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Posts posted by DaSmisker

  1. Hi, I am making my return to the game and I am lvl 55 with ok gear from about a year ago. Haven't touched the game since then and just subbed again and bought the Revan expansion.


    How would you go about the 55-60 process to ensure you got the most out of it and not missing important goodies on the way. I am no stranger to either PvE or PvP.


    What spec would you use? I was Sawbones back then but won't level as such naturally.


    Anything else I need to have in mind - any "free" setpieces, etc?


    Grateful for help.

  2. I find your post ridonculous and pointless metallistic. Of course one should nekkid-pvp if that is beneficial. That is what you do if you are good, competitive and smart. US army Apaches against insurgents is good use of the imbalance of power in Iraq. IED is a counter and an exploit to equalize. I am not competitive enough and love how my fem-scoundrel looks, so I couldn't be bothered.


    You seem too emotionally invested my friend, maybe time to get outside and do something else for a day or two?


    On topic: thank you for bringing this up, the bolster system seems to create very strange effects since it is coupled with levelling, new gear, new level cap and new skills.

    Time will tell.


    I did, and I still topped the charts. A naked scrub is still a scrub.


    In such moments it really shows who has a sense of integrity and who just likes to have an advantage at any cost.


    Most of the people posting on these forums are nothing but hypocrites. They will spew out BS about gear advantage, yet they abuse the crap out of bugs the first chance they get. Where did the sense of equality go? Down the ********.


    And don't even dare say it wasn't an exploit - it was. All the spineless idiots hopped on the bandwagon just so they can see big numbers. Those same weaklings defended the bolster, because they are not capable of analyzing n issue objectively. If a bug benefits them, they will grab to it as a drowner grabs to a straw.


    What's the next trend in PvP? Entering WZs in PvE gear because bolster is still broken and BioWare's staff responsible for PvP is incompetent to say the least. I quit about an year ago and I returned just 2 weeks ago. Sad to see that they still can't get their **** together. One thing has not changed though - the forums are plauged with hordes of BioDrones that will not rest until they have buried any form of criticism that may pop up.

  3. YES, what inevitably happens otherwise is "you" get absolutely reamed as "you" pvp, resulting in long an incredibly boring post in this very forum, calling for nerfs on all classes except "yours".


    Learn the game, pvp is so much about practice...

    Learn the maps, learn how the classes function and learn when and where you should operate.


    I have played a Jedi Guardian since start and I made a Scoundrel following that. I have seen both classes hit their low's and high's but NEVER have I felt the urge to cry in outrage over what my classes are to others. Good and skilled, you will learn to work around things.

    That said, there will always be differences and there will always be certain classes that are on the their current low. Good, gives incentive to play harder and be more efficient. At some point you will be on your "high" and abslolutely dominate.

  4. I usually pick rogue-like classes when playing, dps being the name of my game.

    Tried sawbones and ABSOLUTELY fell in love.


    Make sure you have all your healing abilities hotkeyed to VERY accessible keys (in my case, C, Sh-C, F, F-sh, G, G-sh) and you will have a mobile healer with enough sting to turn the fight on someone who singles you out.


    I went all the way up to 31pts in Sawbones since KC is lovely and great. Get some of the routine down while soloing in pve and then get stuck in some pvp to get the class responsive and intuitive.

  5. I can see why you need 18pts in Saw in order to make the other trees useful since Upper Hand is a necessity for Sucker and wound rite?


    There are only a few ways of getting UH but the best seem to be having SrMP rolling on multiple targets for a steady income of UH and then just sucker/UH the crap out of thine foe.


    Thank you wohast for that, very helpful to get the inside on how you think.

  6. Very excite!


    I am currently lvling a Scoundrel, may I ask a few questions?


    - Can you explain why Homegrown instead of psych meds? I realize they serve 2 different purposes and that the majority of healing will come fhru the rolling SRMP, butz isnt Psych meds good for removing dots and stuff?


    - Sedatives - filler or is this actually useful to you, as in key ability?


    - Stopping power. is this effect added to the total time the target is immobilized/slowed (ie 14 sec of effects) or is it 2 sec of the total of 12? Why this over round 2?


    Thanks for being a "Class Hero"

  7. Enjoyed reading the thread.


    I am bias towards Defence but that is based mostly on me wanting the class to play out in the direction that makes it unique. In my opinion, the first tree of every AC is what sets it apart from all other classes and thus I always want to try to fully utilize that tree.


    That said, after PvPing almost exclusively since I broke 50 and having tried every combination under the sun I found Def to be lacking in the threat department. I LOVE Hilt and Stasis Mastery but it simply cannot substitute for the raw damage that is contained in the Vig Tree.


    OH-slash is totally gettable whilst still plucking some of the choicest talents in Def.

    In PvP, mobility is one of the most important factors for us melee and any build without Unremitting is going to have undeniable struggle vs well played adversaries.


    I have found that the recent re-do of our talent-trees offers the future of Guardians. As stated by several posters, nothing is set in stone and there is tremendous flexibility offered now.


    I run with a 16/25/0 hybrid build http://

    www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RrGzkzZfMrzrhdzM.1 and I find myself doing enough damage to have people finding me on their threat-radar, enough mobility to execute my intended actions (Unremitting really is key), enough tank-talents to survive all those OH S.H.I.E.T. moments and enough cc to manage enemy teams.


    I am glad that ppl find Vig to be so viable in PvP, I am equally glad to see Hardcore Def-players doing the awesome and for me, hybrid is sitting there with the irresistable offer of all the best that Guardians can muster.

  8. If you ask me, you cannot say you want mobility in PvP and then forego Unremitting. That skill is crucial, absolutely crucial in PvP.


    The concept of mobility is confounding. You can have all the talents in the world to make you move often or fast, but if you get knocked back as soon as you close in to do damage - what was the point? Thus Zealous and Agility training are of limited use if you ask me.


    Arguably, reducing CD on Push (to get leap again) and Unremitting, those are the talents that define Guardian mobility on the battlefield.

  9. @nano


    Profound resolution: I seldom go at it alone, usually have guard up on a healer whom I guard-leap/taunt for whenever he/she is under fire, my job is to protect either him or whomever gets below 50% and FF.

    I usually get a lot of heals since I care for my healing buds and I mostly just eat whatever CC they throw at me, I wants that full resolve bar, only time I feel safe using some of my abilities.

    So, I mostly find myself using it in complete panic-situation, me being last man standing etc.

    ALWAYS on cd when I need it and I play it cool with that.


    Pacification was good before when Swelling winds was mandatory, 38% on Sweep was awesome, true. Now though? Without that 20% I see no use for it at all and 10% Defence (riposte proc) is nothing to scoff at when you need to live just a li'l bit longer.


    Just how I play I suppose, Survivability-Mobility-DPS, in that order. New build for me and Im gonna do some HM to see how it fares in the tank-role, love all the feedback and input!

  10. Ok, so I specced this last nite and did about 10 WZs.



    Reason being that I wanted some of the damage in Vig but also not losing all the stuns I have when I run my usual 31 in defence. I love Awe, Stasis Mastery and Hilt Strike but never feel I have what it takes to bring the pain in PvP with full Def-spec. I run Soresu almost exclusively on account of Guard being so defining of what we are as Guardians.

    I have 2 pieces from War Leaders just to get the +1 sec to Stasis, I think that Stasis Mastery + MS is one of the best ways to quickly bringing someone towards Dispatch-range.


    I love it, played out pretty much as I had hoped it would. OHS is powerful, the low Cooldown is a real treat and having Blade Storm and (oh so lovely) Dispatch with On-demand crit is excite.

    Unremitting and stagger + MS or Stasis Mastery + MS works really well when you want to get that healers full attention, usually you have some crap hanging on you and Gather Strength will be up for even more goodness.


    Survivability is real good, I feel Vig tree offers many good talents for PvP-tanking where mobility is so important. Unremitting is such a key talent if one wants to be serious in PvP on account of Force Leap being one of our core-moves for mobility and Focus-generation.

    Focus was coming good and constant (defiance Bringing it!) Never felt like I was missing out from Cyclonic Sweep, for those moments when burst was demanded AND CD's were up, Combat Focus was there and the cycle could begin.


    Was alone on one of the nodes on Novarra coast, ppl had died off and it as me vs 4-5 imps. I knew I was going down but I wanted to hold the line as long as possible.

    Was about 50-60% and popped EVERYTHING; Warding Call, Saber Ward, Enure, Health Pack and that new Force defence.

    Focus Fire be damned!

    I threw down Freezing Force, Awe and then proceeded to Stasis, push and disrupt as much as possible without burning focus.

    Saw 3 Reps cresting and blew AOE-taunt before going down.


    I felt Epic and Awesome, just as one should in the role of a Tanking Guardian.


    Feel good about where Guardians are atm, only have 2 BM-pieces and the rest is a mix of Cent and Champ so I can only see an improvement from here (that being said, ppl are getting gear at faster rate than me so this might not be true at all :) ).

  11. Ok, so I specced this last nite and did about 10 WZs.



    I love it, played out pretty much as I had hoped it would. OHS is powerful, the low Cooldown is a real treat and having Blade Storm and( oh so lovely) Dispatch with On-demand crit is excite.

    Unremitting and stagger + MS or Stasis Mastery + MS works really well when you want to get that healers full attention, usually you have some crap hanging on you and Gather Strength will be up for even more goodness.


    Survivability is real good, I feel Vig tree offers many good talents for PvP-tanking where mobility is so important.

    Focus was coming good and constant (defiance Bringing it) Never felt like I was missing out from Cyclonic Sweep, for those moments when burst was demanded AND CD's were up, Combat Focus was there and the cycle could begin.

    Was alone on one of the nodes on Novarra coast, ppl had died off and it as me vs 4-5 imps. I knew I was going down but I wanted to hold the line as long as possible.

    Was about 50-60% and popped everything, Warding Call, Saber Ward, Enure, Health Pack and that new Force defence.

    Focus Fire be damned, I threw down Freezing Force, Awe and then proceeded to Stasis, push and disrupt as much as possible without burning focus.

    Saw 3 Reps cresting and blew AOE-taunt before going down.


    I felt Epic and Awesome, just as one should in the role of a Def Guardian.

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