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Everything posted by Darkyievador

  1. Reduce and consolidate the patching! I have taken my day off to play today and what do I see when logging in "servers down unscheduled maintenance" - FFS! This is unacceptable and happening too often. I'll finish my month and swich back to wow.:-(
  2. Is Operative melee dmg (shiv, backstab etc.) only coming from cunning or also from strength? Should an Operative put points into strength at all or is it wasted for us? What are stats priorities: endurance/cunning or cunning/endurance (concealement specced with minor heal tree)? Also, can anyone share a good Concealement/Heal build please? I'd like to go into the concealement tree and add a minimum from the healing tree for self heals and off heals. Thanks a lot for your help and insights!
  3. thanks for your feedbacks. so there is a difference in the plotline, as I didn't get that kill mission now:-(.
  4. At the end of the conversation Lord Jadus asks to bow before him and if you don't, you are getting killed and obviously not working for him. I wonder what happens if you do bow - do you get any other special quests or rewards? Is the choice of bowing or not important for upcoming story or it doesn't change anything? Thanks!
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