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Everything posted by Primalsavage

  1. I currently play on a low pop server. Telos Restoration project. I can can on at any time during the day or night and I will never see a single queue. Our Server died the day patch 1.1 came out. Before that you could get on and play anytime, all the guilds and players knew each other. We had fun, freindly, and very intense match's. Now all the new 50's are quiting or leaving because the pvp pops are so rare they cannot gear up or even stand a chance against the players who hit 50 and got geared before 1.1. So based off of my current situation would love to see my server warzones pop again at any cost. I and my guild mates and most of our server guilds would do anything to see pvp. And welcome the idea of cross realm pvp if thats what it takes. Illium is a ghost town, I dont think I have ever seen more then 10 people on the planet. This dosn't mean we like the idea of cross realm, but welcome it due to the fact alot of us don't have time to re-roll on another server. We enjoy the feel of having rival guilds on the imp side. We were hoping Bioware would get smart and open Server transfers or at least merge some of the low pop servers, or at least offer it to all the low pop servers as an option. But keep the servers togther as far as same time zone, same style (PVP,PVE,RPPVE,RPPVP).
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