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Posts posted by NephilimNexus

  1. Though one thing that irks me is the way they made no attempt to even hide that they're trying to make the Sith Empire into a prelude to the Galactic Empire. Which I find a bit odd since the Galactic Empire was born out of the Republic. It was this twisting from within that was the political drama of Star Wars. The Clone Troopers who were the heroes of SW1-3 are the same guys (in slightly different armor) who become the Storm Troopers in SW4-6. Likewise, we see the "Heinkel" style cockpit on Jedi fighters in SW1, and the same style on Imperial TIE fighters in SW4-6. Another example, and an issue dropped from the films for obvious reasons, was that during SW4-6 the planet Naboo was strongly pro-Imperial throughout the entire war. I'm sure it's easy to guess why, too.


    Yet we don't see any of that here. What we see instead is a Sith Empire that seems to be clairvoyantly reaching into SW1-6, seeing what the Galactic Empire will look like in 3000 years and copying it. Which again is odd since that Galactic Empire of the future is actually the Old Republic - albeit Under New Management. And lo & behold, the Old Republic is also reaching into the future as well. Repeat previous comments.


    And yes, a neutral side is desperately needed. I mean, the whole idea of Smugglers even picking a side at all is pretty silly if you think about it. Does the Republic not have their own Agents? Does the Sith not have any Troopers?


    Even the now comatose SWG has more options than this, and I like to think that Bioware developers can curb-stomp SOE's clowns any day. So I'm betting it will happen soon. They're too intelligent not to move the game in the right direction. At least, that's what I'm betting my $15 a month on... for now.

  2. Consider also that in a lot (not all, but a lot) of Star Wars lore many cultures have stigmas against the use of cybernetics. While cybernetics are often used to treat certain kinds of severe injury (as we've seen in the movies), people in the Star Wars Universe generally don't go out and get chromed-up simply for the sake of being cyperpunk.


    So with that in mind, one of those rare people (or cultures) that do embrace cybertechnology would seem so "alien" in their ways/beliefs/mindsets that the rest (majority) of the universe would probably treat them as exactly that - aliens.


    A good analogy would be akin to seeing the first Europeans arriving in the New World with their guns, horses and metal armor. Who/What are these strange beings? They sort of look like us, but they're just so different, maybe they're aliens or something?


    Though I'm not certain, if I had to guess the "lore friendly" reason for the stigma against cybernetics is directly tied to the flat-rule of "droids are property (read: slaves)"; no matter how advanced, intelligent, or even independent a droid may be, it is still just a second-class citizen on the most liberal worlds and a lifeless thing that can be smashed for jollies & without justification on most others. So when a human, or humanoid, gets cybernetics then something in the social subconscious sees the implants and thinks "droid" - along with all the negative connotation that goes with it.


    That's my guess, at least. I could be completely wrong.

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