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Everything posted by Bahadori

  1. I noticed during the stream today that Gore/Precision was a 3 sec window. I'm extremely confused by it since the blog released on Sentinel changes specifically stated that Precision is a 6 sec window up from the current 4.5 sec window (Link to Blog). Yet today we all saw it at 3 sec. Gore/Precision at a 3 second window would ruin the spec play style as it stands in 2.10 right now. The guys stated that the classes were intended to play very closely to the way they play now in 2.10 when 3.0 drops. Fact is with a 3 sec Gore/Precision ON the GCD that leaves you at a baseline of 2 secs excluding the 1 sec GCD time. My issue with that is even with a 30 stack and using Zen/Berserk Master Strike/Ravage only channels at 2.3 secs. That's not even enough time to fit it into the new window effectively breaking the Combat Sentinel rotation and priority as it stands now. So Devs if you happen to fall on this post can you please clear up which it will be for 3.0? Thank you! - Hayete (Jedi Covenant)
  2. 3 sec Gore/Precision would ruin the spec play style as it stands in 2.10 right now. The Devs stated that the classes were intended to play very closely to the way they play now in 2.10 when 3.0 drops. Fact is with a 3 sec Gore/Precision ON the GCD that leaves you at a baseline of 2 secs excluding the 1 sec GCD time. My issue with that is even with a 30 stack and using Zen/Berserk Master Strike/Ravage only channels at 2.3 secs. That's not even enough time to fit into the new window. Furthermore, i'm extremely confused by the fact that yesterday (20 Nov) they released a blog on Sentinel changes and specifically say that Precision is a 6 sec window up from the current 4.5 sec window (Link to Blog). Yet today we all saw it at 3 sec. So Devs if you happen to fall on this post can you please clear up which it will be?
  3. Hi there JC! As my title states I am currently looking for a HM/NiM progression team to be a part of. I'm an Electrical Engineering student so evening runs work best for me at the moment (8 PM EST - 11 PM EST). I am extremely knowledgeable in all SM/HM mechanics for TFB / SnV / DF / DP / TC for all 3 roles (Tank/Heals/DPS). My main in game is a Sentinel (Hayete) and my experience with NiM content are 5/5 DF, 2/5 DP, 5/5 TFB (Although it's been a bit since i've run TFB NiM). My main is committed to a guild progression group that runs Saturday/Sunday however my scoundrel healer/dps is very close to being min/max'd for the HM tier i.e. 180 level just need to min/max Enhancements (Healer set SLIGHTLY more geared than my DPS set by a few augments). I'm not looking to join a guild just looking for a cool group that enjoys the game as much as i do and enjoys the challenge of End Game content. Current parses on my scoundrel are between 3.4K and 3.7K depending on slight RNG differences and a few other factors. I keep both DPS and Healing sets on me at all times so i can do either roll whenever needed. The best way to contact me is either in game by sending an email to my main 'Hayete' or you can message me through Enjin 'Link'. Thanks to those who read and i look forward to meeting some new friends. - Hayete
  4. Hey All! Just wanted to take a moment to let those who apply know what to do afterwards. Once you put in your application through our Enjin site please make sure to check back because we will leave further information in the comment section of your application. Other than in game communication this is our main method of communication with new applicants. Just wanted to give everyone applying a heads up - Hayete (Officer, Force Disciples)
  5. UPDATE: I'm going to hold a meeting at 9PM EST/6 PM PST tomorrow (Wednesday October 23). Anyone who is curious, has questions, wants more information, or is planning on attending is more than welcome to attend. This will be a quick meeting that'll run no longer than 45 minutes. I'm going to be going over the general idea and outline of what these raids will be doing for the people who attend, the intended make up and dynamic of the team, and taking any questions or comments anyone may have. If you will be attending please contact "Hayete" in game prior to the meeting for Vent info. Hope to see some new faces and meet some excited raiders tomorrow evening!
  6. Yes sir. This will be a republic side raid team. Most of the people already on board only play Republic side characters.
  7. Hello All, I am starting up a 16 Man Republic Side raid team for the purpose of maximizing Ultimate Commendations weekly. These raids will begin at 9 PM EST/ 6 PM PST. A big part of this being a speed run is heading through the door on time. So anyone who wants to attend will be expected to be online and ready to walk through the door and start raiding at that time. All those wanting to attend will also be required to provide their own Repair Money, Stims, Adrenals, and Medpacks. While I and others are always willing to lend a hand and offer up these items to players it should be first and foremost the responsibility of the individual raider to be equipped and good to go on their own motivation and dedication to the team. Each role (Tank, DPS, Heals) will be assigned a lieutenant who will direct the actions of all members in that particular role. This will be for the purpose of keeping communications clear during fights where to many people talking can become confusing and disorienting. A gear check will also be implemented for inclusion in the raids. I’m requesting that anyone interested please have at a minimum all 72 level gear and at a minimum blue 66 augments. The team will also be utilizing the Ventrilo VoIP software for communications (http://www.ventrilo.com/) as well as the Parsec Combat Logging program found at the following website (http://parsec.codeplex.com/). All players attending these raids will be required to download and install these programs for admittance. Players will need to meet the minimum value listed for their role to attend weekly. DPS classes will need to be above 2000 and Healers above 2000. Lastly, all players attending these raids must have completed the raids that we’ll be running and understand the mechanics of each fight. These standards and requirements I’m putting out are to allow these speed runs to be truly that, speed runs. Simple, fast, and efficient runs to get commendations for the 78 gear we all want to prepare for Hard Mode operations. I’m going to be scheduling these raids for next Friday-Sunday (Oct 25 – Oct 27). For players that adhere to these standards and return each week to run this content I would like to eventually evolve the team out of Story Mode operations and into Hard Mode operations. This team will just be starting out and be in its infancy so there will be some things that are rough around the edges at first but will smooth out as each week goes by and I and each team member gains a better understanding of who all is going and the team’s ability. Again, anyone is more than welcome to attend these raids as long as they meet the above prerequisites I’ve set up for admittance. This team will be formed on a first come basis. The first 15 people to meet prerequisite qualifications for admittance will be accepted. If you are truly interested in this idea and meet these prerequisites for attendance please comment on this thread. Also feel free to message me in game on Jedi Sentinel Hayete anytime. Hope to see a great response and May the Force Be With You! Team Formation: Tanks x 2 Healers x 3 DPS x 11 RAIDING SCHEDULE Friday [WEEKLY] Classic Operations x12 Elite x12 Ultimate [WEEKLY] Toborro’s Courtyard x12 Elite x6 Ultimate Saturday [WEEKLY] Terror From Beyond x20 Elite x12 Ultimate x20 Ultimate [WEEKLY] Scum and Villainy x20 Elite x12 Ultimate x32 Ultimate Sunday [Weekly] The Dread Palace x24 Elite x16 Ultimate [Weekly] The Dread Fortress x24 Elite x16 Ultimate
  8. Just out of curiosity how can we ACTUALLY get someone from EA/BW to respond to this thread? Because i would really love to know why such a popular item in the game was denied the ability to be colored. I have been playing TOR since launch and have been wearing my Aspiring Knight's Vest since i was first able to equip it and had SUCH high hopes that this dye system was going to FINALLY allow me to color this item. I've been let down so many times by changes to this game and have said nothing, until now. This needs to be fixed or we need an answer as to why this decision was made. We are the customers, we pay the money, we deserve a response.
  9. Dude i am COMPLETELY with all of you on this. I have been playing my jedi since launch and have worn the same chest piece (Aspiring Knights Vest) from then till now. I was so disappointed by the fact that because my skin color is dark and not light i cannot have a black toned vest. With this release i was looking forward to FINALLY, after almost 2 years, i would be able to color my chest piece black as I've wanted to do for so long now. EPIC FAIL. Why would you restrict someone from dying a piece. Why not let us do this!? It seems they have restricted every item level 15 and lower. Why? If i'm allowed to wear it... to put armorings, mods, and enhancements in it... why can i not dye it!? I would REALLY love to hear from a Dev or Bioware on why they decided to do this... cause i cannot begin to describe how infuriating this has been knowing that STILL i cannot color this piece how i want.
  10. Dude i am COMPLETELY with you on this. I have been playing my jedi since launch and have worn the same chest piece (Aspiring Knights Vest) from then till now. I was so disappointed by the fact that because my skin color is dark and not light i cannot have a black toned vest. With this release i was looking forward to FINALLY after almost 2 years i would be able to color my chest piece black as I've wanted to do for so long now. EPIC FAIL. Why would you restrict someone from dying a piece that has nothing to do with lore and being that i can put 55 level armoring, mods, and enhancements in it. So why not let me do this!? I would REALLY love to hear from a Dev or Bioware on why they decided to do this... cause i cannot begin to describe how infuriating this has been knowing that STILL i cannot color this piece how i want.
  11. Hey guys, So I would like to start a petition to bring back a piece of the Battlemaster Weaponmaster's mod-able gear that can no longer be acquired, more specifically the belt. I play a Jedi Sentinel and by far the most aesthetically pleasing belt in the entire game, in my opinion, was that one. The belt looks exactly like the Recruit's Weaponmaster's MK-2 Waistcord purchasable through the Recruit PVP Gear vendor. Unfortunetly that piece of gear is blue and can not be modded. I think it is absolutely absurd that the mod-able piece was taken completely out of the game having such a unique look. With the release of 1.6 you can only obtain the mod-able head, boots, gloves, legs, and chest gear through schematics (purchased before 1.6) or via the galactic market... but not the belt. Please join me in voicing this to the developers and help bring back this awesome piece!
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