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10 Good
  1. In for this one as well. I don't know how anyone can play at anything other than near max zoom. It's especially annoying in warzones when you run near a pillar forcing the zoom in, and then having my character's back take up most of my screen trying to stay on/find a new target in a mob of people. Ought to be a pretty high priority imo. Also, this (more or less) forces the regular use of the mousewheel to zoom, thereby making it pretty inconvenient to use some of the most convenient keybinds you have. In WOW I change camera zoom to shift-wheel and use wheel up/down as well as alt/ctrl wheel up/down. Using the latter becomes inconvenient since I'm using those modifier keys with other binds, and I will likely have to use the mousewheel to zoom out, which makes it very likely I will accidently hit a modifier+wheel keybind and waste a needed cooldown.
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