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Posts posted by Jagerinho

  1. Guess we just like reminding you die hards that your game is dead/dying? :)


    And i think ppl have a right to tell BW that they feel cheated and why..


    the game delivered on nothing but Role play... not good enough


    BTW MiaRB i noticed your join date of 09 O.o i really feel for you, and i understand you defending swtor till its dying days.. but unfortunately.. the unsubbers are the majority ..


    they are not the majority, stop being ignorant.

  2. i've made adjustments a bit on my gear thats made my character actually stronger. but you have to come watch the stream and follow me for specifics:P new rule


    At work at the moment bru >.< and I have watched your stream a few times after I've finished my gaming session, but because of the time difference I can't catch a lot of it (I'm from the UK)

  3. Lets not kid yourself its still in heavy armour , shield , still has cool defensive abilities...if you think is normal to do 7 k aoe dmg as dps tank pls show me dmg of real dps classes that do this kind of dmg , every real dps classes trade dps for lower armour no shield etc...


    heavy armour =/= tank.


    end thread.

  4. Republic=change to healing chart, mvp vote the one with the highest healing herp derp /end... there is nothing else


    that's a very blanket statement, herp derp.


    do you base your vote on medals as an indication of skill?

  5. Because in warzones they ingnore everything and just give mvp to healers, go empire that rewards skill and not who hides behind and spams heals...


    Healer's don't get enough credit.


    Skill? based on what? Medals? Damage done? Nice one.

  6. Blizzard (a while back) once said that they felt inputting the Arena system into WoW was one of the worst mistakes they had ever made, as every single change to a class had to first be checked with Arenas. The tiniest change to fix PvE overpoweredness could throw Arenas WAY out of wack, causing more problems than it fixes.


    Tl;Dr DON'T implement an Arena system


    Half true, taken part of the quote and twisted it.

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