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Posts posted by Siraco

  1. The OP needs to be taken out and shot.


    He sums up the general problem with pvp in most subscription mmo's.



    The mind blowing concept of pvp'ing as an act of enjoyment unto itself is alien to his psyche. All the op can conceive within their head is the carrot and the stick.

    They do not get any satisfaction from a victory, a game well played, a beautiful pass leading to a score, nay there is just the reward at the end, nothing else.



    I despise the op's viewpoint which is so common these days.

  2. Wait is the resolve bar in now or is it coming?.


    Because right now you can easily be stunned for upto 10s or if you're hit with a mixture of disables you can rendered useless for even longer.


    Also going beyond the excessive CC present a big part of the problem is that almost all CC in ToR is instant and ranged, alot of it 30m range and

  3. The medal system should not exist in the first place as there is no way to balance it.


    I feel for your plight but what else is there, you cant be given a ton of medals for sitting in the back lines and spamming heals for 15 minutes.


    On the flip side my alt powertech isnt 50 yet but I can get 8+ medals almost every time, 5 from the damage medals and 3 defense medals from spamming my 2 instant, ranged, taunts every time they're off cooldown which costs me nothing. I dont even have to guard and lose myself hp unless its the ball carrier.


    3 medals for casting 2 instants a few times.

  4. Your entire post is based on a flawed premise.


    I dont want to be rewarded for pvp'ing - I pvp for the sake of it because I like beating other players. What a soul shaking concept!.

    That bit in bold means more than almost everything ever posted about expertise on here.


    Rewards can be provided without a forced grind or purposely unbalancing pvp. Armor recolours, armor sets, weapon models, titles, a dozen other perks not related to stats.



    Bioware is too stupid to realize this.


    Blizzard knows this but they willfully force resilience gear grind on the game as part of their grind design philosophy (pun intended).

  5. You realise what is portrayed as a 'british' accent in american media is spoken by probably less than 5% of the population of the UK?.


    Im English I should know.


    Even though its a small island there are dozens of accents which vary in the extreme in how they sound.


    I would bet you the voice actor who does the accents wasnt even british, probably an american doing their take on the tv british accent.

  6. The Jedi seek balance by serving the force. The Jedi do accept that the dark side exists. There's various dark side religions other than the Sith that the Jedi don't mess with so long as they don't go conquering the galaxy and destroying entire planets. The Jedi also accept certain concepts that can be arguably related to the dark side. Such as death, sickness, pain, and suffering.


    While the Jedi only USE the light side of the force they do act on balance. There's been wars and other such scenario's that they outright avoided because it was the will of the force for them to stay out of it. It's also why they don't push the council into warring with the hutt's to free slaves.


    So pretty much they accept that the dark side exists and it isn't their goal to eradicate it. This brings up the imbalance when it comes to the Sith. While the Jedi don't strive to force the entire galaxy to be Light the Sith seek to destroy the Light and make everything dark. Thus Sith upset the balance whereas the Jedi don't.


    The reason the force had become so imbalanced because of two Sith has much to do with Palpatine's power and how secretly they've had their hand in everything without the Jedi's knowledge. The entire galaxy had been growing darker and the Jedi had been blinded to this fact leading up to the very moment of the movies.


    Remember, when Anakin confronted Yoda about his dreams Yoda told him not to mourn their loss. The Jedi accept that certain sad things are part of nature. He was telling Anakin he should accept it as well.




    Sith seek to control the force which is unbalancing by itself. Playing God so to speak.


    The Jedi seek to serve the force. Acting as agents of Nature so to speak.


    Here's one.


    Does the force seek balance for itself or is does it merely follow the will of those who wield it.


    By what you say it should be the former. If so any darkside dominance is doomed from the start yet for all their skill, power and knowledge of the force I have not come across any lore or tidbit of a Sith musing on this surely evident fact quite the opposite. (not that ive read everything, far from it).


    Seems the Sith pick and choose what they like and ignore the rest.

  7. I think there is a completely different meaning that everybody (even GL) has overlooked.



    When Anakin came around, the Jedi were already in the process of falling. They had become too strict in their training. Instead of confronting the Dark Side of the Force, they ran from it. They forbid temptations instead of overcoming them.


    This became a problem when Anakin appeared because Anakin was born proficient in both sides of the Force. Shielding him from the Dark Side was pointless and every time they did it just pushed him further down that path.




    Luke's training, and by extension the New Jedi Order, was different. They faced the temptation of the Dark Side head on so they could accept it without being overcome by it.


    Yes this seems like sound reasoning.

  8. No. The force was not balanced in the Jedi's favor. Balance extends past Jedi and Sith. Also Sidious existed during the time of Qui Gon and Obi Wan Kenobi. Sidious was so powerful and the Sith had amassed so much influence by the time of the movies that the galaxy itself was becoming dark.


    Negativity can be sound to be dark. Positivity can be said to be light. Even without the Sith there is still corruption, unhappiness, misery, anger, and hate. These things don't need the Sith in order to exist.


    Jedi and Sith have the ability to feel and act on the force but the force will exist regardless if Jedi and Sith do. The rule of two allowed each generation of Sith to become more powerful until they hit a level of power that was clouding out the light side of the force. The Jedi admit that their ability to use the force is diminishing. That's how unbalanced the dark side has become.


    The Sith weren't nonexistent. They were in hiding and building up power over the years while the Jedi had thought they won.


    You make a stong case, going beyond the material.


    Even so I find it difficult to see a situation where a small number of dark force users can push the force as a whole entity so to speak into a negative leaning which in turn increases negative physical effects in the galaxy like social order.


    Further, again coming back to balance, do the Jedi really want balance?. It would entail accepting at least some dark influence which seems anathema to the Jedi code.

  9. Unless im missing something the prophecy is a fallacy and makes zero sense.


    At the time of Qui-gon the Jedi are on top and the Sith are practically non existent. The pendulum is swung completely to the side of light, thats the opposite of balance.

    In that state an individual prophesied to bring balance to the force would be someone who would topple the Jedi's dominance and bring equal power back to the Sith.


    In other words there should of been a standing order to kill any such person on the spot.


    Instead they look for him and once found want to train him, huh?. To what end?, the status quo of the time was the force being unbalanced in the Jedi's favour what were they thinking he would do for them?.


    Ironically he did not even bring the balance foretold, he decimated the Jedi and completely swung the pendulum to its other apex on the side of darkness.


    Balance of the force would be a continued stalemate with no one side gaining the upperhand over the other.

  10. Interesting.


    Shame there's no explanation of how he survived. We know force users are durable but we also know they can die as easily as any humanoid. Quite how his flesh and bone body survived that im not sure.


    Must of been technology like a personal shield. Seems highly unlikely he could of used the force in such a manner otherwise force users would be far harder to kill than they are often portrayed.

  11. I don't think so. That was probably earlier in the war. Look how young and un-scarred Malgus is in that cinematic. She was probably just a Jedi Knight then.


    Im leaning that way myself.


    Is that actually malgus?, I wasnt sure because the end is pretty clear that whoever it was died unless their body is harder that a solid rock face. If that sith died it cant be malgus but if it is how the hell did he survive such a totally unsurvivable attack.

  12. Is Setele actually the head of the jedi council in that part of the timeline?. I mean its a cool cinematic but from a lore pov the head of the jedi order has absolutely no business whatsoever being on a battlefield.


    You dont see the emperor on the front lines shooting lightning nor would you see any real world general or high ranking officer intentionally put themselves anywhere near combat for obvious reasons, leaders lead.

    You cant lead while your fighting for your life in direct combat and you certainly cant lead if you're dead.

  13. Im surprised this particular item now only pushes so many of you over the edge.


    Long existing problems like the stims and consumables in particular. Allowing consumables to totally decide the outcome of pvp even beyond gear farm is one of the oldest mistakes of mmo's.


    Doesnt seem that at any point in 4 years or 100 million dollars a group of smart devs sat down and brain stormed all the successes and failures of pvp in high profile mmo's over the last decade.

    All they seem to have done is pretty much repeat every single mistake most others have made.

  14. The semi dot that does no damage. Weak initial and even weaker dot secondary.


    Why is this ability so colossally underscaled?. I can only imagine BW is totally unaware of the non existent tank aspect of pvp and thinks the internal component rocks in a metagame where every other ability is reduced to almost nothing by mititgation.

  15. Normally I balance thematic preference with more practical considerations to make my choices.

    In swtor the thematic differences are so strong that I chose the BH and I would still choose the BH even if the animation and resource advantages were in the Trooper's Favour.


    While thematic preference is highly subjective it feels like far more effort went into the BH as a whole. (and indeed Empire as a whole seems to have far better animations and style across the classes)


    That aside I prefer the BH


    Armor in general looks better in variety and detail due to its mismatch/mechanical art style.


    Death From Above is much more visually gratifying than Vollley.


    Wrist abilities and animations are rather slick and reminiscent of the Predator franchise.


    Rocket Punch - Feaking Shouryuken man. The Trooper taps an enemy with his rifle butt. The BH's rocket pack fires and blasts him into the air with a righteous fist obliterating the opponent for great justice. Im level 38 and this move is not even close to getting old.


    Jet Charge - Again rocket pack fires and blasts you forward in a nice animation.


    All the little quirks and idiosyncrasies of the class. Extending your left arm out and shooting a grapple hook onto an enemy, then pulling your arm back bringing them with it into a Shouryuken in the chops finished off with a rail gun blast to the face just goes together so well.


    The Republic has been so shafted in art and animation across every class im interested in its a great shame.

  16. Class balance is swings and roundabouts as any long time mmo'er knows. But the problems with hutball are more black and white.


    That the most common arena is also the most poorly designed is rather unfortunate.


    The problems with Huttball are many.


    1. World hazards. These are not fun, or dynamic, or a good idea. Yes some people will like them but if you look at the history of examples in other games you will see an overwhelming trend of dislike. Combined with the many knockbacks it removes skill from play and adds frustration.


    2. The pit at the bottom of each end. Nothing more than an extremely irritating time sink.


    3. Layered level ctf format in a game with profuse knockbacks. Mounting an effective offense on a guarded flag carrier when you can all be knocked 30+ seconds out of range/sight is extremely frustrating. It's problematic for offense aswell


    4. The airvents.


    5. Throwing. I respect that you tried to add something to the basic ctf formula by making the flag throwable. Sadly you then completely negated this tweak by debuffing the carrier to move very slowly.

    The initial change would likely increase the pace and number of caps making for a more frantic playstyle. By adding the snare you have effectively brought the gameplay back to where it would be without throw at all. The carrier is guaranteed to get farmed in a neutral situation with a throw resulting in near the original gain made had the first carrier not been perma slowed.

    While a player can be snared by other players, dispell's, aka teamwork can mitigate this. Then of course you have the situation of a carrier not under attack being unable to make a considerable push because they are slowed regardless.

    To a lesser extent while certain classes will always make better carriers some ability combo's can provide too much.


    It feels like you missed every mark here. Some of the above can be rectified some cannot. As someone who has been playing ctf in fps and mmo's for over a decade I dont understand how this made it live in the state it is in. Basic ctf map theory and tester feedback should of nipped this in the bud long ago.

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