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Posts posted by PrestigeWWide

  1. I'm not one to complain, but this is spot on. The auction house or GTN is terrible. I try to search based on things usuable to me and nothing comes up, usuable to my companion and nothing comes up. I have purchased items, went to my mailbox to get them and it's a refund because that item wasnt available anymore.


    I kind of liked the orginal EQ player market...remeber that one!!

  2. I played EQ for a long time..although in that one casuals like myself were not really going anywhere and just playng to waste time. I basically solo'ed a Cleric up to about 45-50 and that literally took 20 months or so! I remember getting that zombie bite dispell and having people ask constantly for the buff. I did like the slow leveling, the way that you got better at spells just by using them...divination, conjuring etc. I wish there was another game closer to EQ in the leveling and awesome crafting but without the lack of maps and exp loss upon death.


    I think every onc and awhile about going back but it could never happen. To get to a level in that game where most people are would take me a decade. I bet there are people that can solo planes and one sht those giants in the desert!

  3. I'm a little older so I played the first Everquest for a few years, obviously this game is taking a lot of different ideas from a lot of different MMORPG's that came before it. I alwats liked the Alternative Advancement from Everquest. It just made the characters all that more different. I was never a hardcore gamer and that game was always for the hardcore people so I never got to do the AA side of it. I guess the skill tree is this games version of it but it isn't really the same
  4. I am on the fence about the crafting system. I kind of like crafting by myself...instead I have my companion just disappear and come back with materials or items. I think it would have been kind of cool to actually play in these crafting missions, some of the stories would make for. Good time. I do like the gaining of new recipes by disassembling made items


    As for not having the best recipes...have you ever played the first Everquest? That was a unforgiving crafting system. Hours and hours of gathering materials only to fail and have to do it all over again

  5. You do realize 15 a month amounts to 180 a year, which amounts to 1800 over 10 years, which is just another thing you could save money on over 10 years.


    The question now is, competition wise, why spend your $$ here and not else where. I upgrade my motorcycle every year; started with a GS500F, went to a CBR600RR, and now a Hayabusa. Suzuki, Honda, Suzuki. Why not Kawasaki, Yamaha, BMW, Ducati, Triumph?


    Do you understand how competition works?


    I really got nothing to add to the actual thread. I enjoy playing the game. But I do however take offense with the notion of "trading up" from a Honda to a Suzuki! You should have stopped at the Cbr!!! Suzuki is for squids:)

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