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Everything posted by smithh

  1. LISTEN TO THIS DUDE YOU BUNCH OF LACKIES! Little sick of watching this company RUIN what could be a good game. Im getting tired of watching you FAIL! Check my account, you will find I just UNSUBBED from your game because your servers are empty! 2 50's both in endgame gear and working on endgame pvp sets but there are no q's on a fleet with 4 people. I won't b resubbing to your game anytime soon either. I hope u get tons on for the weekend pass since that appears to be your master plan. LOL so fail.
  2. First off I would like to say I have sub'd to this game since christmas of this year, and I have seen it grow faster, and more efficiently than many MMO's before. However I have also seen mistakes made, bugs created from fixing bugs, and several of my good and TALENTED MMO players/friends stop playing this game, but Bioware please read this post. If you read no other post tonight at least hear this one out. Im not here to ream you because my guild raided with Matrix Cubes tonight, or because my friends have quit over 8 man q's not being give, or even over the fact that our server, Gardens of Talla, is dying and everyday is a fight against just keeping players faith in you alive, in the hope that maybe the next day will be better and q's won't take 40 minutes for a lvl 50 WZ or the fleet might have more than 3 people on it at 4 pm. I am here to ask, rather to plead that you give us not text, not patch notes, but yourselves explaining what is going on. I ask that instead of hiding behind a Twitter page?? You create videos about each and every patch that comes out, with HUMANS in this video saying here is what we did and why we had to do it. Or this is where YES WE MADE A MISTAKE. As a subscriber, should I not get to know what the reasons are? Please think about your subscribers. Funding this game is something I have done and never once complained about from day one. All I have to ask now is that we get people actually being up front with us in a short video so we know what is going on. By this I mean giving us some form of communication that doesn't look like you guys are hiding behind some form of communication to us. Mistakes are human, and the sooner your subscribers can trust you as a company, well its quite possible you won't see so many threads of, "IM QUITTING THIS GAME YOU WONT FIX STUFF". At least a short video on the actual site, (not a twitter or Facebook i mean really guys, your not 18 yr olds, try and be professional) might inspire hope in the gamers who stood by you at launch. I mean look at the website overhaul you guys did like a week ago? And all these patches you guys are launching left and right, you even have patches for your patches lol. So is a 2 minute video of "Hey guys, yes we are sorry and are working on this (item discussed)" to much to ask for? Im just asking for you guys to show that you are human enough not to hide behind forums or some twitter/facebook. I love the game, I want to keep playing the game, and in no way at all am I unsubbing. This post is no threat, or means any disrespect to anyone at Bioware. Please keep working hard if not even harder. I hope to see a response soon. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, if a developer even did.
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