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Everything posted by ajjw

  1. Any dev who adds pause functionality to their macro API is an idiot and as such deserves for such stupid macros to exist in the first place. A properly implemented macro system such as WoW's does not allow that kind of BS. Blizzard are well in control of what you can and cannot do through macros as they have added and removed functionality from their API over time. Seriously. We are not asking for automation. Please, for the love of god, understand this.
  2. Those macro systems were terrible and are not what is being asked for in this thread. Just blindly saying "macros can do this and this and this!!" and then referencing a system in which that was possible is just silly. Look to WoW where they got macros right , albeit after having to break some functionality. You see, the last part of that sentence is the key. "Albeit, after having to break some functionality". When a macro system is done CORRECTLY, you cannot do the things you talk about.
  3. No, you're wrong. Macros cannot do anything of the sort that you think they can. You cannot move your character with macros. You cannot queue up multiple actions in a macro due to GCD. The client does not check the macros - The server does. It would be borderline criminal to have the macro authentication client side and any dev that implemented a macro system that way deserves to have their game exploited. Please, go and read up on how macros actually work if you're not gonna listen to what I say.
  4. I've never played RIFT. If its macro system allowed you to queue multiple skills from 1 keypress, then it was their broken implementation you should be angry at, not macros themselves. The ONLY way you can activate more than 1 ability in a macro is if they are off the GCD. In other words if you have a Relic and CD off-GCD and let's say a Heal on-GCD, you can activate the Relic -> CD -> Heal all at the same time. But guess what. You can do that anyway. Without macros. Macros are an improvement to QoL. You can never do something with macros that could already be done without. The idea is that macros make redundant keystrokes well, redundant.
  5. Read my above post. Macros cannot do the things you are talking about. Please try to understand this.
  6. The people who believe macros lead to botting couldn't be more ignorant to the truth if you slapped them in the face with it. Let's take WoW. Macros there are very limited, and they run off the same API as AddOns though more restricted. An API is a big list of the functions you can and cannot use. If you try to do something not allowed by the API, your macro will fizzle. Bots do not use macros. They do not use the API. They use DLL injection into the game client's process. These bots WILL arise with or without macros being allowed in SWTOR. Seriously, wisen the frack up before commenting on stuff you have absolutely NO idea about.
  7. I almost always get the highest number of MVP votes alongside medals as a Healer. This issue is also glaringly obvious and very annoying.
  8. Your either A) Trolling or B) Terrible at this game. As such, welcome to my ignore list.
  9. Average players don't play optimally. The clue is in the name. You are not stretching and pushing the boundaries of your character to push out that extra bit of performance. If you wanna play optimally, macros are a necessity. Just because you are bad and settle for mediocrity does not mean everyone else does.
  10. The level of sheer ignorance on these forums is the highest of any MMO I've ever played. So much blind hate and bandwagon hopping, is getting rediculous. I agree 100% - Macros are needed. Preferably sooner rather than later.
  11. Excellent post OP, agree with everything.
  12. It's apparently "cool" to jump on the WoW-hate bandwagon. For some reason these people fail to realise that we actually love SWTOR and want it to succeed. As I've said in this thread, this game is the first MMO in 7 years that I can honestly say has the potential to become my primary game of choice, dethroning WoW. That's quite the accolade, and I want nothing more than for SWTOR to be excellent. But for as long as this issue remains in the game, SWTOR's potential is being throttled, which is a shame.
  13. I'm not even gonna bother replying to your posts from this point on - You've shown time and time again that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
  14. Ok I went overboard with that one, you're right. I just want this fixed ASAP. SWTOR is the first MMO in 7 years that I can honestly see myself making my primary game of choice, dethroning WoW. But, that will not happen if this issue goes unfixed.
  15. I can already play, my dear. I almost always get the most MVP votes in a WZ alongside a high number of medals as a Healer. I'm a credit to my team. But I'd be worth alot more by orders of magnitude with a combat system that was actually functional.
  16. You just lost all credibility in this discussion. Top5 heals in a WZ? Watch out!
  17. For YOU they might not be. Just because YOU enjoy playing sub-optimally does not mean everyone enjoys that. I personally get alot of satisfaction from min-maxing and pushing the limits of what my class can do. I love theorycrafting. I love putting that math into effect ingame and seeing tangible results. You don't wanna put in the effort to optimise your performance? That's cool. But let the people who actually DO wanna put in the extra effort actually be able to. You talk about how companies care about the majority. That's true. But remember this: Blizzard still lets the theorycrafters and min-maxers do their thing in WoW. BioWare would be wise to keep to the same standards.
  18. Wow, you really are clueless then aren't you? Guess what? You'll not always be at range as a Healer. And even if you are, you'll sometimes have to stack up tightly with other Healers / Ranged DPS. Other boss mechanics might require the entire raid to stack up tightly bar the Tanks. Good luck seeing your animations then.
  19. Your post belies your intelligence, ie stupidity. Yes, because it obviously takes SKILL to avoid being CC'ed by your own RANDOM CHANCE parries. My god, you really aren't thinking straight are you.
  20. The UI is not synced with reality. You are told you can use your next ability but you cannot. This is especially flawed for Tanks & Healers - Good luck explaining to your Ops that "Yeah, I know I was supposed to defensive cooldown X ability, but I was CC'ed by my own parry animation", etc. People keep saying "Just watch until your character has finished his animation then!" - Have these people ever done high end PvE / PvP? Seriously, good luck seeing when your animation finishes mid-fight when 12+ players are stacked up on one spot due to a boss mechanic. Good luck seeing that in the middle of a hectic PvP battle. It is asinine to suggest that this system is not flawed, because it so glaringly is.
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