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Posts posted by Ascertes

  1. Now let's figure out something to deal with mailing bots. There are usually one or three of them residing permanently by the first mailbox on every single starter world, same character for hours on end. For DAYS. They're either turning around in place or keep enabling/disabling sprint to avoid going AFK. I used to report them as spam on sight, but... it has no effect really except clogging the system, probably. And being the mean sith that I am I'd love to make their life miserable somehow, too.


    Unfortunately I'm not aware of any methods, but maybe someone else knows. My expertise lies in breaking credit farmers. Hopefully if somebody knows they will share their method with us!

  2. The name pretty much says it all. I've created this thread for people who (like me!) enjoy breaking bots and are fed up with them in our game and fueling credit sellers. I got this idea after a botter admitted to using a bot and told me that by breaking him I was "changing nothing."


    In truth, he is probably right. Alone I accomplish very little, aside from robbing them of a few hundred thousand credits for a few hours at a time. And we all know that amount is pitiful. So I came up with this. Even if at least 1 person learns a new way to break a bot, that's another scratch in their income, and enough scratches creates a dent, and eventually shatters.


    So I'll start things off and I'll compile a list of methods in this post as more people put in their methods.


    Here's my method on Ilum for breaking the Imperial credit farmers at the Republic Forward Camp:

    1. Use a character that has a pull ability. Kill the botter mid farming. (Obviously this only works on a PvP server) They will respawn. Head towards the main Imperial Base, on the way you'll probably encounter them again. Kill them again. Get up onto the northern ice ledge just north of the Imperial Base. The character will come running by again, in which case you pull them onto the ledge! The bot will not function on the ledge, however DO NOT USE A COMPANION FOR THIS AS THEY WILL ATTACK YOUR COMPANION AND IF YOU LEAVE THE LEDGE THEY WILL FOLLOW. Ta-da! Broken.


    2. Same as number 1, but instead you pull their companion. Kill their companion, and if they leapt after you onto the ledge then push them off. The bot will attempt to revive their companion, but cannot get to them and is thus broken.




    Here's a method provided by Andrellma for the Rakghoul event:

    When I spot botters during the rakghoul event, I make sure to explode on them.

    Short term fix, doesn't take them out long...but it's something!




    Here's my method for breaking the Republic Credit Farmers on Ilum at the Heroic 4 Area:

    Use a class that has a pull, similar to the one provided to break the Imperials. Kill them mid farm. They will respawn. Make your way to a small little ice cliff just north west of the camp, directly between the Republic Base and the Sith Camp. From here, pull their companion onto the ledge. Kill the companion. They will be unable to revive their companion and will thus be broken!




    Here's a method provided by mephistosaurus to deal with the speed hackers (helpful on Rishi)

    I report the ones that pop up like the creatures from Tremors. I target, add to friends list so I can see when that toon is on. Ill usually travel to the world they are on, and if I see em at it again I report. This has gone on for 10 days at the longest but they get deactivated pretty fast if you lock onto one, and report everytime you see them breaking TOS.

    Glad to see Bioware taking notice of our good efforts :)




    Here's my method to break the Imperial Credit Farmers on Corellia at the Corsec Bulwark:


    1. Kill the bot mid farm. Make your way out of the Corsec Bullwark and towards the Imperial Med Center THAT IS NOT BY THE TRAM STATION. If you follow the main street out of the bulwark, take a left and you'll see a ledge on the other side of the ramp. When the bot comes by, have your companion attack. They will retaliate and pursue. Get them close to the ledge, and knock them into the pit! ta-da! Broken.


    2. PvE'ers listen up! I have something you might enjoy. I'm not sure if this works on other servers, but it works for me on Jung Ma with my own imperial characters. First, you'll see a Corsec Officer patrolling mindlessly between the two sets of stairs at the back of the bulwark. They Bot will attack them if they get their sights on it. Your job is, once they start attacking, to pull/taunt/lead this officer over to a mob on the eastern stairs that consists of 2 elite corsec droids and a Strong corsec probe droid. For some reason, at least for me on Jung Ma, this mob is...broken. Whenever you attack them you will get an Evasion sign after a few seconds, causing the mob to reset. Pulling that officer over to that mob will cause this mob to attack the bot and vice versa, and inevitably get it stuck in an unending loop with the constant Evasions from that mob. Thus, it will become broken.


    General PvE Server Tactics

    The key to breaking bots, especially credit farmers, is to focus on pulling/taunting the mob they are fighting into the area you want the bot to enter. If it's a pit, push the NPC they're fighting into said pit. if a ledge, pull the NPC onto the ledge. It's the same principle as PvP tactics except having to undergo an extra step. Hopefully this will help our PvE friends out there!


    Share your methods below! :D

  3. Lana is without question one of my favorite characters. Her reserved and calm manner, coupled with her pragmatism (and shocking golden eyes :eek:) makes her one of the most interesting NPC's in the game for me. I feel a massive reserve of unused energy in her, and I can't wait to see her totally explode all over the Revanites :cool:
  4. Hey everybody, I'm not really sure how things proceed after level 50. I'm trying to do everything in order, so just looking for a little help with continuity.


    So atm I'm thinking it all goes in this order:


    Ilum, KP, EC, Section X, Makeb, TFB, Seeker Missions with Arcanum and Dread Seeds, Darvannis, Oricon (DF then DP).

    (I'm ignoring stand-alone areas in this list.)


    So, does this look right to you? Let me know if its wrong :)

  5. Would probably work best with a beast-master forced-based class. I'd like to see one that used the lightwhip. The only way something like this would work is if you made non-beast attacks EXTREMELY few and/or weak. Defence on the otherhand is another matter.


    It's an interesting idea, but how exaclty would it work in Warzones, especially Hutt Ball? Summoning beasts in the middle of that hardly seems appropriate. But that is the least of our problems.

  6. A Neutral class just sounds too hard to develop. Making a story-line that doesn't conflict with your alignment would be somewhat of a challenge, and not to mention making class-based instances in user-friendly locations. It just doesn't fit.


    But for new classes, Here is what I would like to see:

    -An Officer/Commander class.

    -Imperial Soldier.

    -Republic Spy

    -Force-user equipped with a Light-whip as one of the AC's.

  7. Where I come from, we call them people-movers ;) It's a nice idea as I love using those in real life, but the spaceports in game just feel too small for this kind of thing. If you made them faster than walking then that's a different story.


    But I would appreciate larger spaceports so this could be implemented. I always wanted a baggage claim...

  8. I do find it stupid how some companions are just standing around. Some of them make sense, like Doctor Lokin who is inspecting a Kolto Tank. Although it would be pretty cool to see them actually doing something. I like the idea of arguing :rolleyes: would definetly feel right between some companions.


    But yeah, they need to do more.

  9. The thing is with the trooper is that they are the people that do the high-risk missions, the infiltrators so to speak or the people that do the jobs only the best of the best soldiers can. The officer im thinking about is not the person that is always the front-linesmen, but more of the strategist, the thinker and the plotter of Military Campaigns as a whole. Sure you wouldn't start out like that, likely as a fresh-graduate of the Imperial or Republic military academies. One of the things BioWare wanted to do was have our decisions make an impact and we would have to face the consequences of those actions. When you're a strategist overseeing entire military campaigns, one wrong decision can be disasterous. I feel this class would embody this perfectly.


    I see the potential problems, but they don't appear impossible to overcome. Besides, what ENTIRELY new classes can we add except for filling faction-gaps? (That means an Imperial version of the Trooper, a Republic Spy, etc.)

  10. Hutt Cartel and really the whole Underworld plays a huge role in galactic schemes. It would really be interesting to have this added, and now since the new planet is being released and the Hutts are trying to become the new power army, it could really work.


    The class suggestions you gave are iffy. I wouldn't stick with them but the concept of a third faction is not impossible.

    But making classes for them competitive with jedi and sith would be very, very hard.

  11. also to add a new class to each faction would not be good enough, you would need to add 2 to each faction or there would virtual riots on the forum. you would need a force user and a non-force user.


    Why is that? Why would they be up in arms? Because there is not the same amount of force users as non force users? To me it would seem REALLY hard to add another Force Sensitive class. If you really absolutely needed one you could have a class that uses a Lightwhip, but other then im out of ideas.


    The new class to me that makes the most sense is an Officer. (I, like the rest of us want an Imp Soldier and Republic Spy too.) When you think about it, we don't have any real strategists in the game. Would make for a very interesting storyline I think.

  12. Republic Sniper is not really feasible, since really we already have one of those.


    Imp Soldier and SIS agent are things I would definetly love to see in the future.

    But, since the Republic trooper and the IA already have "mirror counterparts", we would have to make the Imp Soldier and the SIS Mirrors somehow...Maybe have the SIS use Heat like the BH while the Imp Soldier used Ammo Cells like the Trooper? Would be complicated but not impossible.


    And yes they have to be mirrors for the balance to be maintained. End of story.

  13. Categories we must look at before suggesting/implementing classes:


    Logical: Not really...

    Authentic: Maybe, but conflicts too much with lore.

    Feasible: Balance could very well be jeporadized.


    As a sith, when you're in as a Sith, you are IN. there is no simple "I quit."

    As a jedi, dedication to the order is a life time commitment. again, no "I quit."'s

    Can you really think of a lasting story line to get you through 1-50? I see it as very, very difficult.


    Pretty much, this idea really wouldn't work with how the game is setup, unless you want a mass script re-write and all the other hassle that comes along with it.

  14. The only class that could really make sense for a total droid is the Bounty Hunter (IG-88). The Jedi classes require the force, droids can't use it. IA requires infiltration, smooth talking etc. Droids don't work there either. Trooper needs to be able to hold a rank, and as is stated in the storyline, droids are not allowed under Republic Military Regulations. Smuggler it won't work either i'm afraid. Mostly for the same reasons as the IA.


    But other general problems: How could companion relationships work with droids? Lightside and Darkside points?


    You can't just go and throw a species out there because "it sounds good". It needs to be logical, feasible and authentic. Droids violate 2 of those 3 categories.


    My response: No droids.

  15. The fact the Republic Spy uses light armor would put it as a severe disadvantage to the IA (I will assume they are designed to be mirrors of each other.) With alot of the people who have posted before and will after, a republic spy and an Imperial Soldier are definetly something I would like to see in the future. However, what we have here will simply not work. It needs refinement.
  16. The Renegade and the IO are not mirror counter parts (I am assuming you made them so they were to maintain balance) The Renegade firstly has med armor and the IO has light. wut? I will also assume the Republic Spy and the Imperial Guard are also mirrors of the Trooper and the IA. I have yet to read those threads, but hopefully they will show more fruit then the mirror ability (or lack thereof) in the renegade and IO. I posted some suggestions on the IO thread if you want to look at that.


    Overall though, it's nice (Wasn't a fan of the Renegade idea, sorry :o) it just needs to some refineing. Your ideas are like Ore. Crude, raw and of little value in natural state. but with processing and fine tuning, we can have something great.

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