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Everything posted by DPSita

  1. <Wookiee Rage> / <Wookie Rage> Faction: Both Website: http://www.wr.enjin.com Please Note: The website is still a work in progress, but it's up and kicking. Voice Chat: Mumble Formally from the Prophecy of the Five server, we've moved over here looking for a more stable population to help get solid, consistent raiders for our progression groups as well as PvPers and GSFers. We have a few spots that need filling on both sides, and we also want to bring in new blood in general as well. Progression Raiding Openings Republic Side <Wookie Rage> currently has openings in two of their raid groups. Progress: 8/10 HM Raid Times: Tuesday, Sunday, Monday 6:30 - 9:00 PM EST Needs: Tanks (Vanguard Preferred) or DPS or Heals Contacts: In Game - Reyprime or Yormiri On Forums - ReyCielo Progress: 4/10 HM - Just Starting Out Raid Times: Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 - 9:00 EST Needs: 1 Tank, 1 Heal, 1 DPS Contacts: In Game - Sonar-gin or Yormiri Imperial Side <Wookiee Rage> has three current progression raid teams, all of which are full. We can use substitutes however, since people do have days where something comes up. Bench players/Subs get first dibs on tryouts for any open spots. Raid Info Raid Times: Tuesday, Thursday, Monday 9 - 11:30 for one group Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 - 12 for the other two. Progress: 9/10, 8/10. 7/10 depending on the group. Our Complete Raid Schedule As Is Republic Sunday/Monday/Tuesday 6:30pm-9pm EST - Lead - Boon Wednesday/Thursday 6:30pm-9pm EST - Lead - Sonar-gin Imperial Bench/Alt Gearing Raid - Monday 9:30pm - 12:00pm - Lead - Sitaniah Monday/Tuesday/Thursdays 9pm-11:30pm EST - Lead - Erunian Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:30pm-12am EST - Lead - Dextre Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:30pm-12am EST - Lead - Sitaniah Tuesday/Thursday 11:59pm-2am EST - Lead - Emmi Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday 11:59pm-2am EST - Lead - Emmi Friday/Saturday Classic Ops 9pm-12pm EST - Lead - Joop Bench Raiders Both guilds are also looking for players who aren't ready for a progression raid team (due to either time constraints or lack of gear/experience) to recruit as well. Bench players get first dibs on any temporary openings or future permanent raid spots. Bench players also get first dibs on spots for our Monday night Bench/Alt gear runs - it's a great way to learn the fights and be guaranteed some equipment. PvP and GSF - Imp Side Yes, we do that too! Both ranked and unranked PvP, as well as groups for GSF (now featuring more Reghas!) are looking for more players! If you're interested or need more information, contact Professor'joo on the Imperial side for a talk and/or invite. What about Casual Players? We won't say no to Casual players - the game is about having fun with other people. If you want to hang out and raid or PvP when you feel like it, by all means! Contacts Questions, Comments, or just want to see about getting an invite (no, we don't spam out invites. Yes, we talk to you first - we have personality standards after all) here's who to talk to on both sides: <Wookie Rage> - Republic Side Sonar-gin or Yormiri <Wookiee Rage> - Imperial Side Dextre, Boonette, Sitaniah, Professor'joo
  2. We have a few raid spots open, so *update*
  3. What Rey said, <Audacious> is pretty awesome Imp side. And for those interested in raiding, I know we have some spots open.
  4. And of course as soon as I toss in our progress, it changes. Updated.
  5. Updated FAQs. We are looking to get some ranked PvP going on in the future, and I added our raid groups' current progress.
  6. <Audacious> is currently 7/10 as well on the Imp side.
  7. More updates! We will have a few spots opening up in the near future, so get in early!
  8. Still looking to flesh out a bench. Also, tossing in an update because we are now running four groups instead of three. One of them is just getting started in HM, one is currently at least 5/10, and the other two are at least 7/10..
  9. And the opening is closed. Thanks to everyone who tried out.
  10. Have a permanent opening! *bump*
  11. Are you Imp side or Pub? If you're looking for an Empire guild, <Audacious> is recruiting at the moment. Check out our thread in here, or you can message me on either Sitalih or Sitaniah. Or, you can always just whisper someone on in guild and see if there is an officer or if Dex is available (Dex being the guild leader).
  12. <Audacious> is currently recruiting people for swings to start, with the possibility of forming up a fourth raid group if we get the interest. We raid Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for Groups 1 and 2 from around 9:00 EST - 12 AM EST (the times slightly vary based on the group, but 9 is the earliest start time, and 12 is the latest end time). Group 3 runs twice per week, and the days vary based on people's schedules, but for the most part they run 9:30 - 12. We're a chill group that's helpful and fun. If you want to talk about it more, either in game whisper or message Sitaniah or Sitaih, or just whisper a member of Audacious and ask if an officer or Dex is on.
  13. Bumping because we added a lot more detail.
  14. <Audacious> Imperial Side Audacious is currently recruiting! Audacious has been around for a long time, we have a stable population, and currently raid on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. We have raid slots open! Raiding If there are ever openings in them, we look to our bench for replacements before outside recruitment. Two of them are 7/10 and one is 6/10 in HM Rav/ToS. Group 2 is currently recruiting 1 Ranged DPS (preferably not a sorc on the DPS - though we will not turn down a skilled player.) Interested? Message Sitaih or Sitaniah (or ask for someone from Group 2) in game for an interview and a trial run. We are currently recruiting for all roles for our bench. Obviously, people who are in the guild and on the bench get first crack at said spots. All roles are encouraged to join - people come and go, and especially with summer coming up soon, there will definitely be room for people to raid. Bench players are best for players who may not be looking into a raid group now, or permanently, but like to raid and are available as substitutes for when people are sick/on vacation/out, etc. They are also great for newer people who need to learn fights or gear since we have a Bench Raiding Night on Mondays. When spots open up on established teams, these people would be the first people asked to fill an opening. Also, if we get enough people on the bench that want to raid regularly, we will form another raiding team. There are some nice advantages to being on the bench: We will gear people who are on regularly with Bench Nights. Unless one of the groups starts running at 9:30 on a Monday, (at which point we wait to fill them up before we run the alt/bench run) they run on Mondays at 9:00 PM EST. You get DKP if you are available to raid, so you can partake in the DKP System It's a great spot for people who want to raid for, let's say, a few weeks during a vacation, or like to raid but can't make the raid times regularly. When we have enough bench raiders on, we will set up random, not regular raid groups for them. Bench Players who are on regularly get first dibs on any raid team openings If we end up getting another raid group together, you get first chance at the openings Conquest We are also looking to get more people on for basic conquest objectives. This includes crafters, people who enjoy running flashpoints, PvPers, etc. In addition to building a bench, we're looking to build a group of people who may not want to raid, but instead prefer to be able to get a group to run a flashpoint together in guild as opposed to waiting for group finder to pop. We're also looking for people interested in getting together for Conquest Events, such as hunting down and murdering commanders, getting PvP groups together, that type of thing. We generally place now, but we want to start pushing higher on the charts. Frequently Asked Questions I'm just starting to get this together, but as I hear more, I'll add them. Question: What if I am not level 60 yet, but I'm interested in joining the guild now? Answer: That's fine! We don't mind having people level up in the guild with us. Your rank will be set to Casual until you are ready to raid, at which point you will be listed as a Prospect. Question: What if I don't want to raid, and I just want to pop on and hang out? Can I still join? Answer: Yup. That's why we have the Casual rank - so we don't bug you to raid if you don't want to. Question: Do you have any groups running ranked PvP? Answer: We have PvPers that want to form a ranked group, but just need to find the right available mix, so we are recruiting for that as well. Question: What about Speed Runs? Answer: That's a newer question I get sometimes. We are talking about putting together a speed running team for ops, but right now it's just in the talky talk stage. Hopefully it'll happen in the nearish future. How to Contact Us You can contact us in many different ways. Website: Our website is http://audacious.enjin.com/ There is an Apply Button on the top menu. Click on it and follow the instructions In Game: You can send an in-game message to either myself (I'm usually on Sitaih or Sitaniah), Dextre, or just whisper anyone on from Audacious and ask if there is an officer or if Dex is online. If we're not on at the time, definitely make sure to send out a message and add Sitaih to your friends list. I'll add you to mine so we can meet up and have a chat in game.
  15. Audacious raids starting at 9:30 est on the Imp side. The days vary depending on the group. You can check out our website at audacious.enjin.com or you can pop online, message someone, and ask to talk to an officer about joining as a raiding prospect.
  16. Heya, Audacious is recruiting and it's a good group of people. We do progression raiding during the week, but it isn't a requirement. We are starting to do gearing runs on Fridays and Saturdays for funsies. PM someone in Audacious and ask for either Dextre or an Officer/Mentor for more information.
  17. <Audacious> Faction: Empire Looking For: Progression Raiders and Conquestors NiM Raid Progress: Both of our current NiM teams are 4/5 on DF Conquest: We Have a Guild Ship and Place on the Board on a Weekly Basis Raid Times and Voice Chat: Progression: Tues, Wed, Thurs at 9:30 EST, Gearing Runs Friday and Saturday, we use Ventrilo for voice. Website: http://www.audacious.enjin.com About Us We are a not elitist Progression Guild that focuses primarily on PvE, Raiding, and Conquest. We have two NiM teams, and we are looking to get a new, third team going. As for conquest, as people know, the more conquestors we have the better we get! If you want to join the guild, you should whisper someone from Audacious in game and ask to talk to an officer, toss me a PM on the forums, or put in an application on our website. Be prepared for us to ask you to run a raid with us before giving you a permanent spot on the new NiM team. If you have any questions, just ask! It's a great group of people, and we have a really good time.
  18. Another update. We've officially decided to start recruiting for another HM raid team. We need all roles at the moment. The group is going to start off as more casual, but we wouldn't object to it becoming more serious at a later time. We're starting from scratch on this so tons of experience is not necessary - I intend for the group to start with Hard Mode TFB, and then move through SnV, DF, and DP in that order.
  19. <You Don't Know Us> Faction: Imperial Type of Guild: PvE, Members Range from Casual to Serious and Everywhere in Between Do We Have a Capital Ship? Yes, we do. Raid Times: We have Open Casual Raids (generally Hard Mode) scheduled on Tuesdays at 8:30 PM EST. We also have pickup raids during the rest of the week. We use TS3 for our voice chat. Guild Progress: We've cleared all of the Hard Mode Ops, including DF and DP. Website: http://youdontknowus.enjin.com What are we looking for? Right now we are looking for people for multiple things. 1) We want to put together a more casual HM Raid team, and we're recruiting for all roles for it. 2) We are looking for people who want to do conquest but do not want to be in a huge chatroom guild. About Us We're a small guild that likes to run end game content. We have a guild ship, and we raid fairly often, with a scheduled raid on Tuesdays and pick up raids whenever we feel like it otherwise. Our guild isn't, nor will it ever be, a zergling guild that just tries to get as many people as possible. We're a guild for adults, and we understand that members play the game around real life obligations. It's a chill, drama free group, and we intend to add to it, but keep it that way. Right now we are looking for people interested in raiding, working on conquest material, or even just hanging out. What we are not looking to do is just invite everyone who feels like being in a guild, become drama heavy, or be elitist jerks. We aren't particularly family friendly in TS for the most part, just a heads up. We don't have a lot of people at lower levels, but people do have alts that they're leveling in general. While we don't mind under 55s, we generally encourage them to get leveling. Interested in joining? Apply on our website or ask to talk to Kaesha or Sitaniah in game.
  20. Getting some bump going. Everyone is recruiting these days. That time of the year.
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