


    I see a lot of love for darkness assassins here, maybe the assassins I fought werent darkness, because I usually stomped them. For the record, I have no idea what spec or gear any of the people I fought were. Didnt ask, and just recorded the result.


    Back on topic, i see people's opinion's for different classes and how jugs in their servers get killed against this class and that- The classes I had trouble with were the Operative, Sorcerer, and Powertech, and somewhat the Marauder. But I still had winning records against those except for the Operative which was tied- but only 4 matches


    Mercs, were the graviest to me, and Snipers werent that bad, but I had the least experience against Snipers. Like I said, Assassins were gravy too, but maybe they werent darkness, I have no idea


    And IMO, Jugs are beast in 1v1. Damage resistance, stuns, and a well used rage bar trump what most classes can do and handle in 1v1 IMO. A lot harder in warzone pvp because of the melee factor(it's easier for ranged classes to group on a melee, than melee to group on ranged),- and because of the way people move around in pvp and how much of a clusterf it can be when ur right in the middle of it. One second ur attacking a character, the next u can't because he's too far away and u have to switch to another character, then turn to face him, just to keep ur attacks going

  14. When i fought ops, especially one particular match at 45, i did about 6 attacks that shoulda stunned, and he resisted them all. So idk what happened/happens, but they resist my stuns.


    And the marauder sentinels- i fought all over the spectrum. Fought some in my 20's, 30's, 40's. Had 2 matches at 49, so... But would have lost 3-4 of them without a last second endure pain. Simply had to many stuns and damage resistance for them, but they were all close matches despite undefeated record. They were much tougher than mercenary/commando's

  15. *Breaths life into dying thread*


    Just wanted to give people one more chance to criticize or analyze b4 i let thread die for good.


    Spent a lot of time looking at negative juggernaut threads before rolling mine, and took the time to give a detailed positive thread after playing mine, so just wanted to give thread one more shot.


    Any fellow positive experiences, criticisms, or opinions are welcome

  16. Cant give u the exact names of the abilities, but Ill tell u generally what has worked for me, especially in 1v1 fight, where i kept track and i was 32-8.


    The one where u stun for 2 sec after a force charge, is extremley usefull, and adds a couple extra stuns to the match. (Stuns are important for a tank juggernaut in pvp)


    The one that channels force choke for u, is good, because u can do force choke, and then do anything else u want.


    Then to add damage to a tanky juggernaut, you can put 6 skill points into smash from 2 different skill trees which can make that ability stonger than force scream, and u dont have to be facing target or accurate to use it. And 3 of the skill points also effect backhand slap, which should be a prelude to ravage, since backhand slap stuns for 4 sec, and ravage takes 3 sec to channel and is easily avoidable


    Just a few ideas

  17. Answering 2 questions,


    How many classes have i played and what level am I- Played 3 different, Jug is my favorite, currently level 50


    What level were the classes i played against- The average level of the class i played against was higher than mine, and i didnt start dueling until level 21. And all the classes i played against, i played against them at all levels. For ex. fought a marauder at 33, and fought another one at 49

  18. Hi, I bought the game about a week after its release, and never got to play the patch. In the time of waiting, ive heard all kinds of negativity about the Juggernaut. My heart was set on being one for about 2 years b4 the game came out, and when it came time to picking my advanced class, I thought twice about being a Maruder, but chose the Juggernaut still, and boy was i not dissapointed one bit.


    This thread is mainly bout my experiences in 1v1 combat against another class; (which is the only type of combat that u dont get anything from, but to me, is also the truest form of ur character against another, wo warzone obstacles, and armor thats rated up to 49, etc..) But my experiences in PvE have been very positive and really easy, and i pvp- im not great, but i tend to bring home the mvp around 10-15% of the time from levels 11-49, and usually get 6-9 medals per match


    Having said all that, ive kept track of every 1v1 match ive ever had, and the stats...



    Marauders- 7-0

    Assassins- 9-1

    Sorcerers- 5-4

    Mercenarys- 6-0

    Powertechs- 1-1

    Snipers- 2-0

    Opertives- 2-2

    TOTAL- 32-8


    Out of 40 matches, my opponents were an average of 0.175 levels higher than me, bc a lot of people wont take the time to do it, unless their higher


    My thoughts on Juggernauts and the different classes I went against- (Open to criticism and speculation. Thats what i want, and these are my opinions, and they come from my 1v1 experiences, reading up on them, my alternate characters, and my friend talking about his characters)


    Juggernauts- Takes more skill than most-all the other classes, but worth it to me. Possibly the best class in the game at 1v1, but definitley takes skill in pvp, due to fighting from melee. Best defensive class in the game, lots of stuns(in immortal), and descent damage if you use rage bar right


    Marauders- Though i was 7-0, each match was close, and i woulda lost 3-4 of them without endure pain. Imo, a very good 1v1 class, because it may be the class that does the most damage to 1 target. Their not designed to do a lot of damage to groups like a merc. Takes skill to use effectivley


    Assassins- A nice, well rounded class, but to me, doesnt do any one thing spectacular. Takes more skill to use well than a sorcerer, but with some cool abilities. Not quite designed for 1v1 because of all the stealth abilities


    Sorcerers- Great class. Had trouble against these. They do good damage against groups and single targets, have stuns, stun defense, and make great healers. Their flaws are light armor, and low hp, but they shouldnt do everything well


    Mercenarys- Great class for taking out groups of targets, and do well in pvp, but their damage is not designed to do a lot to single, strong targets- like in 1v1 or against a strong boss. I absolutley destroyed these, without any trouble, every time. And it was satisfying, because of all the love they get on the forums


    Powertechs- Only have a little bit less defense than the Juggernaut, yet do a descent amount more damage- and do it from range. Where Juggernauts gain the edge to me, is their stuns and the well planned use of their rage bar


    Snipers- Only 2-0 against these, yet their matches were suprisingly tough. Good dps, a suprising amount of stuns, and their cover negates my force charge. But my damage reduction was too much, and once i got past their stuns, they got destroyed


    Operatives- Probaly the best class against Juggernauts. Lots of stuns, but where they shine against Jugs is their stun resistance, which takes away a crucial advantage for Jugs, and their healing- which sucks because Jugs dont do a lot of damage to begin with. I was 2-2 against these, but pretty sure if i had more matches, i woulda came out the loser


    Criticize away... Which im sure u will anyway

  19. 1 on 1?


    Catch him after he's poped all his cooldowns.


    Marauder is better at 1 on 1 (the game isn't balanced 1 on 1 after-all).


    However they are not unbeatable,

    Vengeance = correct timing with your 3 big hitters, you need to hit all 3 whilst his cooldowns are not active.


    Immortal = outlast him, use your cooldowns at better times than he uses his and make full use of your non-channeled Force Choke vs his channeled version, also make heavy use of force push > free charge > free scream [free static bubble].


    Rage ... I can't tell you, Rage is too heavily dependent on one move (force smash), any half-intelligent Marauder will see you set up can dodge/interrupt it or just pop cooldowns through it.


    Im a 46 juggernaut, so maybe thats not enough to make the truest opinion, but i do a lot of duels, and have never lost to a marauder 1v1, or a merc, but thats another arguement. I agree marauders r good 1v1, but i think an immortal specced jugg w lots of damage reduction and stuns, should take a marauder.


    But either way, i enjoy how both maruaders and juggernauts r some of the best classes 1v1, after all the negativity i here, and all love a class like the mercenary gets. I dont agree w most of it

  20. Well im a 46 juggernaut-the exact mirror to the guardian, exept darkside.


    Im currently 26-7 in 1v1 duels, and have never lost to a commando-Mercenary.


    I also do pretty solid in warzones, but not as well- get mvp bout 10-15% of the time.


    Imo the guardian-jugg, is one of the better classes in the game, especially in 1v1, and i have no complaints. Ive also run a mercenary as an alternate, and i like my jugg better, and think its better.


    Im tired of hearing all the negativity bout juggs-guardians, if u dont like the class, or cant figure it out, then try something else, and stop ************-yes it takes more skill than other classes. I know there will be people that say ur only a 46, talk to me when ur 50. Well i plan to, and do so honestly, and im pretty sure 4 more levels wont totally change my mind and my experiences

  21. Other classes get similar things and even superior things to what you mention.


    Well i'll have to keep leveling i guess before i make a more fair comparison, but i do like the jugg's stuff as of right now, even compared to other classes, and i'm told they hit their strides more and more as they level



    THe problem is that the Merc makes content stupidly easy. Stuff has just been getting easier as I level on my Merc. On my Jugg leveling slowly became pulling teeth. There is a massive difference in power of the classes. Also, all dps spec are to be similar.


    I do agree with that. I noticed from the beginning that the Merc has easier content

  22. Well so far, at level 16, i'm digging my juggernaut.


    General question- a little off topic..


    I just looked at the skill points for all classes off a link on this thread. Each classes, mirror class, (ex. Juggernaut-Guardian) has the exact same abilities on their skill trees, their just called different things. I was not expecting this nor do i like it


    So my question is- is the abilities from the mirror classes a little different at least? I can't imagine a Trooper Commando doing death from above.


    And to me, for something like the difference between a sage and sorcerer, the sorcerer's force lightning should do more damage than the sage's telekinitecs, yet the sage should be a little better healer.


    They shouldn't be the same 'exact' class except for different 'special effects', and different names. Somebody please tell me i'm right..!!

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