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Everything posted by wixdango

  1. thanks for the advice ill try that
  2. the spirit form fight how can I even win if I cant heal and the cd on my counter for control skills takes to long I play a smuggler sharp shooter so I cant really do much damage running around like a chicken with its head cut off with almost all my attacks being missed do to los what can I do?
  3. when you kill all the artillery soldiers around her it still says not elagible for conversation
  4. when you hover over icons to see the key quick commands it minimizes the game before you can read them
  5. so I make to many alts and don't have a main but want to make a main and get my legacy past 10 even though its not even there any suggestions on how to go about this. I don't have a favorite class or side so that does not matter not even the spec because I have played all specs for all classes over 80 characters but I'm down to like 25-30 right and 3 servers instead of like all of them XD now but want to just get to have like only 3-4 and have them be crafters instead of just questers lol.
  6. the gear that can be crafted has always been better then the vendors so it is better to just buy it or craft it your self . as well you can get heroics on fleet to get good gear that way. best to try and level gear you make for your self and if by chance you get augment slot unlocked you can make it a little better if your companion makes a piece with that. or get mod gear if you can use it and learn cyber tech to make the mods to upgrade gear as you level.
  7. wixdango


    there should be guild commands dropdown option on guild panel UI as well as a way to get information on guild option like events and any guild game content that should and could be set up through the guild panel like invite and meetings or what ever is needed and a tutorial for new found guilds should pop up for the leader when they get it form to help them understand what they need. other then that the guilds should be able to set them self up better with a guild bank and stronghold so it should be game money or members to unlock but not both plus guilds should earn their own type of money instead of draining players characters money so that it would only work for the guild kind of like its own system within the game its self. I know it will take a while to program but it would be well worth it. thanks.
  8. ok so really there should be a list or drop down menu for guild option so when you create a new guild you are not lost and if you are like me I don't want to play guessing games like I'm programing to make things happen for things that should be built into UI for guild option so you don't end up having a fail start up as a new guild leader because your bad at guessing or do not know where to look. oh and are the forums generaling looked at or do you have to pick the right subject for the game developers to read stuff like this to improve the game. after all I play a game to play not try and do something else should just be able to play mindless but interactive lol;)
  9. I don't know what those speeders looked like but I think that they should my more futuristic looking speeders its StarWars after all not Rustbucket city lol well what ever maybe they will create new cooler looking ones or at least allow color option changes on the speeders like armor.
  10. Jedi warriors should get "Jedi Knight, name" tittle and Consulars should get "Jedi Master, name" Sith warriors should get "Sith Lord, name" and Inquisitors should get "Darth, name"
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