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10 Good
  1. Hi there, Seems someone missed an odd 'clicking' noise in the footstep sound with boots on. I am a female smuggler, not sure if it makes a difference. Listen for it, run on different materials, and you'll hear it. But I'm not sure you'd want to... Because I cannot wear even boots right now, being aware of it is driving me berserk. Please fix, Thanks!
  2. EA is incompetent and everything released under their banner is a bitter failure of it's potential! Stop just making something passable, and make something beautiful you fools! You have the resources and capacity to do so much more. I have no faith in your ability to live up to that potential, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.. The next major release you make better be a labor of love, with little concern regarding it's commercial success or failure, or god as my witness, I will eat an ice cream cone and go watch TV. *eats an ice cream cone and goes to watch TV*
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