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Posts posted by Jagerinho

  1. By all means :D


    - Dodgy animations, especially when strafing

    - Dynamic events aren't new or original (WAR), plus they reset and don't actually affect the game/landscape.

    - Structured/Instanced PvP is pretty shocking, especially in 1v1 as it usually ends in a stalemate until someone else joins the fight.

    - The downed mechanic adds nothing good to the game, its a hindrance, especially in PvP. Zooming in when you are downed makes it even worse.

    - There is a pretty noticeable ability delay, and no I don't think its lag.

    - Voice acting is horrible

    - Having cut scenes in front of a static background is lazy work and doesn't make you feel immersed in the game.

    - Getting rid of the "holy trinity" was a mistake IMO.

    - The classes are too similar to each other. Ranged doesn't have to be ranged, melee doesn't have to be melee, in the end there is nothing distinctive about each class (apart from maybe the engineer)

    - The lack of abilities is shocking.

    - the lack of shift modifiers.

    - The dodge mechanic, clunky especially under the default double tapping the move keys (lol) for PvP players you end up doing movements you do not wish to do.

    - The "boss" scale bugs a lot.

    - Socially the game is awful, no say or yell, just local which barely anyone uses.


    that's what I can think of from the top of my head.




    Oh and to top it off, arena net will slowly kill the game off by introducing a TON of expansions in a fairly short amount of time that will segregate their playerbase, like what happened in GW1.

  2. What model is GW2 using again?




    I've played the GW2 BWE.


    I must say it was extremely underwhelming and has been over hyped so so much.


    I actually renewed my SWTOR sub today and have been enjoyed every minute of being back.


    A lot of people in GW2 are having buyers remorse, some people admit it, where as some people are so stubborn in their belief that GW2 will be such a good game (because they invested so much time in research, waiting etc) that they refuse to acknowledge its downfalls.


    If anyone wants me to break the games short comings I will be happy to do so.

  3. I've played the GW2 BWE.


    I must say it was extremely underwhelming and has been over hyped so so much.


    I actually renewed my SWTOR sub today and have been enjoyed every minute of being back.


    A lot of people in GW2 are having buyers remorse, some people admit it, where as some people are so stubborn in their belief that GW2 will be such a good game (because they invested so much time in research, waiting etc) that they refuse to acknowledge its downfalls.


    If anyone wants me to break the games short comings I will be happy to do so.

  4. LMAO


    I never played wow, swtor is my first MMO in this style (Played eve-o a few years back). The end game is bad.


    There is now no way to catch up with BM, you can earn about 1k valor per warzone, that is it... First we let players cheat to BM in basically one day, than we reduce it, but for those with a decent server balance the cheaters can be caught up with normal Ilum PvP.... so we kill off Ilum PvP.


    PvP was bad because of medal farmers or so many whined, so we nerf that, but for many classes and players a lot of medals are gained playing the objective. To satisfy the whiners here you need TEAM BASED PvP.... there is none and all the pvp-ers have left before it even starts.


    Moment after moment only the worst has been done to "improve" PvP. Like at each stage of a sick person they manage to adminster the wrong drug/ medicine.


    PvP is getting worse because the better PvP-ers have left and I will leave too when my sub runs out. In fact many many players will let their sub run out that took the +2 month package.


    People that got the one day BM you almost never see on anymore. It gets boring when things become easy and the new lvl 50 influx is just not capable to compete and there is no way for a decent 8 man premade.


    From day 1 the market was a dead market with little use and crafting excludes any and all interaction with the community. There are no server forums, there is no decent way to RP with the opposing faction, let alone RP with your own faction. Players can do 3 thins that interact with other players:


    2 OPS

    3 Warzones

    FP (to easy, many find uninteresting)

    Ilum ( do I need to say more? )


    Unless you enjoy levelling multiple characters there is not a lot to do and guess what? There are single player games with a lot better missions and stories out that will only require you to pay 1 time. The personal story lines are not that great and the bounty hunter STILL has no decent ending, by now they need to give a compensation.


    Tanks in this game have no mitigation in PvP… ok fine we understand but FFS our dps our energy system is all tied into our tanking stats none of it works without procs. No dps and no tanking it ruins chances at decent 1v1, the only people you can take on are the bad players.


    The only decent change they have implemented is the DOT objectives for warzone. They fix carbonize only to break it again one patch later (if you use it often you will see it does not always work). So once more we can do the one thing we are all here for and that is bug report. There is more bug reporting than endgame content.

    I wanted this game to work, my first MMO, but the multiplayer concept is completely broken. Costumer support has been non existant, but this is to be expected from a Bioware game. Bug resolving is very slow paced with even broken content and no updates are given on the bugs they work on. Some bugs get fixed only to come back 1 patch later, which shows that the development team has very poor management.


    Maybe one day I come back, the first bits of levelling was fun and the game isn´t a bad game, but it just is not great and it just is not a proper multiplayer game.


    Didn't bother reading the rest of your posts, but the bolded underlined bit has been addressed in patch 1.1.5. They are increase the valor gain significantly. can walk away with atleast 2K valor per WZ soon.


    edit- medals are also being addressed in the next patch. you stop getting valor after 4 medals, but you get 500 valor per medal.

  5. Our tank assassins consistently put out a lot more damage than our other tanks--didn't know this was the reason why. Tank specs in this game have three awesome things going for them: guard, taunt, and huttball. There's no need to throw burst in there.




    Please don't comment about things you don't understand.


    the "tank" specced shadows/assassins you are taking about aren't actually tanks. We get our damage through wearing DPS gear.


    If other tanks wore DPS gear in PvP you would see similar results. Obviously when shadow "tanks" do this, our defensive rating drops.


    p.s. we also wear cloth.

  6. This kid is lucky, my guild sends a stealth shadow AND stealth scoundrel to the imp side. And they don't just delay a cap, they faceplant the guy trying to get the turret.


    that's pretty much my role atm haha. if its one guy, 9/10 times I kill him, if its 2 or 3 I can delay them capping for a good 2/3 minutes.

  7. Didn't know that. Try doing this!!!!!!



    1. Mind maze-eat it, start capping turret


    2. mind maze-full resolve!! Break the mind maze, start capping turret


    3. He now HAS to attack you.


    And here's the easiest part, I'll give it to you for free.


    Send 2 people, one to cut off and one to cap. Cut offer stops anyone, if there is 1 stealthy and the turret capper is LoSing they CANNOT get there in 8 seconds. Period.


    Also a lot of times when I'm cutting off I can see the stealthers.


    hes not allowed to attack you if you're trying to cap the turret right? thats cheating!

  8. Good players just used to remove the DoT's and carry on as normal.


    This will just mean 1 good player can no longer hold off multiple bads.


    Good: Oh noes I have been DoT'd! *cleanses self* buhahaha. Done.


    Bad: Oh noes I have been DoT'd! *trys to plant/cap untill DoT returns* QQ. *Goes to forum and makes a whine thread*



    If only every class had a low CD cleanse ability that was spamable.

  9. I will reference this thread in the customer support forum:




    You briefly mentioned in the last Q&A about improving performance, however certain individuals have done a lot of work in analysing and trying to find work arounds with performance issues. The main culprit for these freezes and performance drops seems to be centred around the swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor file.


    When loaded onto diskcachearena it vastly improves performance, however why should we got to such lengths to make our performance better? Why should we rely on the hardware to power through poor optimisation? I believe everyone gets performance drops, even the high end machines, but fortunately for people with top end computers, the drops are bearable as their machine can bulldoze through it.


    TLDR - Can we expect to see better engine optimisations, so that RAM is used more effectively?

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