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10 Good
  1. Very unlikely that you'll see any type of new Star Wars MMO until this game has run its course. I wouldn't doubt that EA & Lucas Arts have an agreement of exclusivity regarding a Star Wars MMO. It wouldn't make much sense for Lucas Arts to license out its IP for an MMO only to turn around and do the same thing with another company. That would give them a pretty bad reputation among publishers. Not to mention it would be counter productive to their goal of making as much money as possible from this project.
  2. To the OP... Fantastic post and I agree with you 100%! If it weren't for my 2 irl friends playing this game, I'd very likely cancel and find something else to do. The biggest issue I am having is the way the community is being deceived in one way or another as a means of damage control. Pretend 'high' textures never existed in beta during normal game play.. CHECK! Deny serious performance issues in rigs far exceeding the recommended specs... CHECK! Disable forum posting during every maintenance to prevent a flood of negative posts... CHECK! These are just the most egregious examples I can think of. There are most likely more, but, you get the idea. Just come clean and tell us you are working to fix it. Being deceitful while telling us you're working to fix the problems makes it much harder for us to believe you. It is also unprofessional when you miss maintenance one night. Then give 8 hours notice upon rescheduling it only to start 30 minutes late and extend it by 2 hours in a stealthy manner. The 30 minutes late is not really a big deal and 8 hours notice is sufficient. You simply must update your system alerts with an indication that you have extended maintenance instead of just changing the time as if maintenance was originally intended to last that long. By themselves most of these issues are relatively small. However, when taken as a whole a disturbance (in the force) becomes clear. Don't let this trend continue. Honesty should be at the TOP of your 'priority' list.
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