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Posts posted by STRIKE_MAN_DOWN

  1. seriously why do tank assasins get too be tank hybrid spec? they pulling more dps then any other class and are near impossible to hit they could probably finish someone with 100% hp left ......... atleast make it so if their tank then their tank and stop letting the tank/sins do so much dps while their near impossible to hit
  2. lool seriously please stop. How do you think we feel as marauders when we are beating down on a healer and even when we keep on interupting they can still heal themself through the damage? there are so many other classes that could be considered op AND people are trying to get nerfed the 1 ability that makes a marauder actualty have some survivability?


    For all the people saying were god mode , go and roll a marauder and please take a look at how squishy we can be without any cool downs. or better yet instead of crying *omg bioware please nerf marauders/sentinels* try and play one yourself and you will see that were not OP. im 100% that 95% of the people crying for a nerf are people that get ownt by sentinels/Marauders so a nerf is your only way out.


    If you want our class nerfed , then your class should be nerfed too :) seriously it takes alot of effort too play and takes a while getting use too. the commando has their sheild that they put up then start healing themself? I dont see people crying for a nerf there?


    Just because you have personal experiences that are your weakness do not cry for nerf pls, you guys already got operatives NERFED INTO THE DIRT and now marauder/sentienels seems to be your next target just enjoy being ownt :)


    if you cant beat us


    Join us

  3. ok i loved this video , i can spend all day on this game sometimes , i have been through atleast 30 champ bags and 8 battlemaster boxes and i have only got 1 armour drop from it which was a relic , the chance of getting pvp armour is impossible no matter how long you spend on this game and that is unfair.
  4. trolls? i have 119 champ comendations the main hand saber alone costs 129 champ comendations what are you talking about? and in 16 bags they should offer abit more?


    been a lvl 54 valor why the hell do i want to be running around in cent gear?

  5. look bioware i love your game but your cap on champ bags was WRONG. I was all excited about becoming a level 50 and the fact that i also had 50 valor but now i just cant be botherd to play your game anymore.


    It didnt become a grind for getting champ gear it became impossible. im sorry but look at this i no lifed 2 days of my life call me sad in forums i dont realy care. i completed 2 weekly of and I done 2 dailys for 2 champ bags and have spent my warzone comendations on about 8 bags in total.




    and what do i get in return ? a champion relic? PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I HAVE GRINDED TO LEVEL 50 VALOR? and it doesent mean nothing because you have made it impossible for me to get the gear. you havent made me want to keep on playing because as of today i have cancled my subscription i refuse to get caught up in your NEVER ENDING grind . I mean seriously i can understand grinding as i am currently 54 valor but making champ gear impossible to get was not a wise idea.


    I am not enjoying your warzones no longer as i am a skilled marauder but usualy when it comes to fighting someone in full champion unless they are really rubbish they will usually always win. the ranged classes wont complain as they just range from a distance and everything is fine for them. i thought 2 days of grinding and i mean nearly 2 whole days would be enough to atleast get a few items but no.


    your silly cap on champ bags is going to loose you alot of customers mark my words on it.

  6. seriously why should a level 50 with level 1 valor even be aloud to open a bag when they havent even worked for the valor? they might aswel just remove the whole valor system as it seems like it only works for the BM gear


    you have to grind to level 60 for your valor to actually have some meaning

  7. I feel this issue should be touched upon.


    you have dedicated pvp players that grind to level 50 valor?


    But what is the point/.?


    When you allow a fresh level 50 with level 1 valor to also wear champ gear?


    why even make centurion title at level 40 valor when a level 1 valor can wear the same gear?


    you have made champ peices easier to gain, but the least you could do is make them grind to wear it by having to actualy become a champion before wearing the gear?


    i tryed to defend you earlier swtor and i know my thread will get flamed :) but i too am loosing interest very quickly and its due to alot of your updates in helping the cry babys

  8. Thank you slipz , and to saintz above read the part of my post when i say i can understand peoples complaints. I created this post to try and clamp down the number of people who post about them quiting,


    There is always that 1 person that writes " your whining about whining" i guess you came on my thread to write that im whining about whining so you decided to make a post whining ?




    Im making a valid point if you wish to no longer play the game then keep it to yourself and dissapear dont discourage others or try too in forums.

  9. thank you, and to the guy above who mentioned kids throwing tantrums about their quiting the game , their basicly trying to blackmail bioware into getting their own way and i wouldent be suprised if bioware actualy did listen to some of them.
  10. If you read through the post again i said i can understand the complaints. But do we realy have to know if your quiting your membership? Seriously do they have to share that with the community ? Are they trying to discourage others from playing it aswell by making those sort of posts?


    Try to see the biggger picture my friend

  11. i can unnderstand that certain people may be posting stuff that they are unhappy with the game as that is partly what forums is about.


    I log into pvp forums as i enjoy pvp and like to see what people have to say about their class. But when i see the sympathy cases crying saying they are going to leave i seriously cant wait till their all gone so that the forums can be a better place.


    I personally think swtor is a really good game , although it is still early so has not yet fully been polished but i will be sticking around.


    I play a sith marauder i love my class to bits but i will admit that maybe my class is as sqishy as it gets if i have no cds left. I can play my class really well and find that i can take out commandoes easily with a few comboes using my cds. i can usualy get them below 40% hp before they get the chance to start attacking me back. As for the people who claim other classes are OP please stop. Your only saying their OP because one or many kik your as in OP. A mistake i see alot of people make is to keep making different characters. Try making just 1 and sticking with it no matter how tough it may be at times.


    At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.


    But i hope to see more positive content from people. And long live SWTOR


    (P.S this is optimuz from the empire ) holla if you know me

  12. I can understand the pain of not being in BM gear at lvl 50, but at the end of the day if we have low valor once we become a lvl 50 then we only have ourselves to blame. For those that actually grind pvping it can get quite tedious if your doing it for long hours at a time. Before you start complaining about BM in gear and that you dont stand a chance against them try to consider how much hours of pvp gameplay that BM has put into his/her account. I have never posted a thread before on SWTOR forums but too see people crying for another update has resulted in this. Imagine if Bioware changed the BM gear rules and made it accessible for all players? This would cause the pvp grind to dissapear. If you haven't started grinding yet then i suggest you start, instead of expecting items to be handed out to you on a plate. And for the fresh level 50's with really low valor, you should have thought about trying to get some valor on your road to level 50 instead of spending all your time questing. You cant have or expect the best of both worlds. People are saying that the fresh level 50's will loose interest in pvp , but on the flip side if things was to be changed in their favour then the people grinding would loose interest as they have nothing left to grind for. I can understand alot of you want to become BM but just work for it!
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