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Everything posted by VarnieTsk

  1. AND Woot!! FYI for those not watching the other thread at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159167&page=84 Happy Day
  2. AND FYI for those not watching the other thread at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159167&page=84 Happy Day
  3. AND From the other thread at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159167&page=84 Happy Day
  4. Well, maybe by the time this issue is fixed, there will also be a solution to the chest bots as well. It obviously can't be fixed overnight so you still have plenty of time left to kill bots.
  5. Thank you so much! This has totally made my day. I'm more than happy to wait for a solution now that I know you're at least looking at it. <---That's me with a perma-grin
  6. True, up to a point. Honestly, nobody's asking for a direct response to any one post. I'd be perfectly happy with a generic post in any of the threads on this just saying "hey folks, we're not ignoring you, we just don't have an answer for you yet." Or a dev post somewhere with of list of the issues that they're "aware of." but have no answers YET. At least we'd see that it's on the list and we're not ignored. Not acknowledging us for fear of forum abuse is not something I would consider valid. For one thing, the "forum abuse" is getting worse because of the lack of response and certainly wouldn't get any worse than it already is if they gave us a response. No, I just can't understand that rationale.
  7. Yeah, I've had similar. I don't know if they're trying to get me to use my aoe, hoping I'll forget, get mad, or what. Usually what I do is give them a /rude, turn my character's back to them, and ignore them til they go away. I even had one guy come over and start emoting /bow maybe trying to apologize or trying to be sarcastic. Who knows. Every time he got in front of me /bowing again, I turned my back again. He finally left. Point is, like you said, I shouldn't have had to interrupt what I was doing to go through that. If this ability wasn't in place they wouldn't even be trying to do it.
  8. You can attack a flagged player directly, if you target him, I believe. Haven't played wow in a long time. But AoE effects do not flag an unflagged player simply by hitting a flagged player. Thereby preventing griefers from being able to control how & when you become flagged. Most mmos these days prevent this from happening. Some go further like Rift where you can toggle off the auto-flag ability altogether. ps: Also, the system as it is currently allows a griefer to stealth into your aoe so he can be the one who controls how & when you flag, not you.
  9. I hope this doesn't come across as rude, I don't mean it that way, but you haven't read through the thread obviously. The notion that "Every" mmo is that way is nothing more than Urban Legend. And yet so may people keep buying into it. That Urban Legend has been debunked numerous time in this and other threads on this subject.
  10. It may not mean they're ignoring the issue itself, but they most certainly ARE ignoring the customers. I have to tell you, I worked in customer service for over 20 years before I retired. I know how customer service should work. You never completely ignore a customer for any amount of time, even if you're actively working on the problem. And if you don't have an answer for them, you let them know that you don't have an answer YET. If you do that, the customer goes away. Sometimes in a huff, sometimes quietly, but the end result is the same. They go away. ps: I never even got an acknowledgement that my account is cancelled after 3 days now. lol. Not even a bot response. That tells me a lot.
  11. Personally I haven't threatened to not buy other products of theirs, but I have cancelled my subscription to this one over this issue. Primarily over the issue of getting no response. But I can understand the comments by those who say they won't patronize the company in the future. So to play devil's advocate for those who threaten not to buy another product, if you take that a step furthur. If you get ZERO response to an important issue in a game, it kinda leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and doesn't make a person in a hurry to take a chance on that company's future products. I may not "promise" never to buy another bw product, but I will certainly think twice before trying another one. Funcom is real good example. AO was a disaster, but when Conan came out I thought "what the heck" maybe Anarchy was a fluke rather than an indication of how they do business. Wrong. Conan was just more of the same shoddy customer service and ineptitude. Sony is another good example. After experiences with them with MxO and SWG, I probably will not deal with them again in the future. So to make such a simplistic statement as that they're just throwing a tantrum is, I think, being a bit short sighted. There is always more to the story. And you can't trivialize people's feelings when it comes to where they shell-out their money.
  12. You know, you just reminded me of something else that Bioware needs to keep in mind on this issue. They've supposedly aimed this game at the KoTOR crowd, people new to mmos, casual players, families, etc. And they promised a "comfortable" gaming experience for all. (yes, they use that word in their griefing/harrassment policy wordage) Instead, nearly everything I see caters to the PvPers. In fact I distinctly remember some pretty venomous rants by the PvP people in the forums before the game launched about it being aimed at this crowd. Allowing the griefers to ruin the experience for these folks is nothing short of shooting yourself in the foot with a nail gun.
  13. Or a simple C) WE ARE AWARE would be a real nice start. I don't think we're asking for so much. Instead I feel like we're just shouting down a rain barrel. Ignoring it won't make it go away. The problem will remain. The only thing going away will be a whole lot of their PvE players. Who knows, maybe they think that will be a small enough number to be acceptable. If that's the case then I definitely made the right choice to cancel.
  14. Excitment? Sorry, but on a PvE server, I get no excitement out of having to adjust my gameplay to try and avoid pvp situations, and as you yourself pointed out, sometimes you can't avoid them. That's why I rolled on a PvE server. Believe it or not, some people play MMOs to play WITH other people, not AGAINST them. Having to constantly worry about whether or not my current activities are going to be disrupted is not exciting for me. You say "Open your eyes and watch the environment." Yes! Exactly! That's why I'm on a PvE server. To "watch the environment," Not other players. That's what the PvP server is supposed to be for. I always have my eyes open, watching the environment. For mobs! That's all I want to be watching out for.
  15. I did the same, 3 days ago. Still no email or acknowledgement that I've even cancelled. lol. That tells me I was right. I realize they're probably very busy, but I didn't even get a bot response. Wonder if their cancellation/complaints department is that busy too. /sigh
  16. I knew about the getting flagged for buffing or healing a flagged player, but you get flagged if they buff you???? Are you sure? If true, that just makes it even worse.
  17. Yes, your companion's aoe gets you flagged. That's a big part of this exploit. Glad the fixed the bug where the companions' aoe kept toggling back on.
  18. Yeah, this is another aspect of the mechanic that's annoying but at least this is avoidable. Any time you buff or rez a flagged player, you get flagged too. Or if you group with a flagged player. Edit: I take back the rez part being avoidable. You can't tell if a corpse is flagged or not. So just never rez anyone.
  19. People have been reporting it. To date, and to the best of anyone's knowledge, nothing has been done. No one from BW will respond in any way. They won't even answer the simple question....Is This Working As Intended? So we are left in the dark, and with posting on the forums in the hopes that just maybe it will get changed. Yeah, UO. I was there pre-Trammel. It was the worst nightmare in gaming that I've ever experienced. I quit as did many, many others because of it. They finally wised up and changed it. The original concept was good on paper, but being the first real mmo, the devs had underestimated lengths some people would go to just to harrass, inconvenience, or otherwise torment other people. A lot of game mechanics would be good, in an ideal world. Human nature, and especially the pvp mindset always ruins it and so rules have to be put in place to protect others.
  20. /sigh. Are you trolling or are you serious? If you're trolling, thanks for the bump. If you're serious, please read on. Have you read the thread? Do you know what the issue truly is? You obviously do not understand, or don't care, how this impacts people. We have to completely change our playstyle and/or play gimped in order to maintain an unflagged status. Sorry but that is backwards. For the bazinionth time. You say be wiser about aoe usage. Nice. So how would you like to pvp without being able to use all of your abilities? There is no way that anyone can know at all times when there is someone stealthed, or coming up from behind on a speeder, or hiding behind a rock. And when it happens, it's more than just a 3 second respawn, as you say. It's your game has been interrupted. You're no longer doing what you wanted to do for your own entertainment in accordance with the promised ruleset for that server, instead you're doing what the griefer wants you to do, for his entertainment. Then you're spending 5 minutes in a cantina to get rid of the stupid flag so you don't have a repeat. And you have to spend that 5 minutes on-line, with your proverbial thumb in your nether regions. Logging out halts the timer. Then you get to go back out and try to complete your quests, wondering if the low-life is still out there invisible. Can't use your aoe's, can't let your companion use them. Does that sound like fun to you? There is no way that a pve player should have to exert a continuous effort to remain unflagged on a pve server. The description of a pve server by Bioware is that pvp only happens when both parties consent. That was the hype and that's what we all bought into. All, in this case, meaning all the pve people who want nothing to do with pvp. This was promised to us. So far it has not been delivered.
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