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Everything posted by Bastrus

  1. I am redubbing this thread for random stupid stuff. Because your argument is invalid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSx_0BFYQqQ
  2. Is this thread really still going? Seriously people, put your wizard hats back on and just go RP. lol This is pointless. lol You were fine til somebody went and stirred the pot here, at this point it's turning into a troll fest and down right stupid. *flails!
  3. Shout to everyone that queued for solo ranked today! Good games!
  4. "Why is the queue taking so long for group finder?" "Why are the PvP queues taking so long? I want my valor for my Battlemaster set so I can wear it." "There aren't enough people RPing, where does everyone RP at?" These are a just a few questions that go on that I see all the time. People that want to complain about the people that are either non RPers or part time RPers fail to understand that the server would be much more empty if policing went to the point of: "Be in character 100% of the time or state that you're OOC or be banned from the server." Want that Battlemaster set so you can look cool for that next RP event? Have fun getting it with no PvPers on the server at all. Want to get those raids done for that one piece that you'd like for your story? Good luck with that, people don't PvE here because they don't want to be IC 100% of the time. Would you like to find more RP? Well, all the part time RPers that have other things they like to do as well, have moved on because of similar reasons. You have to have a balance of everything regardless of what kind of server people are on, otherwise you have a very empty game with nothing to do. Sure you have the primary focus of what the server is supposed to be, but you need the rest as well in order to be able to play the game. Think the GTN prices are high right now? Try it with a lower population than what we have, you can easily double what prices are now. As well as reduce the quantity of what's up on the GTN right now drastically. All parts make up the whole in the end, cut off all but one and you're bleeding out. Want a hardcore RP group? Make one. Want a hardcore PvP group? Make one. Want a hardcore PvE group? Make one. What you get out of the game is dependent on what you put into it. It takes work, but it is just as simple as that. Learn to tolerate the people around you and you'll have a better experience in the game. That's my two cents on it. Take it or leave it.
  5. There we go! Now you're talking! 10/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqfGe_80Ck Everybody cut everybody cut...
  6. http://www.dumpaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/your-argument-is-invalid-meme-dumpaday-1.jpg
  7. http://images.bidnessetc.com/content/uploads/images/source3/rpg-raptor-shark-your-argument-is-invalid-46e2516e4be5d286ca371505494592b4.jpg
  8. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/097/1/c/your_argument_is_forever_invalid____by_superwolf15-d60ttxe.jpg
  9. Nah I prefer music. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsSVcRYh8dE
  10. Just my two cents here, reg queues for 55 happen frequently enough. If you queue during the day or in the evening you'll get plenty of queues for regs. There's been solo queues for ranked in the evenings that people have been trying to do on imp side for coms, so that will happen occasionally, rep side I don't know if they know about that or if they've tried. As far as how late reg queue pops go, I've gotten a few as late as 3 AM west coast time. Most people on the server being east coast, I'd say that's pretty good. Though you're dealing with longer wait times and both teams will probably be undermanned, though it makes for some fun games sometimes. Had a 4v5 novare coast a while back that we won that was interesting. lol Anyhoo, dunno if you're still considering the server or not, but that's my observation and experience with it.
  11. Not really my kind of music. lol Here, have an OST. lol
  12. 1. Bastrus 2.<Inconceivable> 3. Vanguard 4. Orbital Station Arena 5. Overall Protection, 1,021,981 6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2548342/pics/original/2622425.jpg Same screenie, prot single life, vanguard blah de blah 383,302. Don't wanna type it all out again. >.>
  13. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the fun tonight out on Tat for the world pvp and duels! Was a lot of fun hope that everyone had fun and that we can do it again sometime.
  14. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/540/685/b1d.png
  15. Wait. What happened? lol I'm lost! And confused!.... I need a hug.
  16. Classic right there. 10/10 This just goes hand in hand with it. lol
  17. Times like this: "SHUT UP! YOU'RE BOTH PRETTY!" XD
  18. Good song, I don't much care for the singer though, I prefer a different version of it. That's just me. This is a good one for pvp.
  19. I'd have to say both sides are going to have their bad apples. As far as if you're looking for RP, definitely avoid the cantinas, you're more likely to see something erotic going on there than story related as far as fleet goes on either side. Both factions have some solid PvE and PvP guilds though I'd have to say the number of imp guilds outnumbers the rep side when it concerns PvP. Not all have Xfered. As I said, going to find good and bad on both sides, just have to find the right group of people for you.
  20. Not usually into that kind of music because it tends to all sound the same to me. I enjoyed that one. lol 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m1bT7sLIHQ
  21. Anyone know when the next one is? It's been a while since the last one, did they cancel it or something?
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