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Everything posted by irojoz

  1. or they are just going off when they have freetime to play the game from work, family, real life stuff?
  2. i'd rather not play 20 $ to not play anyone, when i can do that here
  3. if you actually want to do 4s, go over there. Sever is dead because certain solo queue guilds refuse to do 4v4. cough cough you know
  4. NOOOOOO we were suppose to go to six flags....have funnel cake, you would get some powered sugar on your nose and i would clean it off and say "boop".
  5. LOL i remember you, you also played an scoundrel healer right?
  6. Periods, they are not just things girls have. They do wonders for grammar.
  7. Just gonna be back to bump this till next week....kk then ill post seriously again
  8. oy m8, when is ye ma' gonna trot down and give me a ****, On top te ****.
  9. But i beat you on the pts on your sweet jugg tank. You were so good with your taunts and guard switches. The server may die, but the 3 teams it produces are all A quality. but seriously, how can you lose when you dont get cc'd?
  10. You lost to a team that was tab dotting you as a healer. They got some sweet ccs on you to get kills....wait no they didnt.
  11. Well it wouldnt be your team i would be scared about since you couldnt even give bodies team a run for their money.
  12. yea this makes sense. im terrified of facing 1337 teams now
  13. Not trolling but how would the server feel if DP/MVP came over and farmed everyone and then left?
  14. Yer not a troooo Scouser, m8 Oo yer gawpin at, yew wid der nose on yer face? tosser
  15. Bump for hoodstar Fessia #1 commando on leaderboards uses hoodstar
  16. irojoz


    Like the one you made?
  17. +1 for gomex +1 for mudclot You guys got beat on the forums and the euros have not played against us in 4v4s.... If their simple brains cant type out meaningful responses why do i have a feeling they cant figure out a simple smash rotation...sad
  18. wait....vesper....LoS things? not possible
  19. Regardless of the intention of the thread my opinion about harb teams doesnt change. Still bads, and will stay bad unless they move bastion or pot5
  20. Lol if you are hoping for an mmo experience from eso you are going to be disappointed.
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