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  1. I am having so much trouble with this class. Since Nar-Shadar. Now I am actually getting killed vs a pack of 3-5 mobs, whereas I watch Troopers without a companion rinse them down with ease. I have so far tried all 3 specs on Alderaan with combinations of all 3 companions and no joy. I have spent well over 50k on each of the 2 companions, giving them epics and blues all over and still have a lot of trouble. If I'm lucky enough to actually kill a group, or strong mob, I then have to sit and heal up after every fight. Only if I am extremely lucky with the crits can I run along to a 2nd fight. It's getting to the point where I am seriously considering re-rolling to something else. Anyone else having problems like this, or have had problems like this and resolved them? or any advice on this?
  2. In your experience, what is the best leveling spec? I've been having trouble questing (level 29) so I'm spending a lot of money to try and make things easier.
  3. The problem with the Sentinel is T7. In my experience, he is not tankey enough. I honestly think he needs to be buffed, so he can take more damage. I'm diving into groups of 5 normal mods and he dies.
  4. Something I'm sure many players would like to see in the game. A UI scale setting. I myself and I'm sure many others like to have a smaller UI than the default. What does everyone else think?
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