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Everything posted by Cadath

  1. just slap on dark force, and when the broodlings come aoe them with discharge and an overload, they will fall over instantly and you can sit on the boss. I downed her after 2 tries, but didnt need and heals or whatn ot, my pet died but it worked out in the end did it lvl 21 with assassin
  2. As a Sith on my server we tend to lose 4 to 1 lol But my beef with pvp right now is when the sith start defending on that one map to go get the data core...the doors dont open for another 20 seconds after the republics doors open...it allows the republic to go place the bomb before the sith can even step outside. Also I think they should break it out into brackets...sure i get health and some power = to a lvl 50....but I dont have the skills, or talents that modify me to that lvl 50...and suprise suprise...he just roflstomps everyone and does double the amount of damage as anyone else in the game... Also seems pvp is kind of unresponsive and clunky..could just be me..but i have heard that from other people. That is is my current beef...other than that, loving the game, and enjoying it, though those few things make me sad face.
  3. Meters can bring about elitism...but at the same time, why should I be forced to carry you? Its one thing if we get through it..but I dont want to wipe endgame day after day because some guy doesnt remember there is no auto attack in the game. Or is only there for "Fun" and likes to only use lightning and nothing else. meters show if people are doing that...and that is important. I dont want to spend my credits repairing items, and carrying people who dont want to do anything but be carried. That isnt acceptable. Imagine wow without meters...people still wouldnt be able to do Lich King on heroic because, hey everyone they are with are friends!! and no one knows that autoattack isnt optimal, even in cata gear!! So yes, it bring about elitism...but it also lets me know what im doing right, and what im doing wrong....and who isnt even attempting to try at all, wasting the time of everyone else in the party.
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