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Posts posted by ScoutinArbiter

  1. By your logic, I fail to see why BW still makes conversations at all. Most people space-bar through it anyway? The hell with conversations and the hell with story then. Let's just raid..... Right?!


    You don't make conversations a certain way for your so-called "spacebar warriors" that will skip the content anyway. You make those conversations for the people that DO care and that DO play (amongst others or exclusively) for the story. For that audience, this format is a step backwards and no way near the quality of the main story or previous companions conversations/quest and they are no where near as enjoyable to play through. And it is that regression that makes it a bad format in the opinion of myself, and with me, a lot of others.


    We would all love for everything to be voiced, but SWTOR isn't a hugely successful mmo even right from the start. I'm not saying this isn't sort of a downgrade. Because they are. But given our mmo's modest success, cutting corners like this is inevitable. I'm happy we atleast get more varied dialogue now instead of the same recycled lines over and over again.

  2. Snip


    Casuals always fuel MMOs: the death of the casual demand is the death of ALL MMOs. It may yet happen but not anytime soon. Hardcore peeps can't sustain an MMO anymore, the glory days of vanilla WoW (even then it was filled with casuals) is long over. Just look at Wildstar, it had to remove several of its traditional old school mechanics just to survive let alone grow.


    Face it, the age of the 'hardcore' died in the early 2000s.

  3. Ok, thank you all for helping me see the light. I've un-subscribed as you all have and am now F2P, I'll just half-*** pick along until the next expansion which should be out in March"ish" where I'll re-sub for a month to play for weekend then un-sub again. That seems to be the new direction of this game so be it. Not sure how long the game will last with this new business model but who really cares. All I know is that I'm done shelling out cash for an element of the game that is worth little more than a movie and the price of a movie.


    Who knows maybe they'll time the next story expansion to come out with Star Wars 8, that way you can do the expansion in the afternoon and go see the movie in the evening!! That'll be a lot of popcorn...


    Hey have you heard Wildstar has gone f2p? It had many of the old school MMO elements that you love! It has a sci-fi setting too! Go try it out, i'm serious.


    The rest of us will be here soaking the story.

  4. I can confirm this from my experience with Ashara and Raina. Raina still gains the same rate of influence from gifts including courting gifts. Ashara on the other hand has reverted to the abysmal pre-romance level of influence gain from all gifts.


    The romance is not being recognized and was probably unflagged by the patch.

  5. - inquisitor - feeds on the dead to bolster his own strength which is enormous to begin with

    - warrior - fights and kills a Voss dark side entity that has a piece of the emperor powering it up as well

    - knight - fights and kills a voice of the emperor , which is so strong that everyone thinks is the actual emperor

    - consular - ridiculously powerful force user just like the inquisitor and with the added bonus of a technique that would cuts off the power of dark side curses ( at least generally speaking that is what i understood that it does ) and fight an emperor's kid as well , which was in a way the equivalent of Arkaan , but instead of being born to the emperor , he was created ?


    These are all just gripes that i have , that frustrate me about the story. I mean don't get me wrong , i absolutely love it and i love the fact that Byoware decidede the game should have a story driven experiance again , but some class flavor needs to be added ; not now since 9 chapters are out , but in the next part , we need a proper come back , because it feels like even though all the force users are built up throught the game , like the chosen ones , we kind of feel like : meh , i can do parlor tricks that every other dude is capable as well.


    There is ALWAYS someone stronger, the story would not be compelling if we simply ate the emperor's spirit or pummeled Arcann to the ground. We aren't Mary Sues thankfully. We may have fought people considered 'strong' from our limited perspective of Empire vs Republic. Sure the Emperor's Voice must have been ridiculously strong from the perspective of Imps and Pubbies who have never met the people of Zakuul.


    Remember! This is the Emperor's 'masterpiece' to supplant all his previous works and span eternity. It would make sense that they would be stronger than all we have faced before.

  6. This game is going down the road of WoW in a different perspective, now most people are gonna automatically jump to a lvl 60 frustrating to those of us who spent hundreds of hours give or take depending on play style to get there. all the gear you spent the last several years perfecting= Garbage now!! equally so for the companions which each companion had a specific roll to play (not anymore), now they all play exactly the same so piss on all that work. This game is utterly pointless to play, no challenge anymore, i mean on my newly created lvl 22 i just went through a lvl 65 FP ***!!! on my lvl 55 it takes a min to kill a lvl 5 (another) ***!!! "Scaling" they say no this is ******** on everyone who enjoyed the game for what it was originally meant to be, this is the last time i play this game!


    If you're skipping all the story content to jump to 60 in SWTOR, you're doing it wrong. So very wrong. Unless of course, you have already played the story content; then it doesn't matter anyways.


    P.S. If you are so obsessed with traditional MMO styles, might wanna leave now. We won't miss you, try Crowfall or one of the other old school MMOs.


    It's very simple: We had 48 companions - that was to mutch "work" for SWToR. So they call it "Something new and great" and they have taken away ALL the 48 companions and they give us .... about 10.

    The same 10 companions for ALL. Be sure: The "Fan-Boys - and girls" will love it.

    I'm sooooo pissed ....... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: THIS is really horrible ... with the other chances I could live.


    If SWTOR had the financial success of WoW, we could talk about making custom storylines for each individual class with plenty of screen time for all your different companions. But we don't; not even close infact. The solution they have come up with in KotFE is the best they can do with limited resources. (Rather Impressive I must say) Only issue I see is the removal of some companion flavor abilities.

  7. Make it 2 of our companions.



    After miners on Illum stumbled upon Xalek's father tomb and looted it, he went all Kill BIll on them. Upon finding what's happening you can:

    а) Recruit Xalek into your Alliance (Mission Death before Dishonor in case you wondering)

    b) Lock him up

    c) Kill him

    My LS SW and me were so disgusted with him that we killed him and told Voss we don't need people like him in the Alliance. I dont have a SI so cant tell you whats happening if he was your comp before


    I don't think I could ever kill my 'son'. ;) The silly miners should not be looting tombs anyways, especially given the obsession with ascending to godhood that the Kaleesh have.

  8. Second, more outrageous option: Vititates consciousness split into separate aspects at some point, and one of them took control of Valkorion and another was inhabiting the voice of the emperor. In favor of the split up theory: Revan did already demonstrably split into two separate entities in SoR.


    In both cases it troubles me how differently Mr V treats the PC on Ziost and in Kotfe however. Makes me think that the Valkorion in kotfe is either the other completely separate entity, or a merging of the two, so his personality changes.


    I have a feeling this is more likely given what Vitiate told the JK at the end of his class storyline about how he wishes to experience 'everything'. That probably includes the benevolent side he has shown to the people of Zakuul. I believe after Nathema and now Ziost, that Vitiate is essentially a force diety and the stuff we do is merely for his amusement.

  9. Having played through the first 9 chapters, do you get the feeling that the Outlander is merely uniting the galaxy on behalf of Valkorion? The Eternal Empire seems to be feel like another tool the Emperor is using to forge ANOTHER True Empire. And you are his future vessel. :eek:
  10. Yes the Empire (Proxy for the Sith) is 'evil' and yes the Republic (Proxy for the Jedi) are 'good'. Two sides of the eternal conflict that rages within the Force. From deities like Son and Daughter in Mortis to galactic governments; the force likes balance at the cost of billions of lives. Jedi and Sith endlessly killing each other is what sustains the force.


    The Force is a cruel and capricious deity, if only the Star Cabal could have succeeded....

  11. I think they mean you can betray companions. Not the other way around.


    So this. No where does it say that the Companions betray you. Give me a quote to that effect please. All we have is that the official statement suggest we can betray our companions and datamining suggests 2 comps are killable. Honestly I believe its more likely that your comps all went on to do their separate projects and when you look for them again you'll find that some of them have done some nasty stuff.


    Example: Doc Lokin creating a were-rakghoul army. You will then be given an option to try to take him down. (ala Betray him)

  12. Non-force classes work fine if you apply logic and strictly logic. Prince Arcann is a powerful and mighty forcer-user...but he can't stop a high powered slug fired half a kilometer away from an anti-material rifle. In the wise words of Master HK-47, killing these pesky force wielding meatbags require a more creative approach. Mines, sonic weaponry, poisons, corrosive acids, traps or simply a rooftop high above them. Running up to your enemies is a silly thing only Jedis (Sith too) do and apparently most of the NPCs as well.


    But it's Star Wars and the Force is essentially magic. So you never know what will work.


    Edit: Oh its helpful to imagine all your companions (including force peeps like Lana and Senya) all zerging the enemy as well. It helps makes things a bit more believable. After all even Darth Vader can't kill all the Jedi in the temple himself.

  13. I surmise issues like this is why they decided the scrap the EU. ;) Too much power creep and ability bloat. Its really hard to imagine a Sith Lord who could make force storms the size of planets couldn't defend himself from a robot throwing him down a shaft....should have tried levitating. In the Ultimate canon (films) lifting an x-wing from a swamp was an amazing feat and Sidious shooting lightning or flinging senate chairs was downright awe-inspiring show of the Force. I miss the days when the Force was just a powerful ally and not God mode. But I digress.


    Yes Mace is one of the greatest Jedi swordsmen of all time. Regardless of era or canon level. Darth Nox/Imperius as much as I love him, is not known for his swordplay or even his power. (He needs spirits to boost him to dark council level) While I do not think Sidious is as all powerful as some believe, he is a person only other 'crazies' like our Eternal Emperor can match. Nox/Imperius is not such a person. If Mace won the lightsaber duel against Sidious, he would cream Nox/Imperius without a doubt. Given that he could barely but still hold on against Sidious's ridiculously powerful lightning (the one-shot kind), I doubt Nox/Imperius's force powers would save him either.


    Except the zombie thing. Nobody expects the zombie thing.

  14. The Empire is an efficient system run by inefficient people like the Sith with the exception of Darth Marr. In contrast the Republic is an inefficient system run by generally efficient people or atleast they try to be. (This excludes Saresh)


    Solution: Imperial model with the Sith class liquidated and replaced with Jedi loyal to the Empire. They can be callled...Imperial Knights, led by a sovereign ruler loyal to the lightside of the force.


    Those that know the EU;);)

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