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Posts posted by Willowthorn

  1. Been playing for a while, thought I was pretty knwledgeable until one day I discovered that some of your companions come with Green weapons that act just like Orange weapons and have 4 moddable slots...


    Ensign Temple and Malavai Quinn have Green "Orange" weapons... there may be others, but I tossed them all!


    Don't toss those guns/swords/staves until you look at them!


    OMG really? /cry.

  2. That CNTRL+U twice is the same as WOW's "/reload ui". Quiting the game and logging back in to be able to interact with the UI was sucking the fun out, until I learned this one.


    That you DON'T need a mod station to mod stuff. OMG.


    That Reverse Engineering green items unlocks blue recipes, but more importantly, that Reverse Engineering blue items unlocks EPIC recipes.


    That you can choose which action bar your pet's action bar expands to, and that your pet learns new skills occassionally and with no warning. It's really good to read the tooltips on your companion as well as your own skills.

  3. I've played a scoundrel and a sage, and honestly, it is SOOOO much easier to do quests on those classes. Never any downtime, never any dying. On my sniper, which is still my favorite character...love the playstyle, love the class quests....she has a very hard time finishing elite 2+ quests, even when she outlevels them by a few levels. Kali is fun, and does good DPS for a tanky character, but she is way squishy with no way to heal her. Our DPS is good, but we don't WTFNUKE strong or elites fast enough...And there are so many 4+ pulls that can go wrong fast.


    If there is a droid in the pack that can be cc'd though, that will make a big difference.


    It does feel to me though that we could use a little buff at mid levels to our PVE game only, which seems like a companion buff would accomplish quite easily.

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