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Everything posted by SKiZOTT

  1. /signed Seems sad that the thing that made TOR special was being a story based MMO - full reason I still play.
  2. ^ This. I really hope his daughter will pick up the reigns and will get the TV series that is shelved going and/or Ep. 7-9. GL stated that the story arc was about Anakin/Vader - so there's nothing there for the story since Vader is redeemed and all is good in the Star Wars universe. I would love to see a Star Wars / New Jedi Order - movies or TV. With the popularity of SciFi TV and the lack of anything of any quality currently on, Star Wars could really capitalize and fulfill a needed series on TV. Game of Thrones is a key example of how a well written / directed series with tons of characters can be done on TV budgets. Which is what GL is stating as to why the Star Wars series is shelved, due to the budgeting of the series wouldn't be cost effective. For his years, GL sure is childish and petty.
  3. Vanilla? Warlocks weren't OP in vanilla... That was Shaman, Wind Fury + Storm Strike + Earth Shock with Hand of Ragnaros / The Unstoppable Force... gg
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