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Everything posted by RakeHoxven

  1. somebody tell this novice that every jedi sentinel who reached level 10 used to get 2 black green lightsabers.
  2. I made a new toon for the Legacy and things are much better and fixed. Bioware even fixed it so you never forget to use your holocommunicator before leaving the ship by making it auto trigger on destination planet arrival. 10/10 Bioware. Good job
  3. because they are not complaining about the plague but about each others behavior infecting them. which I imagine wouldn't be a problem if people didn't play the dark side where people act like ****** in their quests and "omg to each other, who knew!" Great plague btw, on the republic side we're having tons of fun with it and the social aspect of it.
  4. aggro range was increased. I thought it was only in the black hole region but on Belsavis low level beasts are aggroed very far from where I am.
  5. aggro range was increased because I can tell a difference. people that slam into enemies without avoiding them please don't post you have not noticed any difference.
  6. wow, well I might be totally wrong then. Could be just the mobs in the new Black Hole have a bigger aggro range.
  7. http://imgur.com/rZ6MB
  8. they significantly increased the aggro range of NPCs. Now it is actually difficult to not aggro mobs when you pass them. and I seriously hope that was put in the patch notes but I didn't read them so that's why I haven't posted before.
  9. must have been a bug because I am getting pretty good rewards now.
  10. on the last area for Jedi Knight Republic it does not work
  11. /stuck removes aggro if you're in combat? k i will try stuck next time i get in combat and want to get out. and i remember that I tried it and it did not work
  12. while in the last place on corellia to confront the emporor that whole area once gotten off the shuttle will continue combat even if you die and you revive making it impossible to use fleet pass or quicktransport and to make things worse if you forget which mob was aggroed before you die, you will.. never get out
  13. ilum doesn't have pvp dailies anymore. It has a few daily heroic quests pve for credits... and
  14. The justification for the bad graphics was that it was made for large scale pvp. ... but after buffing warzones and now after removing the daily quest for armaments... why exactly does ilum exist.
  15. it was removed for rated pvp purposes I assume.
  16. when the game is back up test it. You will see it doesn't allow your companion to be put in passive mode once a battle is begun until it ends. I guess since the game is offline it can't be tested at the moment but what I say is true.
  17. no it doesn't work. If I get into a fight while my companion is not in passive mode by mistake it won't let me put me companion in passive mode until the battle is done or I have run a very long way to get away from the fight. so I repeat why can i run from a fight but I can't tell my companion to run anymore.
  18. It really makes no sense that Someone can run from a fight but the option to have their companion run from the same fight has been removed.
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