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Everything posted by irojoz

  1. All we missing is some vexo dps parses and we good. Pew pew, dont stand in red circles and do the same boss week in week out. go go
  2. dude i had to listen to it on the radio, had to tell the gf to shut up so i can hear whats happening. hope hes not out for along time
  3. no, once you get the new 55 gear, you put it on, but until then just remove the war hero.
  4. Pfft Girth's best group used to be on tuesday, but then i quit PVE and group fell apart. (yes i'm so self-centered)
  5. irojoz


    welcome to the badstion
  6. i need more pve drama. you guys suck. ambient was better than all of you....okay go
  7. jung ma has the best players imo you guys need to learn how to play along with those bastion newbz l2dota gaiz
  8. irojoz

    Hey Avila

    goooo sharks, even though we will choke is the playoffs again
  9. irojoz

    Hey Avila

    some how i still think the oilers are still going to steal the #1 pick again
  10. and i for one welcome our new kangaroo catching overlords
  11. is it just me or does it seem like we are having the first ever SWTOR Server draft
  12. just message breks or davak in game or shoot them a mail
  13. we have been getting alot of RP lately..are you apart of it?
  14. yep early on Squirtle squad got some wins, but near the mid and end of pts i saw mvp getting the wins
  15. oh memories. Brings me back to when all the mexican girls in middle school uSe To Tyype LiiKe tHiiS
  16. just in case they need to learn how
  17. im going to give you guys a secret, no one cares
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