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Everything posted by freekyjason

  1. *gasp* how dare you ! im going to have to hunt down and ki- oh wait, dammit thats right, stupid lucas and his bears.
  2. stormtroopers were awesome looking, vader was pure legendary (original trilogy) and the empire side just attracted the interest. love my star destroyers, and sith lords, and stormtroopers. naturally i gravitate to the imperial side in any SW game. darkside all the way, they have the coolest stuff i mean really, lightning and red sabers and huge im-gonna-destroy-your-planet ships? interceptors and advanced TIE's? the deathstar? who can deny the dark side? my own preference of course, and note i am completely ignoring the destruction that is the new trilogy :/ in the orginal SW when the corellian ship flys through im kind of "meh" but as the star destroyer comes into view im all like "i WANT one of THOSE!" and thats why i go imperial.
  3. just as an FYI, not a WOW term, was around before then...
  4. awesome news, and its nice to see a company appreciate their customers
  5. lol, try being in australia. all server downtimes are usually during our peak play hours. while most of us are used to it, some still complain. the response to any whine about times like this are always the same - american company, american times. and thats the way it goes. either get used to it in any major mmo, or dont play. its sadly a part of mmo gaming.
  6. exactly. enjoy your own pace. i have 4 toons, 3 are just over 10 and one is only 1 still lol. i like my alts been messing with crafting, black talon runs, generally snooping around. i dont care if someone runs past me and they are 10+ levels above me, they are doing what they want, im doing what i want. all good
  7. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH sorry, had to be done. the sheer superiority complex in that statement alone is so laughable. if you cannot use your own brain to work out who in the group isnt holding up their end, even if its yourself, then you just lost the spirit in which games were originally created. anyone of you remember the words fun and entertaining? how is work and number crunching through a million addons fun? or entertaining? if it is for you, well wonderful. personally i dont care if you use one or a million addons. but if you cannot play without them then im sorry for you
  8. appreciate it, game should get here 22nd or 23rd, so the extra time = ftw
  9. CMN true story take your money elsewhere and leave us in peace from your trollish ways then please
  10. btw, dont forget to check through the launcher. email got in an hour after i loaded into the game email - 0, launcher - 1
  11. not that interesting, im an aussie, and i bet there are plenty of other folks from other countries. it went on the date and time you entered preorder code. im still not sure why it was done this way, as the servers can surely handle the influx in bigger numbers, but i cant complain cause i did get in early
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